THE U. OF M. DAILY PIdo Al X A lIM 1.TA W iS. CALKINS, (34 So. State Street) A 'eO'I IISSJPL APE EiP SA IR R YSS ('iliol-Cltloid boi] edges, ONLY $14.00. TicN'1have l ecir'd Mef/ilomoy7e C Grisba, and Alp/ac heals. TIhe r ~J' lesl Fads in Pedoras. III"1I: FI :L oS s I1 I'Ii)C I''IITIN.j I sl 11 4 ># I-outh State Street, UPIT itXIRS. 1 ;4 MO RE&WT-RE BOOK STORES- N0-'. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET "" S ND CORER OF XTAFF:iND) X))I I 50011TETS t.l i Ca'i1 : i ' d .y t~ 3. } }\ i I aL' ((}; J 3 }_ _" ) 7 4 D 4 i' ya- Jis1;1D;(Av jav tt~ LABOQR BRIOW/ Will A:t our it's o M a il- -- - 6a-so -s. - Niagaa als rN. Fo;reso GY. I . oii IFIRSTI >.) NiX (<~r ~o2.. 11iibU found C~ peeand our Prices as Low as the Lowest.TH T YOI 1ofL, t tO 7(plo T. ATeYOU CAN BU CA, ii1t l i d 31 Wiltiaii-t.,ltrst door west of State-si. 1 t]" l,. rtiiil olotii ilat 'Rio ito-, f 1or ftl ' tt ialio raol llilrIog~l~eI, * I"D tpliiii ".1 C ]1 - Snils tooa ii'a pci}.Oi 111. llworklibrst-clas. liii XII.) "i~~yufi, ' 1..20 90Iipki, - C? 'IIF YOldAWANT TO 2 lake Shore,- - - cc 1.5) 0 c: - ii bavssoni cepti~lCo nezO fi Cilii .XI' XiAndl all iithirCaninedi (ools at proportionatelopr iof W'im A riold5 36 MainStreet K' UU ' s 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. E' )LGS0L, UNIVERSITY NvOTES, A chess conitest bietiween the HOWd DOES TfHJS SI1 jy ,OA li'ytiirte eolr~r N orthlwesternl UniXversity,1IVl- ou b 'a . ! 1llI allt n hefr 7eutleKo o' ie-Adpi agenine , s0.1Oir' ity of 2ll~ici, 0111ndthe 1J oo-CrsiIy-y-OTY? SilOIX 'i ildosi'' t 'It its 0' ~syIou ouldllinli e, of Csicagio has beetn XluggCXIei.-- ,wlii stork- -,bouit Prof. Scott lectulres thlsolenn ' nii. of Chlicago NewsX. 'before tniii tyClb 0o1 'rt.'" Mr."lPomeroy oLdue, wltio slily- 0111 5p11N2 stoc'k viii11)011p be U TR 1 here siul be no mlieltig ofth~eed i.healretI~ticoc~li. As 110 do lilt 15is1 to calIr XII lndlLeague tis CrCeling. Iilallralltiyinter11goods,( Ireisshtl PR ICES. Ten mCen have- aplied for 10os0t- le Signial Service depairtmenrit at 011 'Ii~orgos w s~i tso~tic .0 torl 015the 6 baebal t~l~ll IDetroit lbefore his appoilntmentlOhere, soll loiel I f roW Ic vroiluced priccs. ,;lit 1linStet.Snday'sIneOca containsa The closing conlcert of tile School wor illustrated write-upopfi the - of Miusic 1w111 be given, Thursday $3 SUITS 1OE0130.t~ JOAN LCENT A of St. Press Clu~b. evening, tFeb. 16, in Newberry hall. 53(1 "< "G f125 a Itvie)Nvebr Pof. Thionmpson's lecturce on11thle The first concert in1 the secies of ---4:'5c tc.a r 1eit );" saic Law,'' annlouned for this Chamber concerts will lie given Alole- l so~ri)l ---- 5 Da Fores _h t 2s- li Cail t -------- i >, "eveninlg, has been postponed. MarchelI20. 1 9 45,N. S 5 nitd 0) 's ,11 ;11 l n 7Chcg S) it [lhe 1Freshman Mandolins clulb will In the currenlt numlber of flarlier's S - I ,1,1.tle- I IX IiICt Wednesday evening, at 7-:>oWeekis-lyFetb. r11, i Ao',in tile oct1- A E --ill to >crlxitn ,; aX o t o;IE. uonrl. Imiportanit blusi- c, 'Anoerican IPhysicianss in Tier-- 11.ntiloio. Atl 11it 1 51 I iCssilit).-'' will be found a s-ery conmpli- 42 aSiit l fSir ice .Scr. Mytr ollT.Jlonies, 'buinessICIlmanagerC'ilenitary reference to WIilloughiby ID. NXATIONAL BANK oWooster Voice, of tUniv-ersity of Miller, A. 1t., '7, I'll. D, ' WID8I.JiHJJ t upls:i Po ooster, illinthe city takoing splecialt The younlg leople of the 21 .12 TTI1.1TIThI Iirsi o.1cc'rnbiod. chulrchl contemplate gZi1,gaII li l- iiiI u 11 Inlanld Loadie hlas deckidittlo i tscal o11 Tuesday eovenling in - .0c,- 1,1s,3< (3 .3 sllickoets to the lirigga lecture, to 'tile chulrch plarlors. Itooths an~d a i SLLNG IS NE ' yp ffli A j TI jI ali ersons, wcietiher hlolders of sea- lpost office wvill be erected for tile A Utiiiiig, ii fl sonltickets ocrlnot, at fifty cent) pCI ~ iJ~I~i~L ticket. GRANGEW9 ACADEMY. 10ablils I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ol a 1 businessIi 1, 1 l ileeling ofItse lDress Alaellsg 1from lhe 'lil,'l ,oia. o :boe iClub ssas hld Saturday afternoonl an1d Reieeonte En .ranilee, 0t MAN NIIIRDST-, - AN'N'Alesi. osi~ing to the inlability of Ster. S. A. M_______ forans to be poresenst. Amoong olfer Send iiIof EI) C ' form- business tranltacted Iwas the election thellr, ST II oby rexlress (Itof trof.F. N.Scott ashnraymeno- tl~I 11L51 CAN DII+S in Ano,riI. honrar Iat up Io elegant boaes fa er ftecu.Mrdlrnwl strcly ure..Siable foer o h lb r trnbl 1pretais.IExprescllilrgres I ' d lopll00cr 5 ll(Obcaadeliv erlh115adress Saturday, Feb. Tryeit orli Addiress, C.. 61 TT51ER, C~onfc"!1e,,25, whlen thse regnlar senmester elec- CICAGO0 Ii) lIclNilI.tionl Iwill also beIheldl. r sale and delivery of valentines and OIUU AlT IREDUCEtD arranlgements swill be mlade so that PRICES WHIC1H1 WILL every one 0110 senils a valentinle wsill BE A BAGAIN receise onie. At a meeting in Dletroit Saturd ay, I FOR, YOU AS rof the Detroit brandshof Collcgiatceit GOODS iAlumnae, Mrs. J. Ti. Suncderland -was appointed on a cominttee to- tgethser with three othecr ladies, to M U SOT GO. swork for thle passage of the co-ed's annex clause, in the bill alpropri- atingumonsey to the University. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Near Main.