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February 16, 1893 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-02-16

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THE U. OF M. D AIi v
Of Philadelphia,) TO AIFOLOTLIL'W'EGT
OI~SIALOIhgNY Celaai4b.0deder We haeeDeceived the llombe y, (Carkbsad and Alpine luts. Th~e
lA.VTN' ~ OL 1.0 Latest Fads in Fedoeras.
(34 So. State Street)IV = r=
SELSTE Soutrh State Steet, - LP STAIRS. 4
Uix erlsityText-iLooks, Medical BLooks, Law Books. Denital Kooks, Students' Note :Books, Blank Books, Stationery. We have a large
Stock of Keuffel and Esser IDrafting Instruments.
Our Stock will he found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.

Will You Look
.At our Show Window ' it tells

Call on Win. Fulde. the
REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY Tailler, opposite the Law Building, on
} William-at., flrst doer west of State-st.
:1 lb. "ClipperlBrland- Solitd meat Tomatoes tor$1,10 per doz Cleaning, repairingandprrssingdene neatly.
}8;, "Dolphin cc cc ; . z 4G Sails teeorder a epecialty. All swark fSrst-clss.,
3 c;"Riverside " " " cc "; "c 1.20(1
8Pumpkin, - -O--".9 IF YOU WANT TO
l 8. - Squash, --------------------------tla Clol
2"Winslow Corn, - - - - 1.15 "" 3U Ooo
2"Primrose " - - - "e 1-"s ehvesin eaiig ae at
2"Lake Shore,' - - - " 1.50 orhv oe e'rn dn ot
Ansd all other Cannued Goods at proportionate price of Wstli~ Ariold~ 36 Main Street
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
'4 UNIVERSITY NOTES. The University of Wisconsin Press HW DE HSSI
Anusd]t g aet Cm tat trosrslse h lasbothtin mpa eis.r
riusd1agotaitsedtthat; Clubtho ldstbimthgyapeseres.
Bt.na ew, baw (ave." said Cholly, ra eao 1 WrCrrs1
t hase toreaeais hat." ra by membes o a Cre-I -


1 11 Ci11r 4t1 l11TT CC IV a 1 ) uua+"

it's townlsor aut-Trascript.
stsoryauoliAmsherst college has recently' held
GU I rA R Sthe first of a series of indoor tourns-
GUIT RS ients.
PRIES.The Inter-Uiviersity Debate coal-
PRIES.mittee will meet tonight, at : 1,5, at
111d ANN ABB1tt IieAN CO., the DAILY Office.
51 south bain Street. Miss Idah Ansdersorn Criers,
, G NT sedat lit, went to Detroit, yester-
dae to recite before Rhea.
Tirne Table (tRvised) Naorenber W825,is. PrfItndelftysrayo
ESTr. 1p. IA. WST1..a. 1. Po.Hndl etysedyo
Shil---------- 5 ia hiSpeeiel - s s a trip for the examination of high
1.3y Exprress------ 5 31i Day Espress---8.7N.S.iitd____ 25al Cl_____ i3
ES.Li~itel 55 Mil - :18schools for the aproved list.
N. Y. ELiited.___5 45 N. S. Chaiterl . 1 619 ~ P
asar als.el11 hic~ aysExress. 2 19 Judge Clsamplin leaves for Cali-
r. N. Rxprssr__. .8IS(G. it. i'xlrc ss 5 48 for nia, tomsorrowv, where he explects
AtaticExSpress_ s fly (Ii. Nght EN) (J->r
It . Rspreer. . 551 Paciict Caeres 15 0,W83 .GI. 1. . to remain tuntil after April sat.
G.P. &'r. A en,Chieago. Agl Sann Arise. Dr. Obeti cause up from IDetroit,
FIRST NATIONAL BANK1 yesterday, to reduce a fractured
1 OL ANN ARBIOR.ifeur at the houiccop hospital.
apical, ISliill. Sureplusandciiii'ects, 0')0. .1,Prcs. Angell has gone to Cleec
* rraacs- eseracl'sl baningrsinsir-sle
eseltechz3solsad, letters of credit e- -iipdr0atedaIlet go l
no raeer- assild. re adt tedaIleigo i
PBI'In ac i s. Clesetaud AlumniiAssociation.
S.5'uC.511Th. 'sa.(le debate betsveen the Webster
held on Thursday. eveninsg, M\arclh
'1tritS may esterhasva been Iuconll~etedl
alslsay tran ther dcly i'tersssi.IirteeIr1
stzitline rtesidate o issio.O ifrholding an ister-colleeiate debate
f3 MAYNARDo ST., - ANN .Attsttu, between the colleges of Pennslyl-
Sendl $125, $2. or $3150fo a 5ss-The first regular meeting of the
Y ptleitetail Stan by express of t'
thruESTCANDtESiainrmrirS. en~cligan Political Science Associs-
C Pat up tn elegant Casesad .nwilhhedn
strictly purre. Suitable far tion ilb edi this city, Feb.
PRESENTS. Express charges
prepaid. Rteer toall Chitsgo. 21 and a2, in university hall. Judge
Try.ilonee.- d~5e., ~ poietMci
GNHtcnetoeC. F. ooey andoteprmnt fci
252 5Ste Street,
7 CH-ICAGO, ItLI NOI S. gansen ill make addresses.

pondtence'' and "Tse Possibilities
of; a School of Journaslism.'' An Oull'spfring stsck will soonl be
informial discussison 012thse last tolpic hoe. As xwe do siot wishl to carry
Rev. Mr. Sundlerlandl's serond ov-er atny wintet' goods, xre shlll
sermon on ''The tabor Probletm' sell thlema at greatly redusced Iprices.
..iluhniriirsyt iiiirlyinumiss....'

instead of evening, subject: "Strikes
and Arbitration." In the evening
the congregation will join in the S.
C. A. snniversary nmeetisig at Uni-
versity hall.
Tlhe numaber of ''cuts'' alloswedl in
some of tlse leadinig colleges is as
follows. ' ale, 24 per year to sun-
iora andl seniors, to sophsonmores and
freshmnen sS; Williams -o, Dart-
MO31th1 21. At Amulerst and Wes-

$35 SUITS FOR $30.
X30 " "c$25.
All otlher's ill pr'oortionl.
42 SOsUIllHrSTESs.

leyan a student must be presenit atTTT hIaTe"
Inine-tenthss of the recitations. At WILDUI WILD! HraWLUn!ro, onll n
Johns ltopkiss eatndnei
saidl to be optiosial.--l~x. IS SELLING IS WINTER
Hlarvard's spring baseball trip has STOCK AT REDUCED
been arranged as followvs: April 6
University of Pennsylvaniacat Phila- PRCSWIhI IL
delphsia; April 7r Georgetown Uni- BE A BARGAIN
versity, a t rasl.ington; April 8, FRYUA
University of Virginia, at Chsarlottes-I 1I YUA
ville; April an, University of Pens- 'THE GOODS
sylvania, at Philadelphia; April11 ,
-Boston League, at Hartford or Wor- JV[iFST 'I G(O .~l
cester. Gamts have also been ar- " .
ranged wih Broxvn, Williams and____
-Amherst, hut the dates have not
( been set. No-.2:E. Washington-St., Near Main.

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