THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. rti- YJ; -RA ALL OYE~tCOATS AT 4 OFF. ALL SUITS AT ¢- OFF. _ _ As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. ______Creme styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. W ADHAMS, KENNEDY & RL UL E.~ W A Ann Arbor Savings Bank 12] Years in the Business. T'41 anklrf ad 110a W tally. Excelsior Laundryv, Ann Arbor Mich. (apitits]Stack, $50,5, C T 'L U D L Y. (0iis ts ti.ts'ptst_'slt,(saaASP ISO O f T a't. ofethisstte.nsdee'tet' Depne itibunhiandL KM M. Seablt,No. 4N-Fourth St. Does a geeal SBank lte btsat1'a. hi a d t ceels. .A. F. COVERT Prop, clls exchange onathe picpCti es tthe titt essacigt Ska!tes s a le t , United States. SDaftsasea d uonprpriilpe. i ietaeI-. a'Ssie dentitatio. Oltites tLiitsta~ ) T 15 T t . 55MF, klrS 1a l !t ahe c.s .. ~ w O.tssss ts e te., Oe.~ K'i.EkARBERSHOP. lfatkencsseatudat'ssettios. -u (1r ica Si. Csher ;Fine Shower $itbs New Pornelain TTH Ad 7U7"-1, a St]I. i~ °t.(nr Wz)Iecac I- . . Tllt.tANMVltllI. FINE J I fIs4 a' t .n athl o stT ss1' lt Ill-S '. J.. LS: ne'tanmatrough ,m°- i',dEJ A t A S . '3^ .(,t , mo si t a t a.. cal lssoomfoitand lastig. \ vika Preparations Early! 4 I I i ~sslt'' a' it'~ M , .>.,35. 5c.Wo~rr's, 50' . ttaeatae Mid i~sa.eo a. Ho.tssc lhoksail u71)~ syur.f' at (oluttt'5tatrtgttltti t, £ r Usllforttwo ei'a« WUKEtNHtE CMP~AN,76Chastiy St,1 isto, Mc 2526 CLUMESAE., CHICAGO. tt entss tamp. Poel ' . o Ifatttt (It OF N1, CAEDACLENDIAR.Minstrels at Ypsilanti. lsNtsVi hs atIal We. iht tat sil nts ',iet'l' ei V1 Li2 mitorXellesae her oss i tofeCAS ~o R _N DA L luro~ os.The paradie at at G 711. s t y tyalsigtciStice. BItL i 'edLi aL . , Fe a.StepheitA. titssslas at i:- I theeemoto rs at ai O iee.:- p FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. I tesity bllttl. ittl fishe ' stsr ase lite wiellstoal}those5(1toan i 7:l o P lasltio eiclsock J. l l s te ea to ue A wih o - MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! Titntie, Pel 'stl-leil faseiet. or leave' ypsi. at 1 1:15 p. n.. P CAS L S '0ieas t Huro , sieetlesiti:at,'tili,, ,and1 'wil tttcouiiuiosattt tvio hin- Ihr ", ''l.-.nitrl', selisrisisissotest i redl persons. 5 1 iNbl~a lilAl'tP '' etiitats tt iteilsiitnoiuws ssse tt ti t. EUSINSEiaLOCALS. ~ 1 r' it'fliW 'I it ticis t "o s cit i M xtilcs it ilt.1 El aSchn i. IIi\'( A' X ti' p fra' i ty l lsilt 'ft Is' "ED(-(1.1:515 TOll -- s illti a sis ittia. at 1 11.tis(tNl a s st i tissi eoldi ii itte lslsl stti, l arbt'rtSth un. 0 oti R M () 'ia .1c r~uitr.tla"a~wtcoic .Cp1iii i 'fjI It ll( ' ' pt i(ts t il l i tz 'sal-f080 atitsr sttt"tinttite'. S elust's i ' et Si'Ry oi'' ti't'tia sau r-l' sliut'la 5oilta l s 's1.reets ll - O Up. ourt ouser isrsisits 5oetst i n si ls ts i'i t it t'ttlt. lige sift ('t. 'sst'iss'at llstNiitss g . '~ rlni s ie i ocruc Ml a e~' oa ny t l~ cr . Id 'sissitti lilts tssilltbeepaidlf'rsittsra- M~JItJ1'IJu IE ''Eff I 5 ,tta dt SE O DAn Interestingf Opeetion, fewtLet Inlital 11 ,'ii.bIt gil'iis 1) E I' I NISENTS - -__-,ssee 1 asli ',S tit lii ,.it 14p.Il, I The.. clinical oit iantalr S d liues. veeninttSt3ii e ll~tli' - -' ' " iIT (Go to Healdqurters tobft- lil11ew5filiet o o'tliosstieiei i 0,ad.'eus,.ay vstnn 3 rg, 'T'uesday afer- c( liyay rlttls at ,tstl1eyeact" 10,LandJiJ it Itti 'r t ''i'ciseul'~itrge SIPIiIforma tlpartonmy. 'ITe aient pulpi l io Th suavanlcelss Iue'dal J1.1L,~S We have rtce iv'I s;eriiargStlt liutptlyl'evening sc'Ior iperonstlSi 11117to prsa- ferst ice aslidnsI1. N (I lilgel b IL s i51 O(NE 'WE FE i ONLY. of (sleek, LatfinS. (i an and lilof tremaendiouts sie. 'te op(erationlwi! 1 lIbliclihatll. lice itlcot et i0'sN NE rve obeanc tonl a e eaiti ttlto t' adinuiotn of i tls. /lia FrtenchCla('ttsics NEW A NI.Dtoet ttb llSest'ltool gitoffice atiedresideclle,cetertranctS,,lL GOOD S5.tJ±tDiI.S and seriouis ones, thle titmor wseiihin~g No.Ilis 511 51.ai11st'('etonetlcit.k wst a _______________________ SECOND)-HIAND). tpuns.ofStit' steet atr l Iic tlld liltm 42 (1000(5.Oil go~0~ undfoo.sIitaivelyIo Sisitor '1'' Wsse off S'er it rgest tat.1d et a dmiltted. 11lmust b le Iuils h.Stitly }. IiI. Ilrrimtan, lit '92, ias re s ch', lor d '' ISSIAR'7ti N't Note IRtok ill the city for 25.S 'turnicd to 'ouliege for setoittismete~lir i sr(o ti.'11iF Slit'l' 51lS.AMiE Big ill ourtl' siicttnl-lttlllt ork Stn'ew ontilshlist course in ladanctledi tbi(t S I) E BrneB arrY 1). J 'weiip.. (ta '12, S IIs(iLrltcDiStiiI ni c' Textf-Iiotks. ws dS151tSon ycstterdaya ttendlinlg lihe'tueSs ts.elii t netiicltg 5w iiiibe ISI mleeig tf tue i'olit' ai Science y5 k'httrSdti15 thie. odsti-at riSe oiocik, S n thei.smatl roosi ne cx t tsoium N Wi ahr'S pookstor'e sociation adlooking after the illAi httni ifrnthu f ()EWE NY terest of lt' Law j ournalc. lie is m tngt llb01 iie ciosni, sci s toli 205 Stts tret.Houe. on hitsay to Dectroit to atend te accommalste thoset wishiing to take G OOD SPEED' 20 S.Stat Stret -