tt* Of . 1a 1. VOL. III.-NO. 96. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRIJARY 16, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THEIR MONTHLY MEETING. The Board of Regents Made Several Appointments and Appropria- tions, Yesterday Afternoon. The chief business transacted by the Board of Regents, yesterday afternoon, at their February meet- ing, was the appointment of profes- sors and in regard to appropriations. The resignations of Prof. C. W. Ilelser and Instructors Hall and Levi were accepted. Pomeroy Ladue,I >. S., received the appointment of instructor in mathematics, and Eugene Leser, Ph. D., that of in- structor in trench, both at $9C0 per year. Dr. 0. R. Long, of Ionia, was given permission to deliver a course of lectures on mental diseases before the homwopathic school, no salary attached. The physiological psychology laboratory was granted $155 for apparatus and the chemical laboratory $a4. Geo. F. Key was appointed instructor in descriptive geometry at $I25 for the semester. Prof. red Morley was given leave of absence after April to assist in taking the primary triangulation of the United States at present. With this it is interesting to compare the enrollment at the leading foreign universities, as reported in Trub- ner's "Minerva:" Vienna, 6,029; Berlin,5,571; Naples.4,592; Leipsic, 3,431; Edinburgh, 3,387; Munich, 3,292; Oxford, 3,212; and Paris, 10,212. The strict comparison of the two sets of figures is unfair, however, since all students who are enrolled in the junior and senior classes of the ordinary American college would be classed as univer- sity students in Europe." This article, which is taken from the Christian Union continues fur- ther on referring to "Minerva'': "If it is intended to confine the book to universities alone, then from the American list the names of Amherst, Hamilton, and Williams, as being colleges only, and those of the Uni- versities of California, Texas, Kan- sas, Minnesota, Virginia, the City of New York, and Vanderbilt Univer- sity, as being universities in name only, should be dropped. If col- leges are to be included, then the American representation would have to be increased indefinitely.' Ninety-Four Laws' Yell, Colors, and Motto. TO HELP ATHLETICS. Webster Votes that One-half of the Net Proceeds of the Debate go to Athletics. The Webster society rendered an excellent program last evening to a large audience. The piano solo by Miss Nellie Goodwin elicited hearty encores. The reading by 'Mr. Mur- dock was aptly chosen. Mr. Heg- ner's paper on elections was an ar- gumentative production. The reci- tation by Miss A. Permele Davis de- serves special notice. Her delivery was very good. The debate, as usual, was strong. The impromp- tus by Messrs. Fennelly and Mc- Intyre were replete with wit. Messrs. Murdock and Fennelly were chosen to represent the society in the Web- ster-Jeffersonian debate. The so- ciety further voted to share half the net proceeds of Inter-university de- bate with the Athletic Association if such arrangement was desired. Credit Allowed for College Journal- istic Work at U. of W. At the last meeting of the faculty BE When you wantthe Latest Metropolitan Styles of $2, $4 or $5 Shoes at 50c to $ a pair less than Ann Arbor prices, send for Catalogue to 1R.FYFE&CO 10.183-185 ifoonwasis Avsu., DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. gihmond SfraIght Qst. No. 1 CIGARETTES. cigarette Smokers who are willing to nay a littl more than the price charged for the ordisury tradeC igarettes,,will find Tnis BRAND superior to sit others The Richmond Straight Cut No. ICigarettes are made from the brigh,- motdlct g otSt. l ary's river under Gen. o h nvriyo icnii odLa rwln1z ~an1hsi h l .oe, Ninety-four laws adopted the fol- of the iniversitv of Wisconsin, it *at. msi dolca Ori s the end being to connect Lake lowing yell at their meeting, yester- was decided to give credit for edi- and orignal nrsod or Straight Cut Cigarettes, y asod 'cos bought oat by us in they'ari18t5. Superior with the lower lakes. The t afternoon: torial work done on the U. of '. Bewareof imitations, and observe that the maypaaunteect firm name as below is an every package. position is important and reflects -- -. Daily Cardinal. The editor-in-chief The ALLEN & GTNTER Branch 11-yiit-yinOf the American Tobacco Co., much credit to the . oKi-ypi i il receive credit for fl study Manufacturers, - - RichmondVirginia. ois small appropriations for special Michigan, Michigan, during the time of his work on the apparatus were added, and the board Ninety-four law! paper, provided that credit for only Unquestionably adjourned until March 15. The class motto adopted is "On one term's work be received by one THE HIGHEST oRADE OFi - -+----the Threshold," and the colors man. The other editors will receive FRATERNITY JEWELRY. Are We All University Students. I chosen are red and white. credit in proportion to the quality "It would not be a very difficult i - 1 ,--- and quantity of work done by them. And the Largest Assortment of matter to miake a census of te real Last Recital of the Seie-toy at tho School of Music. The Daily Cardinal says: I L T -,S university students in this country. It is a formal recognition of the value i . n It would include only those who The closing recital of the School and importance of such work in the having had a preliminary educati m of Music for this semester, will be college. The editor-in-chief's work was ROEH I & SON, havnghat us college re iicarys c l, Igiven by the faculty, at Newberry found so varied anid complex that no arryinge os grastiet sdieso, are hiall, at S o'clock this evening. The adequate means of estimating it couldIDErocr, - - MicHi. carrying on graduate studies im(r1 '- be reached by mere subiissious of his following rgam wlje e d re : ..Cottege va-.s, 'Pins, andCtclass Buttons, a faculty especially organized for the f gprogram silhibe rendered:writing, and as it is necessarily muore__ ._J. ________ luruose f conduucti ccourses of Variaionon eonc rtantes,o .iMenuelssohn work than required for any yfull sttuly pupseM iss Grace A . Poviey and blr. Fred L. Abet. ..P .K N U A higher instruction and research. In I. "Infelice," from "Ernani".------..berdi iu the university it was thought safe such a ceunsuis Colutmbia iwoultdheaidiir.SilasIu. Miis. to grant ifull study credit uncondi- ZiI, a. E'tudc. E major, Op. 10, No. < i? tionally.M R AN the list with over 600 university b. Im 'iomptuGfiatrmaor-...--- Sa tu-usMERlls students, Harvard would follow I-. a. selode Pde- AkI e-tures ouu the hldwctuuu Iouu closely with over th, Yale would b. serenata Moskosi dation of the Hobart Guild will be J come third with about42, and . s er..edNiMiii-. d delivered this year by the Rt. Rev. TA ILOR cos hur ruh bou 1 uh '. i ii Meeting"------------Nueodc Johns Hopkins fourth with about b. Novellezza ---- --------..---Godard 'Thos. U. Dudley, I). D., bishop of . The University of Chicago, c.'"SpinningSng- agner-List Kentucky, on the general title of s hiorrn ti 7o. The 'University of ,ChicagoMr. J. IErieci Snuusoos.Y, gADI i ' Ro. Cornell University, Stanford Uni- VI. "The Muleteer of Tarragona"-...Henrion "The Distinctive Principles of the versity, and the Universities of Mich- tMr. Silas i. Mils. Protestant Episcopal Church.''The Y VLNovlietico. Op.2----------- Gode PotstntEisopl huc."'rsc_=~00T hITSs igan and Wisconsin would furnish Allegro scherzando. Audantino con moto. lectures begin Sunday evening, perhaps 2 0 or cc more. A few Moderato. Larghetto con moto. Allegro. March 5, in St. Andrew's church, Miss Edith M. Kelley, Messrs. Mills and Abel.55'W.~CR'Z' S2'- others are scattered over the country. ,1,., _and continue through March 16. So that there are nearly 2,500 bona- Dr. Martin was called to Cass Six lectures will be delivered, dates dde university students enrolled in City, yesterday, on business. and subjects to be announced later. Detroit, Xichigan.