THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. I ... m _ ALL OVERCOATS AT - OFF. ALL, SUITS AT " OFF'. __As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLE PANTS AT VOF. ____Cremne styles now readyvat See these bargains before buying. ~trrIE7EJ r11w0 SJ\~. WADITAMS. KENNEDY & BE/ILE. Arbor wingsBankPATRONIZE Annl Arbor " CaialS Bakc2k, ](l, t( u~ie~OWENrS BARBER SOFT1is P Ac A S Otlch. Pi l b at, $f, I), gar 3a's a 0.00 ... .. , ,s l't i(s a IE1"' t. t i o.0 , a Org'anize'd islethe General Bi nght ab'IsN. I. '' of this state. L( hie et' tposits, buys ad le Is., 0' }. .I 'e 'xttSt.. ______ sel xl a s on t sr1 srinpalticaes of the, 17itttiStats's. 1i"'aftiscashet uop rper TH E' ARC U35, 0 . D. iosaaa, s mapt s. 0 1.1AR ER£ 10. i.l2IN T 0' t.E. 10. H ia .Casbier. .t""'I 51 t sO" l'hllP'100 }+trA ~ lii; ie"ho ve a tliNew Poclain _ _ :S .l s't, t~'ih e.Tubas. r } _ -, Iaeszasr r.,m.s .x; s .vs.aaarrveav... . "t > tn b y7 >.4 ' 1t ie., L"' ~ 0 '1 aNE4.Sii'.Ails csclic- 51'-a-----I1I 1 , aatfreie '-sit tt{t' asttsceitc at)ntt. 'Ottat ats'ilt aitmlst lS sli iappile blossaoi-ttantly maatt--pretty +f .a' Dts~sc",tcatilthlactss~ fitGiilasiery. gil sliiit12t 's(tniiSlte atrcolac pic- -'A h ~f . i tog eealt isitta Dap s es. H a ys ilct 'Sase Discomfort and Datting. ta of sixeen toprintings-T'l'srcgulate teetoi a ig xepsifrat 5as.2cHasa 5c. Wtt a Its Cia lsasscl, ato iaa e saetitat yau will IlA oI. l(ENItlt, Pres. 1F. H. IIED3E11, Casir. tant sacs Satuirday eesing. WAIKERNOSE COMPANY, 76 Chancy Si., Bstat, Mats cetsampsito sallsarthcstl f pac k-ta fd~~eO ing andot asga - Caleadar Dcpaci' I'.IS M (ALN1.'ll Faculty Notices. sacaf, Pope 01g. Ca., Boston, Mass. ____________________________________ IWedt., Ilast l-Wetrso ciety sss-sati. I will mcct the stuentcsfoit o uitrse L 'b1iteb. lt l-.lefitersstisatiSocis' ety po"am. l's10 1n atin, Tusdfay, IFeb. 2:1, at 4. CA77 J's F R Thnn, d 'it. Neiwberr y recital tof Shoottl oti c'clorkin rotoo 1E. Xfter thecftrst H l O z ttaol'sssstoSstret Olsipic, N ee yHa ll 151. 1II.t I itis st P-Maiapafi~tirestysllt roee gtho le'liotirs ssill be cloanged. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, t I 551fotsis tfcSl.JC. Rsfii - Fri., Pats. l-Atlptli itos-aist a lcionttt, __sc'm "T MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!' cassins 4,58io'c'lo. -SALES, sot's It V I\ E IS.t --' Iloosi s0 cast Parts StraetIl, i.t.-lisseistiiwhtiip ~ ~ ~o are thinkintg oftlakinog this I r o ril t11 ; i 11> cse sic a. ti 5Pet(tsfa~c'scAtis ousrsce floesecond senostler, sewto IN I xi v S AVEEARED N Ilitrar sciey, oom4, ;:4. hve otalready toseen n s ill plelase H sscs'iTAT'.Pt i oftist'5.C. A. Annuaiatties sii p Sndais dtot'sal t 11 Fossiss l~ 23 isIeveing:so, intsittearssty tisill, Ity Mrs. Alie )[[VI ; E D5 e1 We'd., 1Pets.--OSteslpenA. D lostttas s i- Sat'y in the. day on ws ictir hle one- /s \'11 8o tiroiitt ssthl. u.l l diitO' bforelts at w ' fifth lecttire cocirse irs I3lligao l S pcaaaes" '- -is giveno in tlicsecond semsester. 'ITea . L1 ~? BUSINESS LOCALS. letrswl e'give nW 1l ttt ~~un . I l o~5 e1jlis f Pttsletetrwlt ivennory. o 1a (1 fllflIfl nil'BilP~llfl 'J'1"~ (E'J9( t'prays for si lbaths, itt or Friday, 3-4, instead etfbWeIcesdlay. codatth Iosofic larerShl.. hoe first lecture on Jri lay, I ch -, T ILOR1NG z--1 ofices hs i fsheatlsacks, s'ssrasIIi~l'i'MI' Try R. . DAVISlan listss in sthe eity. 'Try hini. te 1 i (z oleaqatls o l set 'RAND) OPERA 11051 S. Ieen made necessary. thle bulletin Ibeard containts annoulncemoent. I ar seesisid-Isand I.RoomTEXT-13V() s. Ms t~ lalhe sR e frons $2 to i of \Yedein Mserei 'wsli 'p'pearlarg supplygrandislOpera ou ise osFrisday eveing. week begiinninsg the s ;tlo for consuil- e hve eceveda lrgestlj~l ITie fitllows ig nitee sitthis sdistils' tatioi. A. C. 'I.m' tcr1iii. of(rec aoG'siu Igiislesi actress is from thes'New Fo'kt--lc ofGeklaiiGra n ram sstic'Newesiof Octosbesr 'nth 1 cir tlhe secondsem anester of s2to-' Sthe irst hoat' of the creisessr its5t'93'tI w aill offer a fsvo-fifthts course in Frec C (lassic's. NEW AND md trcieb necletpr Irsait sif A-lais'linet'-Merli, the Itasl ian ermantogicio ndbatlad oery. SEC;ON )- H AN 1. IStoic 5t'ress,«s110 hots lately sellevs IiIt soill iticet 'Tulesda~y s and 'Ilurs- stis lt a rtltiiscatlsioscass iii emotionalo dasI "/-js 51 ,iiorooms -. litclo- We fi'elite lirg>est and best eie, i oriMdii i i'astlessis Decuhsch.- Lyrik still bitsedtf itlayitg' "'Frozei sois l iii'helorgersfiistatnd the intitialimeetiing osill o(e Nsot Boo 151the ify or 2c'. Nae ifisglanditielis, atlandhrisarfor- i~oe oo, lthesiyiorinec lissbee'aiir'ceivedl sithlipoliltlatssaciur 'I uscl y, laeb. ar. bty'largea situis's sa nd tuii t iti ttstilio l WEcria A :511. 1 It. Br'ill il'ursP('tJld-handlslpratise Sty thes'riicis. Ne'sY'rerss Unverit -c otao muic at se~~~~~~~ill 1have' sts s5l otlt'tiiiil) of seieig UoarshScolefrtut Tt'stl~sooentd it'of 'tt eIOttio i lts. i st t ni st:ty Schoooft ci dicsescondti ead tt ist .altt~L - semistser beginus.Fab. 20. sn orletisat 1.nt examniations for eistransce in'rr'ssstsinest for the semiiester sily be W atr- pooKst~re physics still be helcs. Satulrday, sosmpetedl it is desiraible that all whost I ovishi to study in the schiool shsisslsd F'ebruary 1S, at 9 ai. ini.ithse register 'it once. Office houitrs for the 205S. State Street. physitcal laboratory. 2snext twowsieks, 95 Io 1_a. mo.. 2 ts Main St. Opp. Court House.1. S. CRIscsr T. i p" fir'5741 ONE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED' S (~~'..SAMPlLEO 1-0I ONE WLEK INTL'I GOODSPEED'S