THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE'. ,i jy ut VI,' HA,8, ALL OVERCOATS AT I- OFF. ALL SUITS AT I- OFF.I ___As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLF] PANTS AT OFF. trm(tye o raya See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY ~Ri3ULE. I Ann A,1rlbor Savings Bank ! 3 ea~s in the lusincss. Arm Arbor Mch. (aptal Stock, $50,(AU ,zegstled ms,$e snt~ttts ta as CXTY I.AUNDRY, (:) this stats. 'Recetves Depo-sitts us ett11 t .. 5. tNo. 4 N. FouthSt" salls exch ltareotthe princi1palt iso th (stissat States. trlts s he p npoe &Tttitts-ttias Otfiars CHRSTINMACI isa 0. K. BARBER SHOP M. A-tAss 5 (ii S i(Ula Fine Showtsr: Baths, New Porcelain baa.ra i }. - ssl slt ttfor .t7rta. J .itt.A t\rs1 A ,$0 'O(t rplse aA PZt is, Ot. t. sr . lrets el a i ttg- loits.stHas .4aPst*s i tDepsit Bots tftre Re ts. /.eIt. K i MP , ies. S. H. BL8EtHii, C(shler. t-. F i3. (ALENDAIC. SiPATRONIZE OWSEN'S BARBER SHOP! N." U I1CON 'T L i2 tl zlls tt<-1;rc!,1111 't1l i j _at,,,____!_='£(a__ ci. F. COVERTtrp - THE AlU5US,- fIN 0 13 1~1 E w W Si()n tt finetst-- lt~ctrti-tt7 i(ttl h s i- Flhe 'tti-A~i1i iafe ,ttt ca (illtwite land cpe- ' ina hosiery. aplellosAsom.,-man ly min-prttaiy SSve islcomfort aid Daring, ite of sitenint intlgs-'iareaguliata 1Mten's, 25e.,lI5e., 50a. Wmes', 50e. Gioestese - st demansdit mas urthr a tlyatswill tIKENSECMPANi, 76 Chauncy St,, Boston, Masts presev t, e 'lsaa end it fore twts stl ncollege, hr sas some mlot, lope Mfg. Ca., Boaston ai s. I-- t.i-it- ttttteteee -.texcelleiit addltitinali maaerial. .\noitg ______ _____t oh 16-ttsesitiyreceitli tof tStol oftih111neSw ineteil lololisier, of Will- R A N A L ©i.(-ettt tIUttsst titt iins; Reese,tif Lelhight;Ifelabarre,i com itteet it DtiLe office, 7:15. I of Amlierst- I t_;nireli, (If Lafayette; , FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, itPet p -dejItiietsit tte -tttIandI Ramisdell, (f .Prineetoit. Fl111 MILLINERY AND ARTs GOODS! l F, +elt. - lillttsetttttniti ststtiels-ttiNetW ganmes are arranged asith Iarvardi E ftFb i lVitlitsu ttiees iolAlphla N tu ndthlIlree Is i N tale. (It) (of the itteerars- st-lt e t ttoot4t I utl. gametts with eat-li college will Ite S ttit., Suutt Feb. 15I1f-1 ttttirthlt-mitti sersties- lay-ed is. lhiladept a. Iwit11 EN lx. )'tI5 A. i tmt i ltlttss, stet - teh ili tal Il REPUtTATI ON ttt s ni-tn t anI as-s s it t al, bIte Ms.. Alie IE 0as 11rtattltt rteem y ais lt-I tt itiralmert.lte FOR S SFOR ) iYs i l el rttout ".15 Wedes.l.St AsestsA. itttig"litsat I tti- BUSINESS LOCALS. E ri lrt II Utttttttlatldreesbefola 55t~~t55 - Ii(LfN5 1iS tays fotr it satht,htor { Ope C "'tsts -ffrscldiittte PittttliietBarber 8110)1. JefrolnSociety Peogriam, To- PL' aht, j ittioftt tll night t sliee, hass the beattIhaeks, estrriages, aildlitrses itn the City. Try hiiim.. If HinghNUm;EJeESTERgiti. G. Ia.lSCUI University School of Music. esay,1 Johinsoin; orationi, C University Schlt of Misic secondtt - - . l akey spech,"Ex-resientsemester beginsa Feb. 20. Ili order that 11. tte~ pecls t li-ftesie atrrangeents foe the semester maay ho Go to Heaidqjuarters for taii new Itayes,"' A. (". I orcipseesi. De- completed it is desirtable that all who hatet Resolv-ed,'that the saeofwishi to study in the schoosl slhoulsd aiid ~~ ~ ~ al seof-I rTETBO S egister at once. Office hours for the andseon-lindTET-BOK.tiUltors swithins the '(rouindts of the next twso weeksA, 9 to 12 a. mn., to Weo haie -ceti vetd a large suppleyColuminI Lapositioti shulitibe .i - 7- o Grc.LtGeiii iihprothihitedl..-Affiriiiatis-efit. T.1. N >1 I tER 1( Wtebbllandl It. J. toard:stnegative, I- Freli'(( lassiscs. tNEW«7AN \.)5 FItNt-ICOMPA'NY. . ttiamer antiJ. I,.- Pos0ton. St tltt u iatttsad t Atl it //-//-/)-I AN On e of theientteresting featulreasttf Mt-eli asiltt t e tile i5slyeelt-,rt, the Ipogram NvIill 1beaIirecIitionlI itt th le comattytlietalsa to haltse5bteen We NI fahala Net.anAbet gvent> orgtten. f'T'heitmanagemntelcgs io S (lc helretaniba IvetsyItM issAsa(-hatl cord al sy thai, the ctl~ompay isstifit- s eers Not Psiok intitlt-, city fort- =fc. titvtaltil s eafottulectiie ita 1111c h eatt ttii i e\ely \tlls atltito thirP -esilteparlits .1bo t ill regarto iapll- Bing i selilitoursecondl-hatiidi Peelnsylvatsia's New BailiNIne. gtertsa itlttl('(trfore,- allts-thbeir- g Texl-Blstks. fTe regtiar practice of ite Penn r lleirtflieth ieir effotinta lritiiuth isi sylvania ntine thas Commitent-etd. Titeitotse.Tiiteie Itteatt sely fess ii-slly Wcurl's pookstore otoki ey- et 5 oaeagng houldbegreetedbit fulllthouae gan Byn, li~f lits, whtenever lhey v istis. Madline Ihontoson Mth-aelden,N nail, itoistas Met-li will applat the btt- andltfopferaf ao S. State Street. '(ltouise, Fridtiy eveniing, inth ie populiar Main St,- Opp. Court House. antd Mackie of last rear's cite are I ltna, IltsilFltilt. anLf~I -C U l o l S~teet.e SPFCIAL SALES. OEXI EI OXLY.AI GOODPEED'S TI )ORI-NG5-T ONLE WEE-K OLNLY. GOODSPEED'S 15 AfeNI Ni E AVEEKI s.ONLY. GOODSPEED'SI