THE U. OF M. DAILY. ____The if . of MT. Dental Society wvill ^'l of " e~z ?' render the following program Thurs- dlay evening: Paper, "Dental An- Published Dily (Sunedays excepted) durngl atomy,"'''£r. Geiger; discussion of th .OFM NEPCtENENTeer, IATIO same, by Mr. Souttherland anti Mr. THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONCook: paper, "Pathogenic Micro- Si biseptiee~prce $ 2.51 per' year, invie'abtyr organisms foeund in the Mlouth,"' Dr. in ta-civn ile oierest3 tcents. Substcrip- Stewart; discussion of sanmc, by Dr. toes tteerbewleftcat the ofieoft the lieAtsY, at WIeliet's, wi'thanyr ttofte edittors or - I ladle awl -Mr. Rawlings; lpaper, iby athoierizedsi citrs. iMr. Little; discuissions of same, by commuinicationseshould reaci t~e fit1ce ty 7 o'tlock P. it. it theyeaeec ttoeppearte ietX Ir.;spin tg and -Mr. SlecBridle. tay. Addreesst itllttitenedfiottpuitihae- tion toi the Menagiw "Edtitor. Alltibusinesst- LIKE FINDING MONEY. By Going to Wahr &'Miller's and save front arc, -oe and 75C ott every fair of Shoes as swe most reduce our stock to meake roomo for Spring Goods. Fine IFootwvear lDealers, F ~ 48 8OCT11 MiAIN STREET. TROUSERS XTO ORDER BI5DSCONT FOlTII'' AYS. THE 'U. of Mi. DAILY, Ann Arrtitch. EDITORS i.. n -AAY it tet~Hit Eitie. A. t'eiso.N, it. sitti csii itisalt S 1).t rii t tie 1tt ':}3,'-I--i t t - S. W.iiL't+,ittee,Bs iesY rtg . it W i. 9,Asiit~t A~.:ti t es '94 sis-i A.W. it h w r h 13ssW .E a sI1 .I " e , e 1:.a 0 tor ta t e t betw9c. s1.13sGie ritI~lieis prposdIfor Sli Wora lswarT6 I. ee i eastern te.lams11ar outnaemtent bupo nu those fron thdeeest to receive invi- tations wtill lie the Uinis'ersity tif Chicago, U iversity of Wisconsin, Minnesota, anti Michigan. The tournamesit is scheduled for use first twvoeeeks of Jetty. ''ie state shetold at once take measures for further accommoda- tions for te violestly insanse. Juedginig troesthteile saporings of slit individual svho styles lehiself the nmanaging eiteor of the Wtashite- tease Times, anid pri tetes to be the ,f'ii'a/eo' of Ante arbor nevspapeer life; whvit5sC)o benmuddled intie es mndetlthat lee qutotes his owsncircu- ation, imeagisning ii to be theat of the lDst .e. TierF baseball elenient at North- weesterin 'niversity leasnhot yet awakened front its winter's sleep. The Northwvestern laments this fact in its athletic column as followvs: Noirthtwestcrnt is still vitleott captain fur leer beasebasl teste.'Te loinger then delayis intoosintg St aptetiti, the'lest leopefesl the chantecetier success inth~e spring. Manty of the snectswvho iteede teo try tier the Ctemstssay they wiii begin: trainting aSstoonl-,iSs a caspttain is eletted but nset before. Til is tt lttlr exhsibi- tion of collegte spirit. IC is truly ar unsfoertunasete iressnstas're that snectp- itinsste beets electesi; bitt thtere are mtassy datys siliping by thaet msighst just .is well be patrtly devtede to trasiss isng, esven wiiheest aca eptainto teouer- see. Efspeeiailyi oueghttthe slest wci played snthtle teasm last year to set t example by gettisng to work at estee. i s r i ff TA- 'Toledo, Ann Arbor and Norti liii ''juso itae'~teav tteletele ~ dsI~SS Michigan Railway. Hor sfbrd'sAcid Phosphate. et2p'tete tturit otI'tei eiei t .ttiit rt'.t '1 Havt1S e ( iI i ii, orsee'lt 'eail Y llt ---e 7 tcitt tolllL~ytillenooioy psractice, but- s illletet-iii Ce cv'in- tIivtitete s ean oneel' it Iest t es eittttet ieesasece teg tieente i -- tu-Ai t-Se At Ct1Il1St