2- THE U. OF M. DAILY isaly oiit n us.i itt tiix(L eii We rerelv Ito isup~ply ltiiiii ii Il))ii (i lness aiiid supplies CALKINS' PHARMACY. ONLY$1400.La/esi ha/ls in Pee/oras. LiiITT i FELLOS S IN i'FOi05i'i'ON. w'A/Il=", i Z _ZZJ Z 34i South State Sireet, - UP STAIRiS.j~9 MOORES&WETMORE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ______ ANi) CORNEROFSTATE. ANt) xiJ I iiSTIREETS. SEJCI0TID NEW ANI) S ECOND hA D. Our Stock will he found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. l ~Call on Win. Fulde. the cx q-, REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY Tailor, opposite the Law itoilding, oft oY L IFTILOSE3' LTP.& G. omte William-it.,Ifist sdoor west of State-st. 11)t Clipper Braiid Solid Imeat Toimitoes for flit,10 ersdoz. Cesaning, replairingsandipresinsgdone neatly AN~i Alt tDotlhini 1li " Suils to oder aspecialty. Aii work frstcls. "Riverside " ' " ' " 1.20 <>" Pumpkin, - - - - .)0 G IF YOU WANxT 10 of Squash,---------------------1.1(0 LA , 30ATO Y s',$PPLIC$ 2Winslow corii, - - - "1.175 G M3r aAa O Cocks 2" lIrinirose " - - - - 1.38 5 " CiirelAT iAnd all other Canoed Goods at proportionate LtkeSicee of- 150--rl i hA ol llepsiriii d S eet BROW N'S DRUG- STOR; 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. i~ LooVRSIYNTES The dents have niade a record for U. OF NI._1IiNSTREILS W ilY u Jo k I htere shoi beaoteii lo themselves in histology. In their_ __ _ Quickle to5any Greek litd fly, recent examlinations onty twvo ladies CE _5C)7 Fr .ii lxseshioiildFeeguilfedl, t~o iititoxx 1 i t > 1s nti t . 'o-i s i l e y a done g telI ee successfulit- GUITARS PRICES. tr iatii :.,{town i i, i1i1io oil I. t't zciy -Tu]e No teteie. in sassing. N IV WSONGS Gibbs is laid iip with a severe t.Isntie class in litlsi otoge , 'titi N I' NX ISAN ES of rlieneiatis-o. sisting Of 229 iieimbers, , siuenvts a N1I WT (AGS . )f. Coneliyxiiiledture to lie were wxveirvsthatthir swork wxxs, NE W SPEC 'IA II ElS. lie vest iof ihe seep.. unsatisfactiory, 8xerei' viii keil,ani'NW OT E A. t tnrneii, ilitw9?,xi 's iii swere ciit-eed . SI'(IA I. SCENEI>Y! Salurdins visitineg frieiiil. J. Sterling 'Martoin, i ton i es- ii? II'I =V' 91g j aix oratisricaiicoistestleas deiit-ceet Clevelandsihlis inimdcil ' 5l; l ifi cttiv ~ 'vr tis te ir e pso ne it ui n tiitil ivext Xl oisil e ii piositiono f1Sec irvietry if N ri- 5~ ~ei ii i i i thci;ii ,xitoC sSit i r liii ix, niE. Islte.-Unversty r C ie o iiy te wi lxiimeet tiv eiesve ciithe Seii.iis'It iii. 1s tie eln Io otit'tsiiiic1 Amiico Cluii ie cirsi iii'a, t enir- iii i i roe' -fteneiis I 'iso'liWeENukSiiPATRONIZE vi I s Ue n i niltimict tatcty tt~aily Pa i liii IOWE'SBARBER SHOP as iit. nd 0.ysterdayty siii""ii i iis yo rle e . i l'e tt isi r xr5i tnt iir i5on 5etii I C~ooh Ilt _VLJ WILD1WILD! tienlti 11,it' I iso U th, ;Club. At'1 I' tie i ii posevchviel, itiilii ' i'v .1 xt° 05 51C: C (ii t iol rI ;. ia i 5 Ml S \I t .i CNl I,. \ . arkN j , ti- i a yS