c ij t tiI of . a l . VOL. III.-No. 97. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1893. PRICE, THRIEE CENTS. CHICAGO'S STUDENT RIOT. The old complaint of lack of sup-f THE SCHOOL OF MUSI C.- port has again been heard, as the pres- - Lively Times at a Meeting of the ent management comes into power One of the Most Enjoyable Concerts IMIitioaI Students of Yet Given Took Place Last Night. A the U. of C. worse than penniless, This means T___A ''sisy' Nee-eorlmuch. Nothing cani be done withot fle s hl a ofotbyIPRTEql soatre-urrcounatceathletics at the Uniiversity is to be fildls vning when the Program /nrU lLr hasa hre-uatercoum atilemainitainied, the students most respond of the last faculty concert of this DETRITMIC. on a lively nmceting of tbe tiniver- liberally. Thse time lisa forever passed seniester began. When the first city of Chicago ''house of Reprc- iwhein players before each ganme were conccrt seas given last October, thei,1- - scsI. tives.'' Wednesday evcning assessed fifteensceents cachtoi pay for school was felt to be an expe~riment;l the house held ai meeting to elect a the bxll, xaid xis isuceh depenuds oii our treixiis ofthet: s.'1'sce sereohowinig this yexar, our first in the it is nose an undoubted success. league, flit students iire requxested to The registration has not only ex- three fatios-independenst delo 1)0aso liberal as possible sshenin iter- ceciled tse expsectations of the found- craticrepbiaands roibiio. sieswed hy the treasurers. ers, but tesho salready cod Czar Reed tactics wtere attempted. ----edfor oons.---- \iVhens the sole seas to be decidled, a Pr-eliminary Contest. 'The prograns last evening wsueas hlen you wanot the Latest Melo polianSt)le general rusts for the door seas mxaute. 'file sensior last contestaints for the opened by a piano and 'cello tustot V2,$4 or $5 Shoes at s0c to $l a pair less than Th'le Neses-Revord continues thus:I oratorical psrizeostwill hateeIlheir pvc- by Miss Grace A. Povey and Mr. Ann Arbor prices, seed tor Caitaloguie to :Door-keeper Ploswers, a big foottallsliinar contest in the lte lecture I-Fred L. Abel.' The rendition was prohibitionist, wssexpecting them, ioon odaeenn eb 0 'bezen representatives pilted oii top of '1'The judges on thoughst anxd rompo- Frederick Mills was enthsusiastically 1R H 1385 !!5~w _LRD AtE. hlim. The repunblicxans anidtprohibition-s- o r M.S. .ae o. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. fiots jumped over chairs and came tosionaeM.. VIlaeIt, recalled after Isis violin solos «"Mel- his .assistancee. Isltsto seeonido the A. J. Saswyer, and Rev. 1j. M. Gel- odie'' and "Serenata.'" Ann A1r- ,Ij1hmond 5tSrc'i Iht Qtll. hxxmse of repsresentatives because a ciol-qg lege 'rusts." Onue mnx was lifted and ston; thsose on delivery are Regent bor muicirloting people are too N lliiossii uiexrlxxxo los of chairs. No 'Whitman, Attorney Laxwrence andI tuch in love swithth ie playing of CIG RETES sos thanx sloriiyimembers becamexeloeled IAE T S txoxetlhev isn uiiig scrimmage aoundix rof.'lThonspsoxn. Mxr. J. Evicth Sclimaat to be satixfied Cigseette Saohera who t lie lxxx.v li, oii'iuuu ladies retreaitext 'the junior lastcointest ixceurs in wstllslsisOnse number, antilie seas C S see sxixig tii eas-a iittisg tx 0x safe idistet rndx xiheex ft lixei h wlx cturegemoiretheThuxsiduyra (i ios Thxexxx dx vsixtxxisinxost lsolctrfrxoi, ''xrstvconmpelledlto respondr to a hearty ,ii'xxchare fr tetiro.xiiladu wlxxiii xxrestuxxxitsxstaot(It ol x exxixg, Feb. 23. .Thle ilates aistlencore. Onie of the oxost Ihappaly THISex-. ixsupsxerior to l eelxi -allithers xox teih C xit 'ica x. Goixt t'xi ' thie jxudges for Ithe othxer class coo- renderedh numberxstwastihat of xcxsThe xxx- n xm 'rhcxxtxhmd traight- Go t ~ll(a 4) ,texts have inot set beeni definitely Mueterof Tarragona,''by Mv. xid i rixx xiowlnii iia ixia iy te loid ~le-gnix i x 'xix r xxx liimiixi f xand ax ig inual Branidof StrighitiCxxtCigairettes, Ilxxxx sc~iuilxix.at)thex xioxxrs xxithisxxxIdecriled xxlonx. These annionce- Silas Imo. Mills, bxiitovue, xxcoi axsna sxxxsixgt xtxy uxin xthexxxye-ar lo15. xxxv r 'iiiii' xantiii ol )11ii ixxixln 1i,, s n wlbem d e ynet week. Bx'lx lextxer ritatioxns, andisxxrve cxhatx txe < .iIli eptlxblxicixsa-xiiipixunIrixs xxx pxiinxteade ars'ye sPr ofr Stanley. I-ti.ws nmeass bxixl'ow xis' xan va c ckag xxeiii. st a mda vl(eadlane Itl ,shout l he remiemxberedt that Ilikexwise fredt* rs-n o 5h 'ie tI ,h&t l xv ilrxxxxach 1i lx'xxhIxOfCIlvix ixvspxxhtxte x eicanies 'iixceix is. tiihieimses xxivfront xxi.thu o. xx Ouet;these rcontesslive public, especially ' wiii of theauienxcexxi iii a seconduxiMxxii uxeusers (d thiemagot txhi se frmithuexxatlii iiixiii, up xxxi lxxi to the memixberso xf the idifferent slrix.'iecuis xii tiii ail. anditlockd tthe dooxii.Ilxeii classes. gsekytrixo by Gade, oxas anxother of tieui.Ui.questionably wli s gu Si"vexi over fix the speahex.I - . - 1 ,whou conitiuedx ltfi pxxuindl iis-ael UNIVERSITY NOTES, best, andthtie audience vrmainexd for xxv x"ran: ivixE xxixRAM , 01 1 'o ivxhe in'sus xeii liii uin1 lsed.-aloen naixiixiuse to sthoxwits a osonseisterth mebesxefacdx ,F RATERIITYJEWELRY. ixi taxeheieaox ts, soh li. iIthe tpeaakerlearnee-ill "xe 01 apptreciaxtion. 'The xnumber uwas ex- Aiiix cA.rxiixx x clharedt ani ixtlxxiiiuxuueit. h fc ion e tertalimentinext seek. Ili( theterh 'it iso Editix litrito sivexuixei out -acrossoth flu'riiips lxxxidxxcxled by !istEit . elley, -Miii sixruet. shoxxutx in u hexirxeart. Fun at the Aielhei itixh isning.tpiaunist andt Miessrs. Itills anxh Abel, 71OT 7vIv.'I" dlxxixs. e exiuesay' s lxxox lxvrt-s ith ix xix ad clly Basoballiatinieion a. laui.DenPo s RO H & O Every' uxv lierix sat.wsot of tli DeanKnowiton willPeie E 'icixe lxxx 111xx is 1xip hex C lx x 'I ;ilieg ixiu is has a stat. ii xxxx i ily.- le xx sx ax rxx-iiesli- (ti u - - M xi ~ xxxxitt ttet i i ve xi ' x 1i n . I lx. poixintedx i. xxxe larranigemuexnt' fvor x; lx-xi i x-ixxlx sx xfoIows:- -Caxltaxiii Crxxxfoxrdxx wilxxtxoxxx ixe itaxsihis"gtonxbirthdxa y celebrxxtioni__________ lialsxb~ix-x 'lixxei arex'lxx' - xi'' ux' - tta three xp erlciiencii cxxiixixoxos, S ar xiivly at r. 'erhalste I xsr -ltdeiltesill 11dtl'? ui} n agd i c n i~r'-ii- Tf^ xxitxxx x iivi xchxxyu xi xi iiies lxxv basxesliding " rixi I l xlu t cixxxx ast i lxixoili'ax topiaix xx~ixxlxxxhis -N\ptixtioux fromxu ixoxx xil iraxxxI tics arxxi c f vii wovthcu f\E -TAR(T mxxixiixse ui xiiilll iiiitxx Iluxis alomixhixsx betresexilexdicxx xolx 1 N lay lxxi xxs'' - xxx 011 ' - oxl xxi iii ais- Ito the legislaturecncusutx'inig'the" xxxi- Ipormrsaixrenxrii aco slixsurxedxxtxtc xxbllxxIiixnxh lli-s signx ifidhisintioniuxufiiihsill i-x.e nasueucof Byrn AlM txrx'vuxiwid he xrintxing.i 'AI ,O toyuagaixxxtryxhisifdottnus invtheibox. xxxxxxs is'lxxI ivuxc i li' ox 'utrixeou 6r, hecadis the 'uistxwhitclx Professor Knowxltoaxhaxs ixecex "--chixixchiis expuetedi lxxbe onxhaindlus x;i conteutnfiorlxxx ldlahce at shout incrluides lW. J.Stuart, '6x;ILyianxs askrediby the ito classes ttiresidie, I AN ii xI'LIxU. xI .. xx Ixtoirtes t xhrhol1diplxyersialage mni I).Norris, 'l5;Edinrlx F.sUli'62;andthaxs conseintedlto drhoxx. ber of new sameuscshivebeeni haundex' Chas. Chandler, '62;I1ID.Larry, =- " - ---- :F 2 = 7OOI..i 1-ITSS ini, iiiuespxonseu fi ax notice hposted ii '76;IR.IV.lButterfield, 6S; It. It. .Miss Itattle iteFadihen, a recent hiss daysa.xxThiey incluide contest-thrury, 67,1Prof. J. AV.Champlin, graduate from Glare ifIoupital train- into for everytxhace 011the fieldh xnrl shol ,f.etoi5 7l,_7' "OR' T- lxv fluetriingxx some hvhi. d lxixtifis tA . C.Denison '33,\tMarkrNorris, inbscsot o , eritus doing eident that the old phlayers still hi-itt 9; Moses Taggait, '67; .It?. special nuirsing at the homxcopathsic D tot ih ~ n tox ionicto theirhiairels.Jexeellt'9r;antI Ralphs Stoise, 92. Ihospital. D tot ihg u