cIjc N. of T. eail. VOL. III.-No. 95. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. HIS POSITION DEFENDED. Dr. Briggs Gives His Views in Re- gard to the Imaginative in the Bible. Dr. Chas. A. Briggs' lecture be- fore the Inland League last evening was listened to by a large and atten- tive audience, drawn together to hear the man who has made the deepest agitation of recent years in the theological word. His address was the product of deep thought and was marked by peculiar earnest- ness. "The Bible, said the speaker, contains codes of laws, but is not a law book." It contains more than doctrines. It is for all classes of people and is essentially the word of God. It treats of history in the popular styles of the times. It was not intended as an exact statement of facts. If it had been for the in- struction of the historian it would have been written differently. It is the imagination which renders the proplsecies of value to the Christian. The Psalms show the polish and culture of the Hebrew poets. In fact, every form of lyric and heroic poetry can be found within the bible. The book of Job is only a work of the imagination in poetic form. Jesus used the same plan of teach- ing as that used by all the great in- structors of his time. He drew upon his imagination for parables to illustrate the sacred truths he wished to teach. Why should we doubt that the old testament writers did the same? Fun at the Adelphi. The Adelphi has made prepa 'a- tions to properly celebrate the close of the semester next Friday evening. The following attractions are adver- tised: Adelphi Warwhoop, by Chief Wilcox, Laraugue, "How I Taught Mr. Stanley to Sing," Prof. F. W. Newton; eulogy, "Pat Mul- doon," H. V. Holmes; oration, "Cornstalks," T.M. Kilbride; duet, J. Dearborn and S. A. Smith; tragedy, "The Library Chair, or the all of Dignity," W. W. Wede- meyer; poem "On Eagle's Wings I Soar,". W. J. Galbraith; paper, "'ie Earth," J. W. 'rott; dis- course, "At what time would a per- son rise if he got up by standard time?" R. H. Whitten; solo, "The Girl I Left Behind Me," H. R. Crozier; debate, "Resolved, That a dollar in the street would be a bone of contention." Affirmative, S. R. Cook. Negative, C. T. Purdy; treatise, "Past-Passed-Conditioned -Plucked," by W. R. Kennedy; dirge, "And now our weary task is done, and now our weary race isi run," program committee, Camp- bell, Ellsworth, and Klingler; farceI election of officers for next semester. Cornell Sasebaliists. The list of candidates for the 'Varsity and College baseball teams has been reduced to the following thirty-one: Best, F. A. Cobb, Ham- lin, Johnson, Mason, O'Connor, Streeter, J. W. Taylor, Van Bergen, E. Young, Brown, H. Cobb, Har- rington, Kirby, M. Diarmid, Rich, F. B. Skinner, Towle, Warner, Cushing, Parker, Diehl, Egbert, Holmes,Larned, Miller Rider, J. C. Taylor, Thurston, Wilson, Trum- ble. Irom this time on every man who does not observe strict training and work regularly will be dropped from the list of candidates, unless pre- vented by university work or other- wise unavoidably detained.--Cornell Sun. A Prize in Semitics. Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch, professor of Rabinical literature in the Uni- versity of Chicago, has offered a prize of $150 to be given annually to the member of the U. of C. who will submit to the Semitic faculty the bestpaper upon a Semitic theme. The subject must be selected from three chosen by the faculty. Sub- jects will be announced for this year in a few weeks, and the essay must be in by September t. Prof. Hirsch will be moreparticularly remembered here as a recent and interesting lec- turer in the S. L. A. course. An oratorical contest is to be held in Chicago, on June both, at which 75 colleges will be represented. It is reported that the faculty keep a close watch on the college work of the members of the Univer- sity Glee and Banjo Clubs. If it is found to suffer on account of too much work in the musical line, the offender is at once invited to with- draw from his club. A case of this has happened this semester. THE INDOOR "MEET." Active Preparations Making for the Indoor Meeting to be Held in March. The Athletic Association will hold its annual indoor "meet" some time the latter part of March, the exact date has not yet been fixed. The events will include boxing and wrestling (feather, light, mniddle, andheavyweights), fencing, running, high kick, tumbling, and indian club awinging. Although they have not been pre- paring for this contest, still a large number of men have been in regular training for some time, at McMillan gymnasium, and can quickly fix themselves for any of these events. There will be five or six weeks time for preparation, but all those who have done no training should begin at once. The proceeds of this contest will be used to send the baseball team south. Entries for any of the events should be made at once with Messrs. Holt, Baird or Shields. The Webster Society. The following interesting program will be rendered this evening: Piano solo, Miss Nellie Goodwin; reading, J. AV. Murdoch; oration, H. L. Heg- ner; piano solo, Miss Nellie Good-i win; recitation, Miss A. Pennele Davis. Debate, "Resolved, That the United States should annex the Hawaii. Affirmative, G. R. Camp- bell, Jas. M. Adams. Negative, R. L. Campbell, G. L. Reed. Im- promptus, A. McIntyre and E. P. Fennelly. Miss Davis is a fine elo- cutionist and will renderiher favorite selection, "The Legend of the Organ Builder." Everybody is in- vited. - The Prohibition Oratorical Contest. Ann Arbor prices, send for Catalogue to N.H. FYFEF&CO 101. 183-185 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. qiQhmond StraIght Qat. No. 1 CIGARETTES. -- Cigarette Smokers who arewiing to nay alittl mornie than the price charged for the cdo trade Cigarettes, wiil find Teis 0RAND saperior io 3 nit others. SThe Richmond Straight Cot No.1 Cigarettesa e made trom the bright- est, east deiieately fSavored and highest eost Oold Lea grown in Virginia, This is the Old and Originai Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in the year 18705. Bears of imitations, and eerveathat the firm name as beiow is an every paehage. The ALLEN & GINTER nraneh Oe the Ameriean Tobac o Co., Manufacturers, - - Richmond, Virginia. Unquestionably THE HIGHEST GRADE O i FRATERNITY JEWELRY. And the Largest Assortment of REO M ALT E ROEHIVI & SON, DETROiT, - l ut xAN. College Flags, Pins, and Class uttons. P. J. KINNUCAN, Arrangements are being made to MERCHANT have the local prohibition contest on April 2S. Several students have already signified their intention of TAILOR going into the contest. All other students desiring to enter should re- port to D. F. Wilcox, secretary of the Prohibition Club. The state contest this year will be held at " Albion, and the national inter-col- legiate contest will take place at 55-W_ BORw S'_, Chicago, on June 30. The state honors last year were won by Miss Mattie McFarland. Detroit, Michigan.