THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. WE ARE AGENTS FOR GENTLEMALEN:- I li ag 3f ts We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that ou ,Sid VerqIaIR's$a s Stocik, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class cltig oug\e' ANt) ILODGEMIAN'S MACKINTOSlIES. EXQUISITE FURNISHIINGS. PERRI1IN"S GLOVES. We wish to announce that we are going out ot the Read}' Made made up with all the dletail, care and skill. whdch characterizes thej Clothing Business and substitute Merchant Tailoring and Fine bestmercanttailrin wor. iShoes. On account of this change we shall sell all our FINE BOX bes uerhat aiorngwok.OVERCOATS ANI) SUITS AT ACTUAL COST. Call and exanisne. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule.e. AT THE TWO" SAMS. ... Ann Arbor Savings Bank AnntiArbsr Mitch. Capsital Stock,$50s,000, hSrplus, $50,000. Organiedsunde the Genteral aahisg bas of this state. RteceieissDeposits, busys ansd sells exctsasge ontt he pinct5t5551cities sf the Unitest Cates. Draftascashed ussnspsoere dentiicesato. Officers: CRItsttItt sets, Pres., WI. D. HIi MAt N, Vicetres. AT .FRTA st sie. .issttCste. If PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! $ - ATIP. 1AST1rR18irir CI I M 'sU dew a --sTHlE AROUS-. AT LOstSPRItCES. FTN TSCHLETR, } l'o()tlNsliItt tN SiNOitD UROtN sTe,-. OIN SATtURDAY, (OCT OLEt,1.5. .wAGER&co., -Tailors a:- itc nishers. I (6P GIBSON, PIOTOGRAPIIR IRANDALL NO. 12 W. HURON ST. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! OLDEST IN THE LAND. 30 East Haeon Streets, Cantinuiedi feamcleat page. been met by funds raised by the S. S HAVE EARNED AN C. A. This year they have agreed ENVIABLE toraise fvehudrd olar wic H RsEeeeteAtIN tfie.~.. rddlas hc FOtsRs uss 23 viss. will be applied to tome other de- 0 YOURi TRADE partment of missionary work. ESo Last year a series of ten lectures AD'Sr 1rS by meusbers of the faculty, after .S Opp,Caart Haast. being delivered at chapel, were pub- ished. This met with such great W / ahr's success, that arrangemeuts arc being tae or a similar eourse after the R - In January the association intends fl A I U L to celebrate its thirty-fifth anniver- B ~j0 K~ 1~ j ~.sary. Alice Freeman Palmer has promised to attend and deliver an _____address. Other prominent alumni will be here and the occasion prom- Specal iscont n La Boksises to prove an epoch in association Medical, Deistal and All University hsoy text-Books. The largest I ANNOUNCEMENTS. j D The Illinois Republican club will t ti flonito' Alnton Dnnl (meet Wednesday nighst in law build- G'LU TDPOPERA.1C aJSE ;O. K. BARBER SHOP. lit ON NihT. Fine Shower ]Baths, New Porelain Thursday, October 13th. Tubs. V I- Ei. l an' STs rPIIEN'S S5 III Comay of Camedians, SRnDhe ightestof till 'I tp m ME and fl0all , 1. Masical Comedsies, - M LRIY(IM Captat, $60,000ls. Surptus andiProist, $17,00. Do -sSses a genealiBaaking tsinisess. Py n terest anSs avintg Deposits. Has safety FatiacfvFaadMastc. Go ane!Splten-R KMFPes . H ELECashier. did Singinsg! Laaghabsle Situsatians! IDaringi Bank sasa Saturdayeening. the thied ass the SerpeRtine iD~acewill he eat- ___________________ sated Dy erace Haunter. Reseeved Seats aaw onR sate at Pastafflece News Stand. C A' RR Feloes, - - - 35c, 5co, and 75c. Hanrfl~r1C, ~ Wsig~ee The Choral Union meets Tuesday - _______ _____ evening. All old members are re- quested to be present, otherwise 'T he H ighept seats will be declared vacant.J 95s FOOTtAL.-Let every man D g e I whoincan play had in iis inamiei once to Captain Hoit and appear daily on the campus at 4 p. mn. 1t is desired to have two practice team if enoughs players appear. Team training atnd practice ganies will be- gin inmmediately. FR.ANK lRI:SCnOc, Manager. A.THsLETIC BOARD odsoil its regiu- lar monthly meetinig Tuesday at 6:45 p. mn. in Room 9, opposite Treasur- er's office- 5- C. SPITZERc, Pres. S-at. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. PAsRL & STE5555NS COMEIDY CO)MPANY, 'TiiU5SDAY N'sVENING. "A Merry Time' is thn title of a stew musical coinedy writtens for Earl & Stephens andh their comspany of com- edianss. 'rTe aetioni of tlse play is very lively and will please all anid oftend nionse. The music throughosit is ex- ellenst, the bast parts beinsg esbeeially composed for this company, and it is doubtful if this attraction has ant equal froms a musieal standpoisnt. The eomedy part is of a crisp, cleanisoener that never ftails to attraet the attest- tions of the theatre-going psiblic. The compansy is headed by henry Earl ands Raymond Stephenis, who hitherto have beets associated with etomedy atis operatic work of the first order. They are cleverly supportedl by Kitty Mtar- eellsss, Nellie Dusnbar, Jenniie Wylie, Grace IHuntter, (serpentinse sdancer), Edwardl Raphatel, Fred lDe Noe ands others of eqtual ability. tr of perf edioi in H1gh Class Tailoring, IS EXEMPLIFIED BY OUR QorrEQt Cvening Dreps suits, tlooisiioorl &Sols), OUTFITTER St 10, 17, 19 So. MtSain St. i llMM H O Run!QANNOUNCEMEiNT. - Thse Illinois Republican club will meet for orga- itt the city for 2-5 cenits. Agenst for nization in the law quiz room, Keuffel & Esser Mathematical Instru- I Wednesday evening at 7:30. All ments. Under priees on everythinig. republican students from Illinois are urgently reqluested to be present -'-'--'as business of insportance to all will STORIEIS: be discussed. South State Street and Main Street. C. A. D Nsooe, Vice-Pres. oppasite Caart Hasse). 9-2t L. G. GRUN Dv, Secretary. 1