-1c. of -M(. Tae
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dornna
the Colege year, by
Subcriptionuprice >E.101 per year, invariably
in ateanceS' Bgle copies 3 cents. Subscrip-
tions may be lett at ,the otter of the: DAILY,
at Stoffiet's, tith any of the editors or
authorized tolititors.
Communications shotuld reacts the otfice by
7 o'clock P. . if they are to appear the neat
Jay. Address all matter intended tor publica-
tion to the Managing Editor. All bonines
evening. This is as it ohould be. LIKE--FINDING_- MIONEY'. _
While iht fall and upring monthsLI E F N NG M EY
are reserved for athletics, the wicter Bly Going to Wahr & Mliller's and oave from 25c, 50t and 75c on every
season shsoculd abound in things of pir~ of Shoeo as we moot reduce our stctk to
deeper intellectual character. make room for Spring (Goodo.
tis being quite generally circsa- Fine Footwear Dealers,
lated among college circles that aI 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET.,
certain seniior lawt contestant for
oratorical honors hsas conmnitted TR US RS TO OR ERII
plagiarism tto sudh an extent that he I11 ) AJ13 I. J1iJL'L~ I LCUNT
shosuld be droppetd front the ton-, sIl M 'a''r AS.
ness PManager. testants.
THE U. of X. DAILY, I________________ 7A.Z JJF' CO_7 - T.AIIR _
Ann Arborl.k_______________________________
EDTORS. { 'RY Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
E.J O sss lY , it. '1,asgisngdtorihg n R iw y
Ct F. Dt;isto,t. '9:, Assistat
w E Boto S, it'5, Asist.t ( rl'Vll jj l.stluto .iic ,lA Al
.1D. rIuTa, toss.w'l93, Assitat-ttI
s. t, Iss5'.I. GLit.,IBsiness Mnniger. o i f Time Cord in eflit Sudna, Januaty '.,]4.
\ 11 l''i)ss, Y.R iii. 'lid, dosist an.t.t I SA
I IH Y ~ . 'savs of 4L55.105
C. '1j lSoticlo , ' 9t3, It. 1I,. 5 a yS':
If.It. Gtonmoct,'94l. tKI)CA 1Iorsford sAcid Phosphate.CIGNRH
NtiS E. S ltt Olus-.'itl. (C.N.'Swess'93llIsthessLEADtNG O O O F rBUSNEoSS. Stag' No. I., IMail aItisiticiowac...... il.a.m
Nom n.{o s'aic. 1J. 5. Aicosll, .4"14 I llitIlh i i si tts, e, l n it icet blinglss; nuine eahers; lrgus tdner nttiOsAii. ' goddsipin;spnr or~elsp ldredt5iu 1 Isse AsAs i' Acci .. 17.
Sllt lIstE. itc'issla . C. K te t.'.. Mly5li ll)pracicetbsit Ill SIlO )lyo n I- reotos lsiilt lecturs;t O urdayreeniro cerceptios;tNo .B il aFass is nrsc I425p. 1t
r YJslct V isIul se~ , iiconiisidi'r it undistra'll opensthe etits' your; coirecilt e cgrduiats great
' ,tiiimandl shiorthand grdeo s all aisteceopositios;t 54111515 1515 3
erunstasce s oie of til',lstst itcvs' lip lug expenises . ot$275 erwek itivt a mi- No.,l. 'silssil tt ttlI n .
tuni es that welxlssess '_es.torNxw CTAOU Eanod Lit of Studesits Who N .aladEpes....
141 10titsistiltWetl)55. 'itl:til L ake psciiitio nuoeto ksis taddrteNs. ti ss itstos' . 1."17 is.i
- 'x a lustis or si r v 'rlrkit c\i e sntwedsP. 0.OLnART. Preas. Nos.I6. SToledos Articiciimoidaiin . . ~ l <t. so.
'~RU ULIHN OS. strentsiglind111vigor to thes'eiitiresys150 Cetrtal Sandd slimes.
lii rehmnrn.asdoi"an;(siF $2,00, $3.00, $4.00, 5 Oiily' ttE1it SOuidli.
A moot excelletintilaglaocable tonit Is l45dWsiitr ~Toledo soniy, dail,leet'stti sssli
tar (Clob has provedl itself a complete lltd lappetizer. Ittnourishets anil iivig- N Evsery Way.tto iie lil c Itusiy
suiccess. The reception it met last orates the tiredi brain antoil dlty, itm- I1. tI. tttNNETT, 1.0.'--lttFIiiwtIl).
evening was deserved. 'lil wisdom plarts retnewed energy atii vitality, tsisiE 8 Doty 8& Feiner. OTsl. Paiss. Anetst. total AgesI_
of tmaintaining these organloatloselvnstefntons . SHEEHAN & CO. SHEEHAN & CO. SHEERAN 4k,(CO.
seems to he fully slesostrateshl. Decriptivtepaiohlet lrreosst apliccliois to
Raumord pCmheiaWorks. Pravi- SE O - ADdneR.I t1v
'hl;i rst stage (if tttite s'rBearetofiSubstilttcs and tImitiations. ORFONDTHEANDC TEXTSEOOKSER
versity dbaewa ia}attering silt- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGISTS. clbt was ahtheSitdrntsiooR te. SECO ntsEMse l r '
cess. Tlhe selettioss of the tight AtfbStdno itkfr.SdofilOIit5(111110 >
1al Hats te et lENIR~iY' HAUG E andtibysif 110t. We aro dlailyreceiv illcninmnso
tonstestants hddanou etdhad ndt Q N' g olee C.Txtbokslflgllll'the(i
talentof tts t niersity anti Ti e acheslsr sod soloistGitarl, Bansjo asid Tian- 0sc 1n llI i ltl-sils 'log ot lsos lts fb~
laeto h .nvriy n h oiia. stiudios at Elast wli(cll wt' ill ilfer a lt low 1rice"'. We 1(011) 1 ehol'retltl
three men choosesn last evenng well llF"s i''I s 1 .oo .l'1 0 as f1t. alltI C (rT1I Ia l tinllrlllO riilllllt(led us the (ttlltt. We
re present A1 iciil7Sl5 in the contsts 11 l'so 11 101I'tN toB osilIlects
willh \ViCisonin. hlieeIst 41shownPI $I,~ ~ ~ EHAN C P Y
ii lihe preliuminalry lebteCII (101 01
5 01114tha te srrligeiiiotI t. L. RUER ~ Uiiversity Booksellers, - State Street. -
dfebate]ins fulily met theiapprvll ? lS.S. tMain Street, - AsamArbor. Slg IA' O SlEgIAN&(0.S EIA_ 'I
of (lie studlent body. It noo au-
InahOS to 1U111the finl ,C 1onte :- 10 AT The '(1tilliIto of ()1l' S5- 1 1V N A BQ1 R1ENT SCI-ILER.
,clopliet asucciess toints14degr e, as VV sort ielott CI of jl o S~> L-dlY C. hoto aphr
the preiliinary idebate has resulited 1Oc, a e u(e1 7 0 r p e
Ill. A roilllt'e 'act Ste t'arrv 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE..
,;I I CO tlR 11.AIN ANt) 111iRIN SS.
'ri: ltrs ifse lls year011'p-Ollly llitle114"01E. S ESIS M AE_ r2^iNT I.
ineetmnfse hsya :; V . , J ;, -it i oratory asid debate seems ill le Tin' Glass 1i ate/I . If I -G7 NL O.ai Ds
'~oltlliff N OT I CE.T I 1105D GL TPONTS1013
ulnprecedentedi. The lnumblier of KhOINolatafis-isitctzes ophbn uto 011Im
thcose swho enteredl inl the variouis Aatch C\ clsos articetandy isuls I 11,Ioil lists itliistOt o It.l1"iTHRSDYLVE.,l MARC~H 2, 9
class oratorical tcoitests were greater fouliNs tanisI H' ti rea ne gv Jit so~. IIeansthaiisi e-l lt.il sl 11andil
than lUs~al, as t e believe the gent- at fie pitt a- ["'711.. bet.u giscldli 1111.atilill tliii't isle tisannhu t. OO R
cal interest of tihe class at large in R;EoOL O'N"2 ot C R le of all standad 1 1ad git State 'treat. -(1Xth
lis outcomet has been almost at the -_On__________________will_______________Do___
olaximlu.lkidesiithe tiltes~ltts been.Lrceived very- INCHES HO
thcere has heelsunuual0nterst 0( .1..0.1... Renee + De *!IMorayv
whier'e with thi'ef lst lltt'lliit' ,Anithe very ochoicest Candles S
sity debate, wicihi has occasioned
nunmeroos enthsusiastic contests
anmong thse literary societies, and
hlas increased the tuniversity's in-
terest in debat. In addition tile
twvo last societies are to engage ini a
series of debates, the first of swhich
sill occur netteek, Wednesday
11(11ors, fthe1110lein 1110s0Uliftd
Stites allioebeinlg sec('(ltoii illil
I'17,E ARE
EXCLJ'P1'tI ['"L.A(Y" 1 \'JTS.
Woodwaid F. G.
Ave. and SMITH, SOWS
State Street. & CO.
11 W. Washington St
wax3O1-sTE TSO_ fa
Miss Morr.1is as Rfetee.
PRICES, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
ISeatson saolera o t s' Jeweluslry Solure.