THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~~ ~~ f . Living Whit" Notice.LIK TNPTN M l V + Living Wist ent rtaiment at Ypsi- lanti, tonight. Michigan Central tain By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 50c and 75c on every Published Daily (unday eceited durina leaves at 5:401 Ann Arbor timie. Re- pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to tie colee year. by turning, leaves Ypsilanti at t0:30, Anntmk omfo pigGos THE UI.OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION A bor ieSSaeromfrSrigGos e.a.BUSINESS .*aa..LOCALS. - -- LSTr-Ant Alpha Delta Pit pit set Fine Footwear Dealers, ,Fr Stud~ents' Christian Associa- with diamonds. A liberal reward may 4 SOU'll MAIN sR>EETr. ion will net week celebrate its be ad by returning the same to the thirty-fifth anniversary. It has been T h CE N S'S pays for a bath, ]o rzoe o h o t u e u u il ai s cl ,a h ot fi eB r e ho ti. T R O U S E IR S T O O iR D E RII{ D S C U N oth nvriyanfilawat PclLHE'MlS, just northf the 1osttiei~vN oftctiestat il atoffice, has~ the best hacks, ecrriages, FRT1'' AS which the student burlysould other- adl horses int the city. Try him. t OlfIIT AS wise be at a loss to supply. M1ay PORt RENT-Nicely furnished room - iAG& cZCO. - 'IO S with alcove. Furniace heat. 90) East the Association continue in increas- Washington street. li-tt ing usefulness. iR Toledo, Ann Arbor and North ltEN1 A vX rr Rotixgave hisislee- U1$J.*y ES Michigan Railway. tur -n"Mnyad\oas"i dnesday evening, in lDetroit0creot"~nyad Mrl. c ~ ird,,trtasto t~totpater spak o hnt s th (Tme Cr it erquniayttJanury ro Deri paso i s"h o- prueo risIIAnAbr f Ieminent tdemocratitc leadler ard free , - traier.'' Mr. XWattersonwias to have N. ~h~.. an.itt i LEAat iOo.g No.. Mot had arninfornial recepton, rhurs- Mf'Ai t iao tteo i itsfrday, at the rooms o the iDetroit room; artytletit l Sstarday eiig rcitonsrNo. u, M i ad arttsatergera.. ..425pm D~emocratic club, but ie decined '1 hate rsti it for several year, nt de nirshrthnd rdae l euepstoi; rCSUTrr. tinly ittlrmy practice, but i o,ow ii il- Ii'esrgor Nro TAtot$2.5yLOEape wek of in rrirntar rio. 2. MuaritdPaseeor-r . .;3a.I on account ot fatigue front liiitrip. iivittirrl rase, ardcontsider it unier tl tke posirtioshr okiou utowe d raNi.. ttiii ad Eatenot*.. ..s] .m circtmtanices trio of the best terve iP. . CLEATs. Pesa. N. . ToduAcotol otaton tt.. ; (ti om CetrratdaStan r tiine. The One-fifth tMril Tax- tnies that ire potssess.For in tertal x - Da$.0,$.0 5 ttie~ciotuiSi ntito. h lii rstitn or ovrorkir it gises renetwed! $2,0t0, $3.00, iiriti$4.0t0,tx$5 Sntr.ctaglii' it i tm.'0 rlvirrtt li crie i I~ First ClssssuitWaratet iltnt titetotrams, daiiy rsurt trtttda.o ing a one-fifth mitt tar for the tni- Anotectei tiingcal otcN Ever'a lietiiiirvnttt tnr versity, came tip before the senate ard appetizer.Itt norishes aittlirvig- E D ot yivne . ti . NbT i . tsrt t contittttee, yesterday. It ias at j rates tle tired brain rnd bdy, iy & Fierm-GiPorgrt iti gn once mioved to strike out everything parts renewed eergy intl vitality, ad SH3EEHIAN &~ CO. SHEEHA.N & CO. SIEEIAN & CO. but the enacting clause. Senator cenlivens the fuirctitns. ~ Bur ws arad t ioud lokli e Otiptiyterarnytettreeorr arpliiationrt SEi CO.tUUND-H1AND) JTEXTAJ OOKS Bur wa afai itwoud ooklik Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- , discrimination. Senator Fox thought dece, RI. ^ FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER it unwise to grant nmore than the Ilewre at SbtitutieaImitiairittints. At the Students' Bokstore. Stdnts, save harlf 7rut1nii1tiirv regents asked. Senator Hopkinsi FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGSTS and buys- tf us. We arie dily reeivirg consigrnerts of, Z favored the bill on business prioi- ______________________ secitrd-Iandrnd soipj-wor College Text Books frimr the1p- pes. Sator Clapps motiont to aEastr n ,V}fl pp a Eat which we will offer at lowe prices. Witkep the 1rercl informally pass th vl as crre. E O FPE S1 0 S Z rindtGermrarn Dictiirnaries reommerndied bi- the Fcurlt-. We C A secod legislature committee halive the best aniiiheaeilist Note Books in fle city. fronm Lansing is visiting the tnivr- L. GR U NER, S H E E HAN & COMPANY, sity, today. It consists of Roepre- 8.Sai tee,-Ann Arbor. University Booksellers, - State Street. r sentatives Shelon, of Ludington; S._S__MainStreet,__-_________________- Bishop, of Htoughton; lBatey, of St. '____SIEEIAN & CO. Sh1EEhIAN & CO. SIEEIAN & CO. Cair, and Senator Morrell, oflenta- "Iticttttt rt it treeat 'ito it i. AN AR OR NTC L , wee. itn conversatiotn with Repre- itaMttrA N RB RR NT HL , sentative Mills, of Wasirterraw, this STEAM LKJITPRAY! P hotog~rap hers mtorninug, the DAILYn was told tlat Vr '14 23SOTHFORT AV ,j tfr EJ N ~to ~. the one-fifth null ta was practically 23SUHFUT-V. ONRMI N 17tNSS killed in the senate. I-ecsas he Norty inrinrrgs, btn rrairoihhe- E. S SERVISS, -MANAGER ewelery ist-ott, ir viriety is tiheirnd __________OPE_______HOUSE__ mecasure will rot come up again for rare. In Ear iettotedhigon wrrnsowa usrdper. oSUET discunssion.sosren rwot srgseds- NOTI CE.-i r o~sGAT PR O S -----F. - - DIrMNuStad"totri.Dotrind otntorown frrit ONE IGHT ONLY. SonAMONrSice. OPALS Carty rhit hi 3ir11otto gettsa geood it .1. A ChapelSngSrvcegPASivtrye Ci.wedonthtise-halefrtstebritriSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11th. EMERALDS ~gvr've it t oi.orrandthait is onotandtaru Trhe chapel service at Newberry PEARLScoidlnctiresrriat it oursifte da un niht The Poular Nest-York Secces, RUBIES IN SELF (it R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South hall, tuniorrow mnorning, will be TURQUOISES OINrN SteSre. ETC. COMINAION__atSteet SIDE TRACKED varied somewvhat front the usual cus- ETC., ETC.NCHEr.UhTERS. ___________________________Orilh- _____- T(YT-T-NT- 4P arotNest-Yo-rausrtth the.icstttrtar-atuut tutul, and the following itereting - cj/ o.L\.iAi oreian'ti. UE WALTES ai lytuuurr: program uit be carried ount: Open- iWATCrES alay-os aerimrut-Ad traiy ocet C \dis -sHuont-A New Trarug inron and iraiglcaigre. triooaaimprcusregtt n h eyeoc ades isreasseurmecannical atuirt-s. -urbo- ing 1l yelut, scripture reading an tny the moist perect tirretiees tIre -so2- rt int rtuat Sceer. A Playiwit burtiot-itiu sta-wtortrroes. tnadditiontatotetinT rfTS, ' 'thtii prayer, ntale oquartette, sol, Mss famusmakes rte assial uial attenrtio *'II 1'TTL S, -- Millspaughl; ladiestuuartette, eulogy m pmveethnt. roanpret-bat-tit 4 S OP[tn"it' AESoTRET. t PRICES - 35 50 and 7c on Phillips Irooks, by A. J. L~add; Satssi wat tsiJewlr Stunt-. hymn, solo, M\r. I. V. Richartdson; WOAR'tD S.G Z-C T.E3LEP,. ladies quartette, chorus, by choir; AND STATE S1.ITI, ySRE.C a !I S eulogy on Rutherford tB.tHayes, by DTRO'IhttT. SONSoa !GI S N C. T. Purdy; solo, Mrt. 1. .Hlll; & C0. 11W. Washington St PII[OTOGRAPHEIR male uquartette, dosinig hymnt. F27E350. . NO. 12 W. HTRON 1ST.