'Wu. of i Mr. 'DaiIv. published IDaily (Sunday ecepted) dring thColee year by THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subsitittpric $2.0t per year, invariably arD "ate Single ctopies 3 tets. Sbsrip- tons may be let at the ethieroftth~e DILY, at Stothets, tith ay at the ditors o attthoieed tliitr. Cnmmutniations tstud rete ottetiice by tto'clock P. s. it they are ttt tppar the setu Jay. Address all mtter intesdet for ptsblica- tn to the Maaging Editor. All btusnsss ctommtunctiaos shotultlbeItsent o teSlBusi- nses Mtage. THE U. at . DAILY, Am Abr, Mih. EDITORS. E... a.1 t", wY, Lit. 'S, Iatnatgig btlttr. C,5. D5 llttt ,,it11 . Asott J l7 tis t 5 Owal .'I ds itttt. i01 1 - t, 93.i i v,11 I. T'ri ,'1 s~1- a l t'"t't.l 1 " I Ri toe firm, of 'iffint, Hitio, 1s stttitig utltcirculars to stttettts f various tcolle.gs tanid oniversitis offering great brgaitntoit essays tttit sermtons. The sttttr1111 oper- atled here last year, btut happily wrthtout succss. ''te butsinss deserves the tebtike it wiold recivec fiom tite L-nivityi orf Alihigant studet.ti Ouristdetts ar to brigh, acive, nt it, trill oior- able o ite'thi. ot'craiy "liny esay ir tesscspcalywe l'1-u: 1-udsle tu .lte Asoia tiont has mtatde' I 'ial arr'aigei . n so hata m ,tes Wihitcomrbiti leiiygive oeofH his inimtiabl'e ntertainmnts itn f'Tivcrsitv al, rday eening, ,larrlt ;. This year te assoia- tiont arrastgedl ftrinetiscnuetbrs it the relar cotrse,-more tialtcost bfore its its histor. Vihitn svc cotnsiter that suet tistingihed lectrers as Ingersoll and Reed werer seculred at an expetseostf, at least fifteen htundred dollars, besides tilt otiter excellent nttmlbers, it is rio sturprisinlg that te assoiatiotnoffec, this extra entetrtainmenst. 't mere allnonnceltlctt of Dlr Rily' appearance in University all ough to be suffcictnt to insstre a fll houlse Seats are now on sle at Mioore' and llosdis's Seastn tickets sdt not admit holders to tis entertain 105SF. Min11strels tonight. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Notice. LKEFINDING M NY 1 tateliteard that lbs report isLI EM N Y being eircullated to thle detrimntt of By Going to Wahe & Miller's and save fronm 25c, 50c ansd 75c on every Mr. H,.IL. Hegner, that he receitetd pair of Shoes as wve most redtuce our stock to pay for Itis servires daring the last nmake ronm for Spring Goods. campaign. I swishito deny Ihis.. -r- Thsottghdlr. Hegner sill a good - ___ deal ttf vork, lhe receivetdtn pay "Fine Footwear Dealers, whlatever. (A.1 i. B.,lACH, 48 SOUTH 3MAIN STREET. 1 t Charman De. Co.t om. 'tttI I L ,-V. Itlil 1 m sical crittcisnl r 1'T T TI - orst11~Wtleayati POTOIll I) JKRIERBIG DISCOUNT wl e eno 1ensa an R U ESFrida dat _I.IWclock, nutiteroonm. A, A, Scox LE.1vot ' .1 ''HI rr ISAYS. 7" fic ?lR,.ie oeo Ann Arbor and North I^ Michigan Railway. thl i ' It~i"'I t, 1()tl't' I'S 1011 \etl'tl. lis A ttt ,FADNttG SCnOOrLOn'BUNo S Sen. Stag' ?No.I. :cllai 1111 t 5.. . . 2 l.i. Iteldl~t (ti t lt's t~utof ll'fIrt 17j'i lli C 111111dtil(. tie15s; ltS eigllatrdye e i ttgretions;s litlvllst licsF eo h beit 115 -3 . en ete tyeas,r o di at ratsi reattu N. , 'l.tii .11111 l 'T3' . '. I t iiist t'o oeti F.ri i i letl .\ $2rv 00, $3.00, $ n raduate allticure pteteons h2,it(i 1i'lltt' ittlli ;;is. '(lett' es.I "-NWC~ P oU dLK6otySt F enerwh . t's -,Ael.ssiA =i.eSailipt its ztr stt.. ....s......cd';' srmef~ew-i nvi o tllWie ekltro sa- SP. lli R.&(NCLE.FeeA. &(0, SIE IA - t(',17.' $,. .d. .ETra BOOKS d'l~( .k lmst;f'XN leil1{Ifl A t ('J,E'iAt the toill ttt'Q lll IIhsll . 1- tdtl, i ohhP ttsiuti g t 1orates 9the 511red xtlI 1and119o~l, 11- 'v y a . pars en wtt ee y i t Slt ' i I''uh shti 51 itlh't's'', NV.hIs' t io'N I' We kt' t' 1 1 'ttn de c a .In.Etert,---ttn-Abue - H - sylHAUI' I ltth tien &' Bo.kstor~e .IAnd& t). savIINIGo1IIOIAN & ('( r ( and-_{_______ 3 SOOT p01 5TH AVltrE, r(1 1 ttt(sbtthtANeOo 1' l1 tON vie, ti 11itesn,15isistrE .SHE H.- ANGER.C MPNY r j ete-ty sovseiseiotttrBookussellers,_______State_____Street._______ S ore-. lsim.'Sttree uri J 1:ntnt ro r.'t - NO1EElOE ktCU. SItW J1111 GLkO rL,') .IA eIQCO. lO.tCO tNA't'IISN S1utla1\II ) HOT LUNCHES1, - Jtwsly s e llsso r vi aletysis>i ani I 5I T iitti Irsid j ert ltstt isi t 'seersree.lsInefine islt' eii'ittsl isiiosan n- I2 1 N D 0 7 , la,,, -layseesl dans llcastoie't, an utitlilitist to at-, !Osss-ete 25'0O'IS ttte urts ard :l O AStirJosea .oCo.'s.lw d'n't e S. S. for tylilt'i' S titsoothe-r'.Se t-t.pilere s a itilltrat EMEtRsAe , L So gsiisottiteeto'tyon4 , ani t tis oe-halt'.t', and ir tte' PsiERSodlunchetrssesttrhtnst.fthe3 lay , a PRCESd-tningaht5. ' MTK U ' (ITD ctlINCTIT e Q C &OO~t. StNOa2W. Street;ST -ETC.2TETC0. 0 J'