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February 22, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-22

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of *IN' T aTUL3. den tstwiiil leaveo immediately alterLI E F N NG O EY
the address this afternoon forlDe- Bly Going to Walir & Miller's and save front 25c, 50c asd 75c on every
ulisheti iaily (Susdtys ecepitd) during troit to attend the Msichigain Club hiar of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to
th in ore eamrby baut. niake room for Spring Goods.
Press Cluin Election Notice. -\!
- - The election of officers of the 'Fine Footwear IDealers,
Toy. campus item yesterday which Press Gino) for die second semester 48 soUTH MAIN STREET.r
ieiitionedI the proposetd theological swil take place Saturday, 4:30 p. in.,
emniy An ror ntth . room 1i, lair building. All meni--zip a--_fF\T~
,fu.ln ul d haveruii ncnt ionhers are urged to he present. ]TROUSERS TO OR ~lllIliII m1TDISCOUNf~T
M. Itcoul have110 iiiiiecttu CHAS. A. l),xlno , :pres. "'

withi the i nivcrsltv.


Tuli newrs that the Legislature ~-T~~~
wrill visit the University next TIhurs--____________________________________________
dat~~ trl i inii legelelwt 2RY Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
pleasure bliv ecrv student. The f jI''sj E sMchgn alwy
visit of the legislature trill proibably S N s
cay t ii favY rorfs t.I nuversuts' bills ( D1It. IIf it iii x Ivii
tot Itllna , andi it is lt be hopevdN.IL niss iiFO/I.~ i m uLrdnftnlats,ti nto 2Ibx.
trill otueti the eyes iof theutmemtbirs Horsford s Acid Phosphate . In Ooe 0it i At t
4Lfto the extent of a sipeed passage of I hlviiuseitoritt i . l yerit lt
tse one -fifutlil luill . In ansyoitly insmy practice, but ire my 05wniiin- ! (oN otr
uividnal caste. u1it(1ttusbtler it utdier till 0u1catonno rnssn.Ssg sItt ut xlr. . .i
event, a lpersonual examuoi tisuti ittthe itstiftst ntttv ul tding,;nine te ers;larev sttdstvve; -toti :2 rtA-nt itArt yr AScrctnt..lit0it ii-
ciret'uinisttttiers oletu e etu' \ U goodiei p e lteerrwor; sell tntpiedtreat'ding 'Nheo. i>. \lit 1d
itistitultisi Ity cacti nuetub er, can tu is t t wetpisvl sess. FI-ruyeit letcx- osnvr, dutey ear;t'uittt nditttu vval tg rd tetitretl titiiiituP.i
hattistioun or tie crork it itvs rc it et-us cut nd;shorthnd igrad~uuvs altvvsere ositins;G0 iGtUTI
scarcely restilt utherwise tbhsar, i in .( it .uexpensest$2. to ,.5 pewe'ineivateufrm ,
StE , t u<tu i 1' i t.uti-t hit'e \'- o.2 Til-t in Iutunu i:-
te~~vtit I th~~~u Ox ie. cin-.oveuutrrot~tunLis'o t un idnuts st t '. 'nt uiiit oi
placevg the t uiersity i1i a mtore trite unlkultnitioriu n wc el k~adritN . i4. '\iii d Expruiesn........... . 8 . i.
fasorabie light, and int Iring-igtugis Aitmust uxcelet li icl abttle tutu00c300$400 5 e et OuanrTuite
deesmsuore frrcibly lo muindu. sItandliltetizer'. It nuruiisheis anituviust- yQ 30,$.015 ;1ai ~ctSn:
y rinsi and 6tiuntitt en ~Alutti ututi o r nttt i
oirates thu tin-lred iiiutatdlbodytlyliiTPitto(onlys antI hitut uuutuutu'ul ii
A(VuiOxDI(;to Ihe folluinig trout 'phrts renew°e lierg lgy tuttllitysltutuE
thse Puirue Eu xponienut, baseball at enliveinte fuiouns.N . -i.vI ii NN tx--, us. S. v(1nHi NAtt tut
Pturdue, swhure see shall udoubtless Descritive tutuptint freInt'l'"i i tiu to E s Doty & Feiner. lviGie. a rtul. . oIdAet.tt
play' this season, is jutblegriuning to Rumf'ord Chemical Works, Provi- -1 N. P 1 VlNN..((

S'attract attentiont1: iit',u'ue ticL-1talMuitni tout 1t-1 J1u.i1..u]
WYitluiui the tint fits' seeklutihselll E~CU1ND-,HAND
hats takeiu uifewstepusforwardu. t thet FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ci \JJ
lint tacutiip of' the tearati iptutuand .HE RY AUFOR THE SEC(
mtanager sierr vleetedl. E'utOliii, wto IIE'AtY TAIJe Stiuetlois' l ouhsstorve.;
'eahradsooits,Gut. 13n Atan the
liii the tueaio lsst ysear, uvus gisvetthe 1 Toi-.st uio tit i at bt' i t. Wv i 'v
ecittiiiiey fur uiustisvr'ytar. .this year, AIScYIinx lSi t itiON18, ncJ t t l sutist l-cui
wtiti so muanty'goodiumen to useletntio , IRuos.xii. Stat-St. ~
weii' e O t thiu ndem r liltcotrioiil 1,11luu Eaitstlu-i itse till tiffer'at lvii
ivilllit av a crutck biall tem.st I I. f I). andICGieei1 cv -S niu i eG( i'u tttu iI dtih ariusiuu1i- 'i-
trill noi doiutilris 5 totbe tutu exicllciut L. GRU NJER, P S lHiE El-H A,,N &J
itwuutupCu urlu't~uueiit tct University Booksellers
11) ita thu ituite,"put Stiutatutu iracti-cl ___A ror_______islito_"crownIthe;EIIAel Sc with511 Eou
thutucl.ak ll thu r dutithe li as-i
uhrd. il11pthe thercoleesh ' /it t t rut t Ii t: I j; e cI ANN ARBOR
.lel -teidwtohl wr.-c1x.Jor . a'lli1: four shuss orato ruecal cootests ii TPT L-TIsT'D7 Co
wvill iiicutr sitsthe udatesumueitioned " I~IsJ~
it slt-C f-i clu2a3 ear MSOUTH FOURTH AVE..
askedl ho slate shunt the countests are Ntonty h inrigt, Suit isnitl other E. S. SEPAVISS, - 11{ANAGER.
Jteer-us well, ouir varietyhisrichiand ___________________
olpens snly tutnenubers sof the ce- irv . iirItEsnli ,d~n
slective classes, not tlethue getueral nortiorti uhCues.Outoru u Cttu o
ptublic. This plau is followved out DIAMONDS .sf Cututdywvbeiyoucuts geshuistis goodntit It.1It.
OPL order inoItreserve te Otin PEEALS o Jolly & Con'. Sir titu'sturgo cor style, Sutt
itPhrortos EMERLSgivie ituovolt, uni t hut isone-hirl. Hot soul
froni beitug trashed uponutihts'public P AR Scoutditunhes atitillihoo n5octe doy unit iighit.
ernosdtatntu mte utIS Ul I tI IouN R. F,. JOLLY & Co., No. 26 South
eQu deCcilgttsbun h UQUIE iSTERS. State Street-
interest of te fisal contests. Te ETC., ETC.
various classes shonulsi take a lively - OT LUNCHES
itnterest us these preliminary cots- W5ATCHES a ohatuu e oremtost
twttelitot cure. It isnuiruiuuu to tenore And the very choicest Candies
tests, atnd give te trators ecsuur- olsy thumosit Ipirftttimepliecesotliii -
agease ut and inspir'atin tots 0rho ieir ftnrirsiuuet-we. ak seitati t t io nLt
ttoeourtownsspeciaiuu.uG. S.,TU.TTLCoSs
lbes. iioratour talinitg to a solthid itmovemet. Theluostn pciurcty -u.48 Not itSt r:lSi vTnnET.
tiniuorae m oe enit;extaint.
phalanux of enupty benches canntt
be expected t do liii best. If the AENE N STATE FG. z S AE3L ,z
nienmbers of thue classes irish to see STREET]i SML ITH, I
their bent oxen sin. let them sup- DEtTROuIT. S ON'S Oa0 ,
port him iwitih theirisresence at the &C0. 11 W. 'Washington St
class competition. t-L ~~

sttudets , sate C lsf il l tut ututuis
:iy' receivlug Csixtguuuiits rut'-7
('uslsei r e Tet Biuulkn fromit bte .
usIuu'uuu11lr'ul bhuthn 1Isus-t . A'o
hte hBookis intthts'its.
- q State Street.
,1N & CSO. SIIEI AN & l'-Co.
hoto jrapher,
! tOi-t-AEl 'M AN t l :)litiN -.

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