THE L. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. CLOSING OUT SALE! T ALL OVERCOATS AT I- OFF. j_____ ALL SUITS AT 4 OFF. --- ~EVERYTlhING GOES. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT I OFF See these bargains before buying. W ADHA MS, KENNEDY & RE ULE. Ann Arbor Savings Bank'WRDSFAIR T!LS Ecesir ad Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stock$0000 Hl gi J '~ A Srpusin, is.rl :Ieue0om hruhd FASt lt ION dlE[T. Organized under the General Banking [awe {L T TEt(oed lotk-h i ito-ti- oti ttt-ied or of thisnsate. heceivea Deposit, boys and t j[ antV5h hc i t t oe. A. F. COVERT, looup. sells exhange n the principtal cities of the 3 l ... Mo.S oil '4 United States. TDrfts tasked uponjiottper;te sae tIi---. .W [InMnSos.'9. _ ________________ dentiflcaoc. Officerst:.. Sote t astoofo and "Dining. Make P Prep aratio ns Early! - ~ .A~... ..~ CHRITtId-AN MACK, Fes.,.Csr-rstuns.q W. SD. H onsndnN, Vcoe es , Ciiincs,215., 3c., 5 -. Woec-s,t00. Wfle ie soe rAdes, ooigm-p, c -wj ci. ~cx Ca ttn,.Xo.Coe s hier.WiKtiHttt CMPNY, 70 Chan t~er SBoton, Moo- 2526 CLIMEAYE., CHICAO. C o u b a ne~~~a~~l.~~up ' 1 fltP1.lAENIAS.Choral Union Notice, a t , oi.1 ioLnrotI i-N h((lorl i a[[ l DI.f ollars) '(it om n -o the i :;. r io riuth t- r orliiti )0- I titiFeib s o encioiotitiiililraioricafofocon-est, o -t> it;r d ot..itt t::li.illm ettis ertj « >rotit lyrot> iilooebttoittlt oytrfo r5 t r o yot ( olr ( Vril iy I-LfJ t l o b iryH itulrCorI. Ilonr ~'l- i7 0( liisit itead ciii o, tor ly, os e or hCilico hartflor. - ir a lii -t. t i tot it i tr1}i1}..A.exor il cai s lt' do'tttuldt'ictie:,fcrttu --ctive. MILNE Y AN RT G O SI ireooi i irtto5:0 tttte- 1o.Attr. ttO flttt tIt' Ciil (ikt 'I.ti iflboiiiot O( bas s ous re OShOcrs.,iot hio t J - -Atic'onitirii'sciettli' lit Ittl S t. n rMoA'RS naKM rig e-t ii u i i illi litril 7'l atst tilt-i aece -b al o cotitiscit cc i uhh . t olte l, ti o lis- 'I thtu Sli ii itr a ttt f1 llt otdt 3t tv etsa p Pp f.C . s(,oorofMusc, } etrit hiharno i lu t ItIliitttdii t t on e Y rC icgHatod i tr tol ttti it iirut hieryHal r c, '?, i5 ieeti u h ttc 3 us I' ic ru ily .I,,iAil xtaie .1ol r1 . I n Eiversuy ottl -r J0 rurult lirtuliliislo. - e naby itr .cj: E R ELA ta a.4Mrhl il eir, tunnt ti etututhuemoUionEal Qtlesthiordiitir n.I A cutrtse. tlt cio s t-t lErh lii itil titt GlitaIf I\ 1;z F.. W V it~tn t ihtinretdthe'dlInitei Cit tt i tti li.s oflis< MILI E Y N A T OO h i iii llat r - NTe ito eryHalto, irs h 151E31 sit m esysh a oe intl o fthe Ploih (Csto I Oii~tltil~fFS Int [I lO o'sirt otritSthisnlotoha iactersIDr.iAarit speaingtosttir irs t rik i 0 Imy ogosh 30 easotioHStentrillultte.' lit is st age (ae ilt o f ti it thed y h illu 01s S p i ('onjuc)-inii eh I u e otpt)- otoloi lo m a t . bottia ott illtot it y n s tll ofrilrs tud iand losetilic eu ri-'~l u~t (rie---- tio She t ittlthe 1ti t theng cc Slid l9 lire io ~ti titliorri( It ii atichapl, nug litii into it e ic .I t'se orryd ot Ae'Ste hurc lios btlei dl tr le gltou}thas. elsnsliiM lt Weory tis ht rot:tid best them otuioiotitis ite\r.Ac dtelus i1thli nYantfiet ibuleii oftea Ni SH OEc uliringt o f s to lsllr Nlir ii"t ,f n a Jeu 't e o t e l usic-e ito h a-, ato la lic-. I ri s l lut il t (itit l10 jttAhFto. spaiehol.tlstesu jc m te itilntliog. t s ciitri t u i q S M tI. Ira in.' - otto sceti-r i re sut lrtriitll rtie feo t embust1t titroli' ottittl511 tlid hUJ(t ttE S liI" goojuae l Jests. Shoee c reot etly s aoe i 1at~lly tirrorl, ii r rihili