__ .0f3.I VOL. III.-No. 10. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. vacation, but no definite details can UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. be given as yet concerning the route to be taken. As is their custom a rand concert will be given in Anil The U. of M. Will Attempt to En- Our Glee Club to be a Strong Arbor and neighboring cities at t_ a Organization This Year. times to be announced later. The officers of the club for the 'he following members of the The Glee Club to be ReorganIzed ensuing year are as follows: faculty will deliver lectures, on the and Strengthened. - One of the President, Hadley V. Richardson; subjects announced below, this win- Best Organizations Connected secretary and treasurer, R. 1. Flint- ter, in the University Extension With the U. of M.-Extensive Ar- erman. Executive committee, Rich- rangements for a Tour This Year ardson, Flintermann, Webster, movement: Reese, Thompson. Music commit- Prof. Adams, "Political Icon- teeRcdo, Wetister, IPratt, only.'" trobably one of the best organiza- Richardson, George. Thompson. Prof. Demmon, ''English Litera- tiois connected with our great The complete personnel of the ture.'' institution of learning is our Glee club will be announced in these Club. To it we owe much for what columns as soon as the result of the Prof. Thomas, "Goethe." it has done tosard the material examination is known. From pre- Prof. Scott, "The Interpretation advancement of the U. of M., both sent indications we can promise our of Art." when ahmeadbra.readers a rare treat when the Glee Prof. Carhart, ''Electricity.'' Ann Arl at home and abroad. Club gives its concert in Ann Arbor, Prof. Steere "Classification in Whereever it has gone on the the date of which will be announcedt . annual tours, it has been a practical later. te Animal Kingdom. means of advertising the great insti- tution of which it is an outgrowth. The good that has been done in bringing the U. of M. to the atten- tion of all sections of the country is inestimable. A number of cultured and educated young men such as make up the personnel of the Glee Club would do more towards setting forth the advantages of the U. of M. than all other means of adver- tising combined. Nor is this all. To the alumnus, who chances to hear the college songs of his alma mater rendered by the Glee Club during its tour, thoughts of former days crowd upon his memory, thus helping to keep alive that fraternal spirit which should exist between the college student of today and the alumnus. Then again, how our Glee Club tends to enliven our col- lege society, by their enlivening music. It is the aim of the management to secure the best voices in college irrespective of class or affiliations. To this end an examination will 'e held in room 24, tonight, at 7 p. !n. Every one possessing a good voi e should apply for admission to the club and take the required examina- tion. There is but one way to obtain the best men, and that is by urging all who can sing to attend this ex- amination. There is an especial need of first tenors. It is desirable that practice should begin at once in order that the club may be ready [to appear in public at the earliest pos- sible moment. Of course it is understood that only the vacancies, created by the men who graduated last year. are to be filled. If these vacancies can he filled immediately the club will soon be in practice for the year. The club will make its annual tour, probably during the spring AGAINST CLASS RUSHES. Important Transactions of th eAth- etic Board, Last Evening. The Athletic board held its regu- lar monthly meeting in room 9, last evening. General routine business was transacted. Treasurer Sharp- less reported $550.63 in the ex- checker. Profs. McLaughlin and Rolfe, of the advisory board, werej present, and suggested that the $400 given to the board by the Lecture Association, be used in permanent improvements of the ground, and and that the association pay for all temporary improvements out of the regular receipts. Considerable dis- cussion as to what events should be included in field day, followed, as this would have much to do in de- ciding what class should win the cup presented by the Lecture Asso- ciation. It was decided that all matters re- lating to tennis, including the tourn- ament, to be arranged soon, should be attended to by the tennis com- mittee. 'Mr. Griffin was advanced $430 to defray expenses for the football trip to Minneapolis. It was the unanimous vote of the board, that the association do all in tlheir power to dliscourage all foot- ball or cane rushes, between the different classes, and that all en- couragement be given to make field day an important event instead of the brutal event of a cane or foot- ball rush. The Lehigh game was discussed, and Manager Griffin instructed to have the game played in Toledo. About 260 have joined the Ath- letic Association, and it is expected to double the number within a few weeks. Other members of the faculty will also deliver University Entension lectures on subjects not yet an- nounced. The University of Mich- igan joined an association composed of the most prominent universities in the northwest, for the purpose of carrying out the University Exten- sion movement in the west. The Board of Regents have con- sented to excuse professors from college work in order to give them an opportunity to visit cities at a distance from Ann Arbor. As a rule, however, the lectures in cities nearer to the University will be de- livered on days and at times which will not materially conflict with the professors' college duties. Each professor giving a series of lectures has prepared a syllabus of the lec- tures, which contains an outline of the work and a bibliography of the subjects, more or less completed. A quiz on the lectures delivered is held at stated times and after the completion of the course a certificate given, if so desired.' The list of subjects embraces nearly every line of thought, of in- terest to the thinking man of today and this movement will, no doubt, be very popular during the coming season. Yesterday morning the senior homeopaths elected the following class officers: President, G. F. Clark, jr.; vice-president, Fannie E. Nieberg; secretary, Nora M. Dakin; treasurer, F. L. Hoffman; historian, C. R. Hervey; poet, F. C. Laur; prophet, H. M. Northam; orator, O. L. Ramsdell. DETR H. FYFE &CO Oi. 183-185 wooDWARDAvE., OIT, - - MICHIGAN. P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR ANt IlMPOiiRilTER FIN~E ~~JOOI-~ENS, 55 W- FORT S2.., Detroit, Michigan. giQhmond Straight Qat. No. 1 CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smokers who are willing to ayalittle mere tlincthe price charged for the ordinary lreigarettes, will fSad Tess lnas s Auperier so allothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1Cigarettes are made from the bright- est, most delicately fravored and highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. This is the old and 0rginaluBrand o fStraight Cat Cigsasites, and was brsght nut by as isthe year 1875. Bewareof im tations, and observe that the firm ews as hel oisan every package. She ALLEN & GINTERI Branch Of the American Tobacco Co., Manufacturers, - - Richmond. Virginia. Coal ! 11 W. Washington St. R. E. JOLLY & CO., -SELL-- STT O']'R-y:,- I AND ALL STUDENT'S SUPPLIES.