THE U. OF M. DAILY, GREAT CLOTHING SALE. -, Y sna A T& ALL OVERLCOATS AT - OFF.______ ALL SUITS AT -L OFF. AL_ INL ANSA_~OF As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ______Creme styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY £ /?LULE. ~ ~ SJE~ Ann Arbor Savings Bank 2] Years in the usinzess. PATRONIZE Excelsior Lauuadrv, Ann Arbor Mih capia1 stok, $0000,i CITY LAUNDRY. OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! 201AttO1N SET Sn pus,450 . tfodW r utater Cl ald.o organized under the General BanknndsM _sr ~ u TET M. M. Sea aott No. 4 N Fourth St. O4PsHiON10 itde e AFCVR ot this state eeven _uysa__anddeliee_._A._._COVERT,_Prop. sells exhange on the pini a i ties of the___________________ United Sttoo. Dratsrtd sp on popier . K. BARBERSO.A dentl ationGotr UieSa'arr~rrI OT~ - i{ '1 \ LA ~tKPe. f ri ~ usoi.H s in xVice l'ro.s Fie Sh we ath s, New Porcelain ia n CHIT tS oN . .Histoc, Cshle. t .N ooT ub ol m ia 4.~~~ Jt StuZ ot rss . 1. t. F iif.iANONSW'SK 2 5 i) s ageeral niloeblo histoloere.Parrs in- ilsi r t hire pi - ore- 0 ', eest trssiu ll osits. H is setey NIEtVt GAGS! 4 we dn'tiouidbicylsfofr fun --seegve r lPo o x 0..iE for iSissrrRent5 i 505gso oe c.risstue iti a usis.N'W (OSTIEt' S tifu o k )(ot 1100C losbirso 1 yerfreet /{THE 7 GS,'- I 51E( IA 1, SENERY ! at Coltnmbia ageci - ibv mail for tree MARK / n Fff ii0t ?q,I N I N@a EI NilN IIINGi NEW toe ent stamps - Poe f .Co., los-, a AT LOW5tPRItCES.! toi, New York, CisolHarfort. R A 1 D L ,I'iNe hape I ok Otiol55rohe ISireetiiim Parade,_________ F I N E r u t H e r e S tro t.MO r 's , .2 5 ., 3 5 ", 5 0 . W o 's ', 5 0 . O i e soe e a ,s- e . ila t N itfs I r le riu , to r [ b e i n i s s nX L S L S WUKENSE iCOMPANY, 7k Chucy S,,Boto, Ma' Mloy, T bur,=or . It 0 1 M DTI IINsal5ilAIi'tN'l. U.O l 1ET11.Senator Clark's Speech.1L5W' ~ LU v 71. (ALENISAII. l '1st Ufirtpagg.)5 11111 III 1o H et., felt.on 1 515 [ ntt f11b ( bits "050 I f i. If - - For[ 0a 515 itt - 5vac. b t4erk i;.'ltioiss-.ete - t('o il a oiits i h - A ~ lr ffeNtt.. iis. t.tie ero ttsla prsiiarei or Op-a 'le iiiist retti1. G ! III GNL. lord opea non e.froth the pole..asie, to,00 d0 ir0a 1 S OpPP"osS HusetS. tt., i tres i.Stipnsess A.. b, lrs t Inrst o- 1)01ttuible to thesae 0511100 C I II )No. O (1CX ' TiN 'DL1Uh' ' eity on e s al. Annual nttl isslre. e-, Izti-Se , lts h trri-i nf- s 1isis t oos ii OP t a 5, 1 ar..1 ,k . .LJ.J.J I. fr i en -Ja.eie rsoiissilirrs cr t "tte t , po'bs it i s 110bet'n iiiie 1belist a SEON SlEMESTEriiiu Rimnn sIl, fon a1 ohertl tein err_ T ILO I .1 I'tIeIIUII 1IamIIIm'rcontesil t in horal N lr cui eurrom., t Sog .re- tioudLo V'rie, It is liter~ently oheurs's I I 'lL5J~.~ U ~~U~LI~~ ~es t I tis ieiiiiiiil 2ad:. regich rhisitis I t 1.s Isisra dif retiturs1 e. It Shoslsi le- - n t be oii tiesame iasiseits sie lDEPAR'MN. BUSINESS LOCALS. asylumsno tr llotl ii rli(Other isti- tutionil 01101kits oufices etiSithe ai- qSUITS Go to IlesidquarteiS for lall 11e00 I NfENI>\Z',5 ust iabtht, hot or poilites sofpaty oganliationin 5ttfRDP('EtDTb colud, t the Piosotilhle Barber Shop. swhlose iiellcuasslity thse voter hisis Ino asid seconsd-hanosd TEXT-BOOhS. 110LH11'US, jstnuirth of the Post- vols 1 think YOUi are safe iii this, e a offie, lust the- beett isleks, elrrisoes, aud slieve thee is fsrue is the arg- 4 We lhave rectived siitlrge stpply sisieholstes inthe city, 'ry im. tf iiuesttt o re llsuconmial admsiniisi'- LTo i'- Silsdli) eveiing, betreeeu stiu 5jbbniltwt lxi iCli. ONEJs'WEK ONLY f~t Greek, Laisi, Geiii1ai asi i t churchtlialibiNo. 1UI 1 ellrsouri lulilis bof ilslgeiietii o hllel ok tosIA of Gtrelekh-sassiInrsGtlimssulaniiuup;tilt'betiersflarilities se esioirlsaffect1by NEW Ibaler NNil please leave it at Ns.s1 the Sorelysf a ressed of suceso sy G OD P S Firenlchl Cl(Isis. - NEXY AND iu'ssi trt ii 0(10 r5lbb. f'5101y I hbbpe this bill stll pa0s. I . slrSret n arlyc e a( ' TIwNrso udir tll thbb'safs uantsoof SECON -II AN . SuohnoAtnte lsesy yosu please, nllriuei''the SHOE StudentsAttentionbbinlbibiit, if l plea1150 se t sil looees, E , We offerithels afrgest hanl best A -. tssi-strst Iii lebutslt o ot e i t liltrtitothtbue a Air.A .h srprsnigte usefuiss ibf thes' lstititist.s, lie 55fPATi'Mlsi Note Book isi the elity tot 25c. fisidesi Eagl I e 'ibtillg to. ,sf 1111 Wossi- uomsittfee frlo s this ibody Visitig this B ardaenise., I)etroit, sill 1b0 at thein lstitutilin tsCoiiiiii'itb this u stisst. mSit.A MPLE ('O louse505, tsmiorow,withitafie Not hssviugllly persnl kniissuslesgeinis t'l1NIIIESS SHOlES swrng iii yours ec ond-thanild 15110 of sa lbi fes o iter ad stsring tiss lsatitsilii, I salll 0ote I fo lheb si. It E) tt'ED Sits as'tctll be fodibnld11he1ksttat. Ai. Text-Books. Ioseehasicattered to blotNOabtssf ftle - - I 1-8 ftdnso h tdnsfrte.ah RN'rl ar reetS in loan -years 111 is neresel patrosl- Rhetoric as by tiistae oeitttd anIs oso e S slthale lulsas es'utise0rvs- -ONE WEEK ONLY. w 3 a v ~~ kt]e ge thu bet Sstifitiss. le ueitoisfrom ltheasseouemeets P~Theclass yl 'Ob~ibiikibylg oltlt ttta t~asst as oIre canilfurinishio iX th illa11suit lt 5a roms - Ili7 L I J h 20OS. SateOtet. ssvig of 11r)1t1 $11)to i$i5 oniAnnusA- F.________N._______Scovi%___________ Main Stq, Opp Curt House hr pries. ,\ i(__________________-_