THE U.. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. I ALL OVERCOATS AT - OFF. _______ ALL SUCTITS AT I OFF. '__ As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLE I ANTS AT OFF. ______Creme styles now rea dy at- See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY & RE ULE. a irEi rW wo + JV .. L\I m Vi, # _ - - - ---- I . Ann Abor SvingsBankin the u ine s, OWEN'S BARBER S 0~P Attn Arbor MteOic CtaltotStock,$50,000 Itt1I, Ot S irp to00tt1 CITY LAUNDRY, ttt tlof thi tteotReeeDittt t'sttkt tttt ._AT.___________No__4___._FourthSt_ sel xhneo h rnia iiso h ° '"°--t tt'ttStatto. Itrafts tctsthed tpontproper -THE ARCJS) Metfctin tcPet., 0.K. BAR'BER SHOP. ! 01 < O I MN I'L V. tD. I ti a lNtoo, Vicetr.tttNNCTON t'ts.tiE. tItotOCo, C('oct-. Fine Showver Baths,, New Porcelain AT l()N ttttl'tt't' )t. .T. Dow~, Asst. (,ttot-r. Tun h at :; B t fr,tit.t-tr y 6 tt . ot >) H. -tt too Oepootts Y tt .$' ittttt0 ti t ttt."1 1, trtst' . I'. Et . ft , Csi eroMt n's, 25., 300., S0c. Wotttt't,Ott'. Otto sizt ttoet- Bao~t' ~ f ftnk oi tt Saturdatlto ' ". " WAUKENHOSE COMPANY, 76 Chautcy St,, Bottot, Mat' Oi ;.7/ . )'. 0"1. ('ALEND1)R.Ii give a coturse itoo hotoetit's. 'The ____________-_______-_____ l ~-~ ~ 1ettentsoftatthe getteral ocleie wisoll Nri.F e). 1Adephi togan nd lecionbepresentedlit inte fotrm of intoro~al L ir.0otb. ot1,. anrat sceya ev etures, anodtortain tanks or stttties iE... 14riD./\. liaoll. woto iit e assignto oteomemthers of Soot t t t,1 tiotion ooictrtotf5Alpit Nu tte class. 'ttile te ctotrse isitnt- FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, literttty society, rootm-a,7:otttetodeti to supiplytitat wich is t'ow MILLINERY AND ART GOODS I SOtt., tSitt., 5't'ttI -s+- t'tttty tifttttttttvtttttt,ttactnktowledgeoda0 essetotial to te 30 Eat HuroStttee t, vcig,i t "tot" 'tsttt111ti, Sty -ito..Ait't' scientific' study of aoy latngttage, 1 Vet Feb ';.[ t t nt 0is t 11si special attention still ite tirectedti ot w H AVErtttstttA ' 1ttttttttit ottts otigto l riisi atnol (eroototo soundotl. 'itt, 0 YOUtRtonoott Faculty Nottoes. - +" ttt.tCItI; BUSINESS LOCALS., ENt;\C S INENA VI&I1 No iItttI I'is'goft S Ot. Cntt on ec-otse ttttidE-N sa;SleSoysioloebtliooi. annou ceme t, 1 fin it dvis Ile o ttot- 'ittttS.It,. :. tict'k s. Sattor'- m_________________________ oalke Sa tthi ulict'statetmettst osStSlecdaytbighot. Findoer pletetett u -'trnttot courses ti'en ity mae jtinte next Misso\. I'. Parrett, t55S.iision St. pr'iuiies t6 oEllleeItosSestor thfts, i'te- SE'1'iSEME TER sntelz:r Gisa general "ottrse i 1'office, l h 's , t th tetitcsfcrthetst- Si~~ui~u S I~E ttttd ttttsesit inte city. 'icylhim.ttt fi I. n dils P 1iteratutre. IStnmust ite pre- ceded bty Course 5, ttnd is requnirecd Univernity School of Mlusic. for adnmission So Course :t' i .AW- - Go So IHeadquarter's lot' all now Sec.. at 2. Sec. at ^ Un' ivcrsity Schotol o sic escoaat /"ttto/s/t /is a coutrne in te lEtliohosetttster hegitas FeP. 211. it o etet 1tt1t and setcotd-htand TEXT-1BOOK'S. of the4'12thi and nr-th centttries.Itarralgcttctts ftoS te setlutter n aiy he IScottpleted it is desiratble thtat aill whso We have receised at iarge supple is reoquired in te iP.L. coutrse. wishlo ts tudty illth ~e eltootl should i'I' h, at 2.register atottttte. Officet htttrs for the of Gree, Loatn Gei'ttoanantttl'o ouotrses ate offereino()lii i ett8t7te-)to1 t is,2 t l'Ietil ('lassit's. NEW ANI) 1lt(tC ouse,'t astutds' sill1 be to ode{sI ttitit('it ltts lteet at ottftlMatelitit SECOND-LI A N I) of 'loartotteristic (111d1 glislit lttens. I Nioli, sitottbt'Slteaalthenv 'errto tttt Inth iis courase, pgratmtmarstill.Iac c-Itt ltt1l OtltttttYtht'c'man t5s 5'ms ootsa'e io't't \\e oilt' Ito atatI 's iseetionly ofaor i"5555 ti t gotttn. 1,'it oaogentverg'stigs Weofr h argest a 'Ibet a a sncesr o tythttt heot'panyittisis o ttt Sit O't' a prtopecc utnderstand~ing ofthSliliteratbettS; attd itteery to' s stit~t t their Noto~ltok in thte city' for 25jc. titri'. AI ,Natit I sltiOe lilt to, lttttlo itt ha-tp'acitt itit Bringtoito s'otttr secontd-htatd tests soul folrm te hbisis etf a syste tt'res slotittol to'ao'ttte'slots St-eit it- matc sudyof he ramarwit It'ttttarteiru'effotittseetitoote ttis Tlxt-l oolbs. speciaol treferenite to phionoology oanod attratontt by giciaty loitta a ive tmorpahologty.(lie course ts t toon lhoutse. 'oT'eetot esety feso rt'allyI m nended to such as epctoeahgotdatttracttiotts onttSlt'rotatd, antht eyI Wahr's J3by0i,1o1e Gitili W ahO poo stor OldE'bisi ttr desire to lay a solt'es't'r they Vyisit -ItO. lM ntittdlitle thtorouigh fountdataonointa'I'glitsht Nierli still aitpear attheSlitainrtiotpera, ao S. State Street. philoltgy. ]LtlTat -3.touse, Ftitday een'tittg, iiinte ptplarlit Main S . Qe Cour Boon. Itoatdeittion to these coutrses I shallI lirtttoott u Ftlr~ott. xcelsior . ,: , drv, m y 0 "" t UiN (Ito fitde 11,Khd-ittoinies cir- cio ctucnce_-hominug landscap~e- app bl ttoom"t'--mttnly mco -art ty girl -a1itinoan tiotioit dte ot-clotie- ture of siteeit irintinigs--Tooreguteii dottoand, ttto kesurethtou5050ill prestetoeiitoweillsetnd it foolii e tios cetot stamptosto cootr the cost of ptaek- ittg attol postage - Calotndar IDepooi' tott, ('01e Mfg. Co., tBostott, Mast. IfITAt a cAIO JiSETR_ I'S tlti otti t 0 tott~T SP EC ALSALELS). i I; ioNI3IIiNt 1)10;'lltoI'