Pahfiahed tDaily (Sundays excepted) daring the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Suhseriptianuprice s:!.501 per year, invariably in edvane dSiaglte copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tons may bc left at the offiec of the DA ILy, at Stoffiet's, with any of the editr or autharized salicitars. Comamunicatiaas should reach the otfice by 7 a'clach P. M. it they are to appear the next -fay. Addresa all meatter intended far pablica- taonta the Managing hEditar. 11d11 busiess communicationtshaaold bie seat tt the Baesi- THE U. OF M. DAILY. _ _ At the Hlahntmannian society tis LIKE FINDING MOINEY. evening the following progranm will be rendereil: Vocal solo, B3 : By Going to Wahr &'Miller's and save from are, goc arn! 75c 0n every lluckinghanm; piano solo,1 I. I; pair of Shoes as wec must reduce our stork to Whitney; atidress, Dr. Jas. 'tioodi;oakroiufrpisgoo. muisic, 13. 1). Walker. J7 7 Oreon 1;. Scott entertained Drs. Fine Footwear IDealers, l-lerdmniand ttC arrow antI several 48 SOUTH MAIN STREEaT. othser phtysicians, last night, at lDr. _____________________________________________ I ernsta' s office, sith a tnumber of mn ii oirp"~(DY]I) - successful experiments ihypno I1TROUSERSll TO JY RDEIRIAL 1G DISCOUNT tism. - -- --- ---cORl TIR TY I)"AVS. 'tes Mna~ Une 5 DALY.7~A~~T~ & cn, TEUofMAnAILY, h __________________________________ Ann rbo, Mih. rof i( .4k ddk-- -_ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North E.DI55t5 iITORSlt }ttt. ' Michigan Riwy I . ,(11ev ttsttNitt. :"SI, itatttge, itt rl. R iw y A 1 3\ l tes. tit "9S') icoas GLMTNEANNNNERAOR. E titd Citizens. Dotn't 51111da tutofteesnfo Catndy~henttyant cast get ittetas goatiit R E Friday, February 17th. Jally& Cs.'s. W5e donttitrharage tar style, bt T h'ie Society EvettofIste Thetritcal Srasn. gire it stpayl.,aand that ise haltf. Hat andSeil Enagag ent coldtluntchtes at alliaotrs ef the day antd nt R" E. JOLLY & CO-, NO- 26 South Stae Sret. E EINtetat tat L HOT LUNCHES, (nnliantcur And thu vary choiest Candieus FH(ZOt7 PMIOT.7t j g'''j1.It'raniese1 Patie., PRICE. 3- , 50SOand 75c. Seats o alet t t Sts' .Jewry Stare. 10al! GIBSON, 11 W. Washington StflPHOTOGRAPHER P3 OE NO 8_NO. 12 W. HURON ST.