THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. s1(it~~LI ALL OVERICOATS AT OFF._______ ALLIS UTITS AT j-11'F. ___As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SIN' IAI, %NTS 1AT .OFF.' I trerne styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY £ RELILE. ~rE~BJ ~WQ SAL[VLS.. rr.-rd"%WTrrr'T. I Anun Arbor Savings Bank I ATRO IZE Ann AborNtMS'i i' sti,, I, ''' a.. OW N'S BARBER SHOP!. Otit'i 'i~t 'sS lit 'SS N.tssSlt othis slite. Olt 'tttV('t it b {t , iss',' Y _________________________________ 'nited Stts.Drafts csli tt'. iW ' l---, nkTHE AF 7{S5-' Viela . r. \, ti Sava Dis.omfort and Darning. Men's, c., s., c,50a. Women's,50c. Dicsizetshoe c WAUKENHOSE COMPANY, 76 Chauncy St,, Bs on, Was' 1 F Al. i K Ll 'NiI) kit. Faculty Notices. _______on.,______________-____________ot S etu, ti tArt, ° 1Iwill nmcet the students in course f___before_____ thUty aiil. 18 in Latin, Tuesday, :Feb. ao, at 4 1L 1eA;'u( on"Wors o iitl~nfiton n te mmenireeting the hours sill fir changed. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. I J. laeSson ilok n eis C. .\ferth irst MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! std at.:3t0sprompt. - 'Tr ii eb i6-ti'i'lt ei 'ttial si Scool of SEtiMNAith i]- l.'ritiii . Clinic SO Easi Huron Slret, ASiic'. Nststti'is' Stll., whonare thinking sif taking this ", 5sin., Otis. itt19'lhirtit'firith it es itit orse the secondfseniester, whot ENt tII3 ('\m'o S. mlS en i. it. t iNe as s . A iistolic hase not alreaily seeoine, stiff please. 34 tPo'rsc'sinm I 1rettisiss'slts's. Ido so at iiiic. tiitsRiFO23S. o.ic. )ll it Diii 's.1 * 0 sst TRAS'tesS 11) t )l'f 1l{A I fit t'Sf. I si~rtt't0dii ellfftt fl'ii'tit>l''s io llttititii. 1 chicnge lists beftcs nd necsl- E sh icsi till .'51115'sir stfliet' N hcitd otpeS'asary in the lay on whichthftefsonei- hou s it'll'fits tll t ting 15isiineiof fifth lecture coutrse iniBilioigrapuhy S Opp.CacrtiHousse. tie si ossui-4, lisa .aetil, ci tl tbestisnr ntescodemtr.''h tdrets'se'tf la ys e0 rti'tst'itei tl - its gvnistlesetifsnsse.'lt touro,, thieatrt. Walteri'Lastreotee is sits lectures still be givens in ennmui) ftn ~t~TT I-'i-f s'[pl go eatleasswstif is aotaleosi'setc, friday, --4, insteaod of 'oVeinesta. SEChNI SE ESTER toosinthis pllitefits tinoscharacters "ihe first lecture ono Friday, feblt., s uu u bY b1 llAtht e elsufited 'of tsIis styli' aonlwill be i ntrotostry. ornoge. lie is swelfsutpptorted fty Miss . lFroncsielr~Ad siagitto'scopanoy.Im.C ) ts - - -lbhesceonery is briffiaoot sanodieffective,- i lestctffy thei'BayofitNoatle's, tand the Ch'aosges lot fistory cotirses have GontolHeadquoao'ter s tooroffionew eruptions tf ests its taondftheotll-tt'been made necessary. 'The fuoffetin iso_ of solesee boardicontanisnss annonemtent. I 121 YC~a~ ~U ~ut'eg 0. K BABERSHOP. Fise Shmowser S,%"ta', iNewiPmrcelain itttl Iis i,' tts at. J. . t( A ()NSI i) lah il' I fr f f.Ql) C'aplital,$50,0ttS trpicasisid 1'scfiit;, $Aittiti. Domes a gestrol Baokinguineitiss. Posin- trestoo Saving Deposits. Plos safety neposiS oxes EsorARent. RA. KEMPF',Pr'.es . . .ES, Conhiler. llankm 'o etftliotis' eventsg SPECIAL SALES. iUlltt5, it it OiflE T.'n Si57 N %fI I I IS1.0 k:'~~'EPT _ : l t anod stconod-foancd TEXT- -BOO J 1.S BUSI_.N.ESS *,LOCALS. shllffbe iso Roo; frono o1UL~ el2. . ,iit a to. o ofav 'We otti octivei ol ao'g sospfyweek beginninthfle io3t for consulf- ,r aercie ag upyI ,Lo- ko AlfdiiDltaso 'fti pill set tafion . A. C. Al I ots luti. . of (-eeck, LatinoGeorinanoandoot! ditiioums. :L lfber'tifrewtardifa b e a y eun ngihs oye Aoeffhcus ntePioo r-trtiig fihooos.Au firAsee.i 'coos'lttie ~sft III FrenchfoClassics. NEW AND phyoe.f SVof R'eliin, fectisres aosd readf- Lios'r.-Be't'si twen ti tos Mlik ndf ~s vitb SECN 41AN o IFirst Nitioal, a$1) bill. 1 ift I rii nogs wl egiven diurig the second SECOND-11A1VD. turn to 4 E. Ann. Isemester,opntsudtswohv is~r~t toifbes 2E-A'( ';X[,-VTpays ftoorabtthli ft t Ir taken courseftwostits P'hilosopliy. We e ofe tlc argstandletcofli, Itot the f'issttttice fotbeie tihp h t- f irst nletinog n'Tuledtoay, AFeb.2 a , iNote Look in tfescielf' for' 2-5c. i PI- LM ' (jst}oofR1ffe sA t f.10,iiromtt rasi ioflice, has tthe etti haciiks e'irroiges, Isotir. Al. susi'. i1t1. I.itoi 1 aho r ioses inthe eiSy.Ciryfoin t. t - liog iyits oll' Seciiti-fsaosif stisfl1's N.-Nittly ttrioosfiit 1 riooi University Sochoolofi nANisc. with l eoveit's. Fltts 'it ets 9 ist- Text-Lfooks.XW'ashfiongtonistree't. Sf1" t'itit'i'ssity sehoiltf otMu5 tsic sersitit - "t. --'smeseris'begiois Febt.'20. liitoriter thiat Ait examliniation oftr en tr atn.iin ao'rnnteiots Ifo lir iothesster'mtay bAe 'W' ahr~s poOkstOIre spiysics twilllie Iseldf oSaituirda y, enoiited it is idesirtable thasktoallwhon t~ebassy os',at i 0 11 twishi ti study ion theschsiotolsofld Februsitary If' a Sluin teregister asonclie. Oilies' tiurs for thie 20 S. State Street. aslalt ettts titsI5t1 .si,3f Main St. Opp. Court PHcuse. i.S " H T )p 50' t,'iit ON! I,.NII O N! Y GOOSPEED'S 10100 SUITS S25,0OO1 ONE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED'S i, us. S 'skI~ tUN o OiNAtitESS 'shIt '1 1-0, ONEIAWLLK ONLY. GOODSPEED' S