. of ztt *I VOL. III.-No. 101. VOL 11.-in. 01. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEI iJAIY 22, 1898. ROTEECN. PRICE, THREE VENTS. THE ORATOR OF THE DAY, Until a few months agoi \tr.lDoug- THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD. A Brief Biographical Sketch lioaf it fiin roeuigi That is Mr. Max Heinrich as a Song Stephen Arnold Douglas, of lorcey (if Chlicaco. Singer-J. Erich Schmaal to Chicago- lroa perneh ta Play Friday Evening, The last words of Stepihein s ers'sriiiernini fc o 1los who were so fortlunate a.s toI i Inilas, sr. , to Isis soni Stephen (boe Itvtnt lei iiidl ear Mr. Mtax Hteinrichs last seasono, Arnond Douiglasswere:li] it ves'sthe01515 ,ii ieedl nt lit tslttwhat a greit tieait a-- .lws asu ppsll;t the constiin lofs 1iiiiiotles thev bare inl store in the tontcirt ,he '. S"iTe Leisiatsi e to Visitt iso Uiive o r li da~iy evening, F'elbruliry 2 Afterci slilifi- his stit(lies 'tf sity Tis is tirfoirhIi heCoa isii mitwl coleer1). C.,il S Ianii ies, itdis it be ouse ofth fill. tantaditsitr.t i lte h le Iteratss'e ofi music11% itsshtbis'ai i iiarIf iiithat 5f1. nvcst).te oin1i toneISongs representin l tlso reai liferlie ws is pptiin ed dnti- I liIiif wi onr c fn t riting 'ire ssum - yt i m ii wiitf i cn t a l iei of ~~~~~rpotfaiiniable aiiilif is expectetde j ''ue iss e ii l f saiii lil 'tlcIat he til ittseii th t fteawsile bodys oflegnislatoirs coslaiicsss liiiihciif tiperioidtlof the lKii iliii isill utescensdtiifoitie lt Inllsersity ow pin ac m an e ts reCl trisbles. ie inschtar-est the ituties I r, siidereid as'artistic as Isis iili'lii' tine b cpii,.i . i'll ,l,, "~ 01. 1 i nt attlietite he fr IItiif ifa 1 tl lt t, 'i'FI- rc i - N i"" fi n 'i*i -in i _ I if flits ptio~nO wfi th ifcons iipicuos cr is Io Iil b a iie a ii ct e i tyi eii ci'isc1rns tlt i d ofy andit lslty. I> thus sstentuf1 . .,foit7'h mt{ lttr~lou ti e ct lteot tile Ifirst tmiii si(nje Ir(-l im ii iftithe interests of go u issiiiii15iatread}l e w'IIoivter the I ilad te -nrlw lae h h ol. iI sa m s od cli~~ ~~ hdfi teitest illetllit of i tinunc ri tie sen- if i ut ifn1111r1 ti 11c his fitier's in 'nt rt'esifsii s Iisrt slinlmalli aris' t n e s ianl iite aiEnatirs andslush s 1 itir1fli toward~t i . .i, iCanf iii 1fih 11111Oill. s t ,a : A i qi *N r'.. 3 shoe :1 t liili! }tIWIn i1,i ian 1 1 fan . sal clreitE's ,a- ftibirtihiif AbrhtamiliiI.!"i- slte coinercec lidf~r the t It ot1101 1eatie Clutiti dlivlerect aniadudress, foliioiedt il Is nnttlyns ii sch attlractedt ional IIIIo.Tios. I:. ILirkeiworthi ot J ach- atfention.It wiasconnsideireittile scnon '"The best niethoinifilltr ii nrtti esl triblute esver given lii the ing U. S. Senators. chlaracter andctwort of lie Ireat IEiiancipa tori andt especially re- I Tie IAee Club trill g cieitco eieI iiark able as congi froni the inn at Jacksoii, Friday nighut, aiii at of ILiicoln's life-tong iiiat. ILestie onoSaturday night. iii f D 'iist i )1'ifiiilreiiti a ;rtidt etill eni im, ifi Isiirc lL I. Int all initeresteit in thle 11111 dlsily Subiscriptitonilists ire ntwiheir)( - ircultecd aini the result of theie mi1tt rie thrt hewr ie pnblishiedtor not. Thle tirice tis tint at one dollar so that everynle " ttt I tcan affordt it. Let alt iiiterestedt siibscribe at onote, that the puibttca- lion miiyp te assured. lDetroit, 3Xichi au