THE U. OF M. DL7. 1Y. JUS3z THAT' SHABBY HAT !i iR\E - dr~I he IWILL SCARCELY DO IN ANN ARBOR. 5o and- thin- ntetre o You are glad to return), and we are certaidly pleased to see you, b z6lut vo lhknw pearanlces go a long ways. Of\LKINEi MUSICAL §ODSIj1 SFY53 O H 000 CQ ATQ9 ALVIN WILSEY, 2] Years in the Business. Excelsior Laundry, 4 "i'FA I SOt I CITILAUND Y20CEAST HIUtON STR3EET. Finest l-l dmEsesls,,' 5CITY L0530D0. Il God Work 0Guaraneetd. 5ood, Balled for ove t~llinsDrtrstre AN RBR" M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth St. anddeIlivered. A. F. COVERT. rop. MOORE&WETOREBOOK STORE, NO- .6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, AN (F N D IEAN 1OI.,1\ SrLII Ill Tei' el lxt-llols-, 'IIelal Iboo PS, Pus- iol s, I U ii al Bok10, Student-s' 5sote Fcols. Blau11 Books, Staticonerv. AWe louavea 'i goe Stocklof(I issaiel uInd Esser )1 dtll-I I Illsm0s Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. - O PRICES.PQ~S. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! S A VIFYX ULT. .]:-' LS .T Call on Win. Fulde. tils Thll e ocester, ThLoItyall. andldTile Perfectiou Studenlt Lamplis tour den-TaSlier, opposite tileELawBildinlg, 00 onstate tht tey gve he ostperect igh ofanylam s mde.Whie te William-st.Illrst sdoor west of State-st. Zl rtdtll ie ietlenls lretlgl f10 liSnl e. Wll ie Cleaeing, repairing andpressing doeeatlly. plrices vasry troll)90 cenlts to $15 eacih, they all give tile saml~e Iquality 1111( quan-ll sells to order aespecialty. All work first-class. tity of ligiht. Nrgatnd ELamp, witih porcelain shatdes, at - - - - - 55 cenits Ill YOU WANT TO lied Star Oil, tilat burnls witihout odor, does nlot chlar tile wick, aind gives a pore white light, delivered at - - - t0 cen~ts per gal Buyaz6 Or C ook Oil Calls, according to capacity, from - - - - 211ceints to $6 eachl. To see is to believe. See our stock and you will be colnvinced thlat we sell or have sme Repairing done gs ts tile best Lamp and best Oil for thle least money of any hlouse in tis city. R h 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. Wm Aiod36 Main Street BROWN'S DRUG STORE. i TEAMUS WVm. Branch, '92 mcdic, is prac- We Don't Want Much ! ! ticing at Duluth, M~ich. WE WANT yeer trede in Music At1m. Roycr, '92 mledic, is prac- WvEi WANT you s td wthevery ticing in Sturgis, Mich. 15 ASthingksoughtsofus. J . W. Dobson, '92 mcdic, is prac- WE__WANT to knew your muesicul needs tiring at Cerro Gordo, Ill. WE WANT to eurrysuchia stsck 0 . .Caids92dnt sloae will fill your nec~s .S hld,(2dn, loae Now, What More Can You Wanst ? 1n an office in Decatur, Ill. Pianous,Gulture, Banjos. Mandulinu, etc., to ThDal rent. er eold en easy paymeuts. two men on tsPl edtoias tf. y THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., F. L. Parker, '92 law, is practic- L. HOLE! 5. Manager, 51 South Main Street. ing at his home in Manistee. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. The freshman class at Harvard, Time Tabie (Revised) June 12. 1852. ut coe ubrd49 Stall--- p i. WS. au 5 Cfhicago Special -2307 Diny Expresse.-__s S25tiny Exprese-.-8 o o M. L. Morris, '93 engineer, is N. S. Limited---- 28Muill-_____l_ t c -3 N. V. Limited-S iS4 N. S. limited.. s9 so With a surveping party in Virginia. Niagara Falls Sp1ll 27 p. in. a, m. Chicago Exprees. 2 9 Win. Blair, '9- medic, has charge P. N. Expresse-5158O.RI. Expres..- 5550 Aitlantic Espriss_. 7547 American Exp -_ 9 IS of thle course in Electro Thierapeu- G. H. Expreos-__IS 47 PaiiEx press Ii 27 0. Wv. RUGoiLES. H. W. HAVSs, tics. G. P. l&T. Agent, Chicago. Agt. Aiii Arbor. The Al. 05. A. Rugby eleven has FIRST NATIONAL BANK done ail its practicing by electric OF ANN ARBfOit. lgt Capital, $1[)0.000. Sueplue und Profits, $30,000. 1 Transact-. a general bainking business, tor- The electioll of officers in tat law en excll.,,,e told, letters fedst poue 1 for ravler aboad deartmenlt is excitiog considerable P. EACH, Pres. S. W. ehier. interest. GRANGER'S The Ilpiscoplal society gives its rATSU 6 O F lAITX T-I first tea social at ttarris H-ail on 'Thu~rsday next., lOth Seasn, Oetobsr, '92, toeMy, 93. Taka Wanda, lut '9411110spent 0O11 NEWC HALL, is centrally located aiidf the summer at borne, retlurned from ,every 5provisiiIllaslbeein mede toipromote the; coimfort lof(ICou rcros. Ter ricsio llstairs Tokio last week. to meount, the dancig roomingo h roend floor. Office at academy, 6 Maynard-st.I A Siberian stuldent, named Vandim 5 u Sensd $125I, $2, or $3 51toe Saim- Labennikoff ihas entered the Agri- Im.I ple Rtetail B~o by expressofli iun1 thellEST2CANIJIES in Americs. cultural College. strctlpre.Stblesread Patterson, who prayed right guard PRIESENTS. Express cIharges p~repaid. Reter- to all Chicago. on the At. A. A. team, is a brother Im .. ''ry it oiice- Address, CmTf1 .5'. GUNTHER, iContecioner, Of Mr. Patterson, of the Medical 212 State Strset. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. department. 'rhe tennis match which was to have been played, Saturday, has been declared off. Pirof. Scott has returned from Europe, and his classes will conm- mence this week. Albion won the football game played with Hilldale, Saturday, by a score of 36 to 6. Considerable new apparatus 1s expected for the McMillan halt gynm- nasium this week. MacPherran, captain of '89's foot- ball team, who has been sick, is re- ported slightly better. Hon. D. R. Gorden and wife, of Abilene, Kansas, are visitinig their son, Ralph N. Gordon, '95 li. Gertrude Breed, lit '88, since then preceptress at Lansing high' school, is back for graduate work. T1hose interested in tennis arc anxious to know if the courts will be in condition for used this month. Alnong the foreigners enrolled in the dental department is Fred Koy- per, sell of Dr. Kuyper, a prominent statesmsan of tHolland. The followving meci will go the training table todlay: Jefferies, Williams, Blaird, Mitchell, South- sworth, Powers and Spangler. A. F. Wolfenbarger, who is weell known as a lecturer on governmental reform, will speak at the Opera House, tom6'rrow night. He comes under the auspices of the Prolhihi- lion Club. Editioin today, 1,800. STAFFOPJ -TE-- TAILOR! Ishsiowing a first-class line of Dress and Busitness Suitings, Trouserings and Fancy Vestings for Fall and Tinter-. 42 $outh $tate $treet. G. H. WILD, THlE LEADINIG TAILOR, ts tile place to go for finle Tailorilng. lHe has the most select stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! ill Suitiligs, Troulserinlgs, 1111d Flancy Sillk Vestings ill the City, and cotlid he pleased to have youl call anid examine. Ite makes a specialty of Full Dress Stilts. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Amn Arbor.