THE U. OF M. DAILY WHITMAN, !Agetbg MARSHLMALL OWS. Mahogany, Celuloid boundIgo.- CALKINS, LI ONLY $14.00. LITEFLL()WS IN PROPORTION. (34 So. State Street) SELLS THEM. W'I LS EY, _____________j_______ 3___ 14 South State Street, - - UP STAIRS.I TO STIFFLY A PEMA.ITP F OI.THlE 14E EST We havre Received th1w oitoeq, Carlsbad and Alp)inaellas.. Tue Latest Pads in edoras. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES. NO-16 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND CORNER OF STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. Unlivt'sity Tet'-Kook, Metlitca lBooks, Law Books. Dentati Books. Stutcentts' Note llooks, Blank Books, Stattonlertv. We base a lart-i Stotck of I"fettfe6l nd Essetr I)t-afltg htt8trttttents. Our Stock wviii be found Complete andi our Prices as Low as the Lowest. I Oo~L -LLSE SLPSREMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 8lb. "Cliptper llrattd'"Solitd met Tomatoestor 111 pr oz ." "Dolphtn < < < < z I15 .1 ANt) Alt 8 " 1V'vrside c c 12 c.'c Pumpkin, - - - m < < 8 'Sqttash,-----------------1.10 LABOR~ATOR~Y $PPI 'Winslow coet, 2 " Lake Shtore" - - - 1.50 " CIE tP ATl And all other Cannsed Goads at proportionate price of Call on Win. Fulde, the Tailotr, opposite the Law B~uildinlg, on William-at., first tdoor west of State-st. Cleaningreepairing antlpressingtdonenett. Stitst to order a tpecialty. All w-orkEfirst-classt IF YOU WANT' '1 Burr ash Alarms. Clock orhtave sotne Repairing done gtt to WM- AriolJ, 36 Main Street B~ROWN'S DRUG STORE. 44I Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. i UNIVERSITY NOTES. W i yout oo k Overt the bsotrlea ons Iit fore, XJAJill"y' '*res Ifrttot hiseyes are topn- A lettetr Ito wants,CoorItt needs a brIe At otullShtoswWioldost HttItis 01ut tntth otn oe. st-thott'-toitt". it's ottn stops'about-ValetItecord. V.81M. Wilit. atnt A. V. Augir GU ITAR S will addressltelProhitbition countty ANtl consventiottIt the coutrt itouse, Sat- PRICES.urdlay. TEANN AilOlt 0.b i) lTe 'tale Atltletic Ascociation ltas rlSotalin tet. been ini sted to enter cand~idates int tte wittler games of the H-arvardl 311CHIGAN i&LNTEAL ahic CAksociation. Sr p,:,. TY ogy. Tite Centre College Cents, lMly I, re- , 3) Da 'pee It 8 tonthly Wpublications of Centre col- N 6 Aiitett---- - 6It78 t Si -- --- -93 0.11 acaoI r s5tti football season in ltat part otf te E.N 'tlr er - . 5 :130G. It. xpr-ess vrt 5 i j t4oe8 ter to lb tt atele tto 5__ 8 W' (i Ni---ittErr 90) w rd sjs lsd. H r fob l itIt1 p; It) 1 e--tt s c -sitoltspoeele Sotli e I, v tt t ,1 , IY , e misca p' no5 heS uh N.P ,T.. li"eo. -I 5;t ttuAolotr classical, and will be given by thte Detroit Philharmtonic Club,-8larclta Thte second by B1lr. Perry, of Bioston, will be cexplainsed by lectures. At- otiter is to be tdervotedi to the rwortsI of thse romnstic sechool, andtl will be givets by tte l1 ib-auitee trio, of twhicit 1 r. Schmnaal is lte leadling spirit. Thte trotdern style totilmustc rvill be su~bject of theetdeal tcoscert in StNay-. Several ofthtte colleges in'-the Northswestern baseball leagute art.tin fasvor of dropping tite Utriversity of Mlimsesota,and taking osn Chticago or the University of Illinois. Chticago would probably decline for thtis year-U'. sf C. Utniv. Newvs. At a mleeltng of thte Stale Jhoard of ileattl inl January , Dr. Vaughtans rwas apintttedl rchairman of 00a8cont mtittee to mtak.e arrangeentts foir t confetrnce is be beldtIiln A11n1Ar- ttor, in 81 arcit or April, rrheneth ie iprevtentiots tf the inltrodutionlt and I te--,rl oft ncholetrathwibtisusd HOW DOEJS THIS SUIT -YOTY? Outt'sp-il"gslto-lk. sill soon11be Iere. As ste dt t ttrtishto ttt'trrs 0ove1 tily sitergoods,ste sltiall sell ltet tt realsv r'duced Iprices. 81SUITS FORl30 All otiter, inl prloortiont. S' S . I :011 Sr WILPI WILD! WILDl IS SELALIN.G 11IS WEN TEdII STOLE AT'EII) UCEI:) Pl~SWHICH W~ BE A IIAItiGAI N £01R YOU AS Tilt, GOODS MUST GO. No'2E Washington-St.. Near Main. c ii =ofNN ceAI li prt'tto. Airn tinsuially large audt~ience was present last nlght at lte nieetitro of ht'~ oi ftersoniai siicitety-, risi t those itn attciniancie beitng lathI~ I' -es l't tE. S5- itli i tiair it-h eyedlhirs tinugrat1l ddesors. tI r o t0o- eiaioss tci At te tseetintg of the I ser-uit- r wI ras enthusiastirally receis-etd.Miss rrst'teaecnmle ntce ACADFI tRIIEIY 8t essrs. Kuilter ansd Jarrettsvere local debate to MondayFesrtuary 'npUN 0 etr tantie t ir4 lcltosentt0to-epre sent the society ill ov gt tite first joint dlebateewtb the ch- versityAlinstrels svill gisve teir u , x res5', -ANA oit.entertainment Saturday evetting. Sen 5, 2 r $t,55 tsr Saot- Prof. Stanley, in announc~intg te Ileisro. IElingler ansd Brookessvere teB1 CNDIkS inAtterica. course of chanmber concerts last appointed to fttrnish music for Ite Sritctlytptee.Sttitatte Cttr evening, tooks occasion to explain local cotetst. A vote tken on the P RESENTS. CxFrets rcha re prepaid.tReet toealiCthicago. them. Eachs concert sili be along rnetion of donating one-half tlhe C.*5- UST HER. confectioner, some splecial line of music. The net prces-theIAthltet'cAr'ci CItCAO, ILLINO.IS. 1 first still be devoted to Ithe purely 1 allotn resulted negatively.