THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE.S R - - AS* ALL OVERCOATS AT 4 OFF. ALL, SUITS AT I OFF. As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL INGL PANS AT'~ OF.Creme styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. W ADHA M8. KENNEDY & REULE. riw 8A E Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE Ann Arbor Mch pia~l Stock,$50,W0,OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! Mich.Cauis, Stoc4$60,0000. 0rganized under the General Bankirng Lo'er J -I 6No. 4 Rise HuitOxSTerR-E. of this satte. ReceiveoslDeposits, boysondcoil oetts exchange on the pricipal citesrof rhe ~ ~ e Uited Statros. Drafts carhed uponrrpr ; OY o.--THE RG- 0 dentificatioin. Oficcra: 1.1..o CHRISTI~ANMACKPreer., __r. v ZJli 10- Q I TZII W. 6). HARIANi, Vice Pres.,-V0m 0 CHrA.S. .HISCOt Coo8l'ieri L. . v c cAl' Low iltlIC1S. F1 ITZFrr, Asst.Cashir. at000 ________________ r 0 - The New Shrape Utj o i0 . le nnoiery. y2 - °: 0 Sz. 26ca3 6 Sore Discnmfort and Darning. 1?A1-1 i Me's, 2c., 3e.,O5c.Wome's,S50c. Girosize she. P/I,7RK ,,:11, TWAUKENIIOSE COMPANY, 76 ChairY ty , st~onr Mas i o< 1. OF' AL. 112lE )l t. Facnsulty'Noticns. Sa., .b, ;- A. loer, of rte Ilegiser", Ioci11 neet 0t6e studenots ill course _P AaIdD atllie 61bererrcrrlP resseClbtySNbjectri=The'I"in11L1atin ''Tesday, Feb. 20,at 4 TS riomr°;, laire hbiltlirg. O'clock, ill 10106E. After Sloe first srta t . Il-11oner.lcooWatirirtirino .1.. meettligtheiourswiletcantd FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,. iA.seretes. Oabirer7t, " a'yrrttlatinoMoals. J . r wl rechange. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! St , 1Fr'S. 11Ipl s' t'Ilecilarl, lrriterily J_ ..lot: 36 Coot HurnStrt, tn tri., FPr-t. I-ot. Scotrtret tir roir"Art," Scot oss t lottts Those bteftre tIt' Iily drib. owhor are thinking itf taking thils S tiAEEE AN 1 oro teelFeb. 14-.r iio.t, ttrtroe ltand course the second senieoter, whoj Illtyerto. Ito so at titiead. enie ilpes ' nYOR TcRollDE . Watterson's Patriotism. or~t to host to. E 0 SrrOoICI ..-- EO M t ewar indeedl is ove r; let us University School of Music. A. itetl5N'Sonthaveepiao"' ientleisie;ssoloiirs S Opp.Couttottsr. cunrades; the silen olri th t y eb. 20.f M~In olhit twine about us here,tforo all tileir rneintio hreietrmyb ~ l11Vlsoft anit careless grace, are yet as ecnmpleted i is desoirarble that all ivhirt HyI Kwoishitot studly illtile schootl shoinul SECOND SEMESTERil strong as books of steel!'iThey hold register art oncee. Ofiie hours for the Excelsior Laundry, 20 EAST' HURON STIOEE'l' Goo rkt GuaCOsiirteted. ltrtcll edteftor and dtelivererd. A. F. COVERT. Proip. 2] Years in the B3usiness. CITY LAUNDRY, M1. M. Seaholt, No. 4 N.Fourtha St. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Fine Shower Baths, NewPorcelain Tubs. 3ttI. O'/Ohinttttti. .1,It.'rltOJ.XNttiVSI. Ciapittt,.$50,00.__itrrl. atit 'rots, Si,,ds. Deer aogenerl Ibrohing businies. Pays ti- terest t o Saving reposirs. Has oatety Deposit Boxer tor Iteort. 1R. KEMPF, Peer.s. . 1. 500. Casilier, Blanh one Saturdnoy evening. r .T osliinutcriStrirt. SPECIAL SALES. I+'N U1NDEPA1IE'.hT UiIEI,.t i A1%t O-NI \XWIEK ONLY. GOOD SPEED'S TAILORING -> itS LAR 1MbNI. qqqSUIT 125,00, ONE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED'S SHOE--, DEPAR'rIouEu-r. Oo0 lits. SAMPLE CONGR1ESS SHOES2 I 1-3, ONE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED'SI Go to IHeadquanrters for all new and secotnd-hand TEXT-BO00BS. We base received ai large stupply otf G xreek, Ltatini, Germnantrd French ('hassles. NEW AND SECOND-IA NI). We offer theleamrest anti best Nitte Book: in the city for 2.5c. Brinmg ill ytturseceonid-hiand Text-oioks. Wahr's pookstore 20 S. State Street. Main St., Opp, Court HSovoc. together a uited people and a great natioin; for, realliziog the truth at last--swith 1n0owoaunds to lbe healed atndl io strings of defeat to be re- memblerei-the South says tt the North, as simiply atod as truly as spas said three thioasand years agoi in the lfar-a-way nmeadowv upon the shoores rof the mlystic sea: t"Whlither thou goest, 5 Iovill go; atnd wvhere thioit lodgest, I owill lodcge: thy pople shall be tsy Ipeople, andth ly God miy Goid."- Froiii a speech.. A lpiipils recital pill be given at the University Schiool of Muisic, Satutrday, hFebo.ITIrat 4 10. ii. A fine series of live chaiiber concerts wvill lie givein iiider the ausloices of the school, breginioiiigSltireli 20, ho- eluding a concert by the Dietroit Philharnionic Clubi. Season tickets have been placed at S 1-50- Regis- trations for thoe secoioi seniester begin this wveek at the school. 5 p. oii- S7-lIt 'l'lhe Saturdahyatdtrundtrray issues of the Chiictrgor:Iter Ocean sill be of interest to IU. it hi. studaenlts, tire St utrday's issute will crontafin the ecollege corresponrierree, andth ~e Sundroay istue, an article oil the tr. of M. Press Cluds. Leave orderrs fur extra cropies at trmis- sttrtis (tt011(.(t GRA.N0 1 OPERA 1h-l,7t-4. 'hlmergst rittlieiie evor within ilte watlls rof the Acaemiy swas there last ntighitlt larigh over 'iitle 'Trtrcked." 'there is a great prlot tlo then play tatit it servedi as i tacktgrrtine ftratrclever lot itt speialty peotple. .Jutle Walters is Ilorstio Xerxt's bitothi, totramlp, 5wais very latighiable. 'Ihere wasia iftrnnty comiedlianrs, aniilthe lastrctub swsinoginog ever seed hbre. 'Ihe rttilreord mieehan- icali effeteesswrre groodl. Fromn lbbox offie proitit of viewv it ws grandr, fintan- ciail success.-Sterling (iateette, Dec. 17. Wiill be att (raril Optera Hoitse, Sat- urdal~y, Feib. 11.