THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE, ?I~~~J1 ALL ()VIiCOAT'S AT J- OFF. ALL, SUITS AT ¢- OFF. ALL SINGLE PANTS A T OFF. As usual, the first in the field. The ex- treme styles now ready at See these bargains before buyring. W/1DHAM8, KENNEDY RE ULE. El r2 S2L Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ass Arbor Mich.(CatpitlStscks, $50,000, Surpluts, $150000. Organtized underthe Genera'at tsknrLtawn of this Stats'. Reeives Dteposits, buys andt. Eellts exchstge as the pina'ltptcitiessote Unitest States. Drat'scashsedt Upton spre idetifiato. Officer's: CHISiTIsAteMACK, Prs., 5W. 5D. HRIi AttN, Vitce Pres., CHA. . fHscocK, ('sahier. {{.41 ty 'i , A ).l'rls a' RAN DALL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 30 E aast urnSte , SIEE A RNED ANn SECOND SEMESTER 2] Years in t~e Busines.? I5 n t &4~ii Excelsior L uudrv, CITY'" LAUN~gDR, C (apitl, $)1i,lotl. Sttt'"t;'atnd 11nt, Oh r , 10.'. It tA ) t tilt1S St I' aledfo MM. S haolt. No.4 N. Fouth. St. Dosit gents'al ttssla0 ')tss"-', . it s - aa' t I A ec 1 E.0C ERT, rp __________________ trests)) Saisis'Deposits. 1tto'- -oe ____________ ________ .K. BARBER SHOP. tnieaittun'i ' tO in . ist, t ,tes. 0' 1. ttStl1, )toN,) .. .1___________ Fine Shonwer Baths, New Porcelain i LTH1E AiO'GUS. T it) 1; )1 )shl)IU ion ' ser iesttuSong ttrI- .I )c I. I Baseball Games Arrangedt. ("kAf OPERAtli 1111 '1:. Go to I lladljtt'el's fal nii~ etragedl 11wo1gametsowi 11110e1DetroitI fore thte pubiic sill ippeartai'tSt' t pera and) sec''ontd-handttlT OK xi- .OO KS. AitIelcGlbs i i. ltilun ay,1 5)ltnttttShavt'aimitt'ttatltelhight it 'ira's' Aptril 2so, te I). S_.(" .s still iross ( ttttlt ' l is t' Str ~h'' ttttl o ey, e h atttt'eceidal stesupptly ltbats wiithite 1,'. oill. t his ii tttl blieve thSleyp1))'att'suc'eeded in1 of (Gteek, Lat, (Terils anld Ilet'icIti. 11115teatt will play'a attlit l'eotsistencly lie ts' betllent'tsacr''b i 1"s'ettchlassic& N Eye'AND glrl t'1 attitII 'tip'111ls, s ~all sitsatiotts, lbst 1)1e)'based1oit) 1 lelroil, 11n Saturdaty', I;lfly 20. j00tsintcot'ttsiot'ntt witJ)1tts i1'sitS SEC(ON )-il AN I). 'lThe Ioatlagslellt atrranllgedth ese Ynkelfwicss rtae i t puitis unny'enongh initt iselfto Swo dales lat Riday' whlile ill DeI- lrtmgdo itetttttstett alyltie. WVe offerte largest ttntdlbest troit. 'The I.). V C.5 tre aditi- Tltey earry ait itte'band)and1 atta str~at, antti a))1)'a seerylftanty H)i)1 unitque NtteIBooik illtteite iy fot' 2te. tedly oveakth i te biox,1an(dteir parade adtta1)1t noo o t y to'fte sows. tmanaiger ItmadeitlIesfoeSrt t toltc're If o-sat fuil, g'to where finsis. Ile- Bi'intg youtr secottd-itattd 015tt tl cas ttlr fervest sats 15fttr sletatWatits 's'1e.r' 1 Text-Liooks. school cioses. (OI cottrse, thsis wiii BSNSS OAS hits' to be idecided by theitniviid- UIS0 LOA. W/ ahr's pookstore -- isco ereP (obtl ixCN, py eastt aSt htas for years been Sternainstay of 1aOIiLHf(,US, jtust ttarths of te Pst- 20 S. State StresS. c ieisrst 'ld 'office, ltaa ste best hsaiks, clarriaiges, Main Stjopp.Court 5eto t tam, hasOlga)fitd iethn tttrses int tity. 'Try GOODSPEED' S 10 Oo-'«s. SAMPLE CONGRIESS SIIOE SEICITEDSI ONE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED S