'.a VOL. III.-N o. ' 2 \Tot111-No.9 . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATTUAY , FEBRUARY 11, 189. PICTRiOCNS PRICE, THREI+,, CENTS. BIBLICAL CRITICISM. with hope and joy for the continua- ADELPHI-ALPHA NU. __ tion of the proeeses of giace and the- Some of Dr. Briggs' Bible Ideas-tu- woners of redemption in the comspanyv The Joint Meeting a Big Success- dents to have an Opportunity Ior the blessed, to swhich' theI-fituil are Hot Debate on the Land Value to Hear Them. alt hastening."Qusin Ctiai es weire pretermedti'aiitst Dr. Alpha ao and Adeiphi hail a joint 'I'le ca-se of Iav. lDr. (Chartes Bhiggs t ites ini tie presbytery ot X eii SYorkieelsols heas lestn the most remarkable of its hut Oee.4ewsds ed no on see ii vi as eenuog, which was kiniin athe httoaryuif ihePreshyteri-un Itetit itfthe udefeinse byh ote)1t to well. attendredl, anti nuchtainterest csoarca and has i-itraested theit tetioiiAiiatpe-al was tahketo tie -u-er ita- priiiail'fiTeprograiu drew forth «f the iiwhIoledis tworld (Ol ,ani 'iii totandfromniithere tie ssewas firequent applase.If . rzier 20, IV,11 Itr~ 'lv',d r d riindeit backIto iuthe 'tw oil Aeus- I rad Juosticei.. I 'miteul'oyoil idr'w, ups~ 1! cso fisIa-ndaue-is terufoi trial. IitiNthis i trili ihltDr.Chamics Stunneoc ic a dly of l~n )healLhelas iiYippreciatedyAtextuieiiiimi'i- (rav lt attutheieltit it tie 111 N i iiigevei ry poit.ia o itt "e o I -)a z:) ir.Ini ~i l ie e!ae t -t lteri- hI teli 'teaue havelist" lasitDr. hr akalOlCity, i andiit ias0 v,-re hre rt~ntfottttiof diiine ;lri-y's to ii eiii o A iiiArbotio iilectuire folloised Py J. > osin a .'iiilir ii -liiittiible, e hnianItibtetiire tiin, aundiiinest' Tasi-iu'esv'n-liimoster .' reason. 'liirio'i-hanivoneof rtbsi'e- I ing',I-eli1.1,in the Presbyi trinlii ichIuIlircth ri uces a tian to -ate a Gi.r istin. Mans' te still speaskaiinite osujct ot"Works ' tsa et tptrcons htd ottfndiitthe tivinc auithor ity of the tiiimntiitn in tetHoay erip-essay ottthe "Gyn.o twa rt ihrot iti'elihurct. 'the essential thin,(; otr. e Icutinrarr an ut'en'tsseea- teinitaniloriginal sty le antIdeiited tsto rbitd(Goil ainttitGoditstofoindii it saleawoutldtbe listeners Iprotcuring a tucmhltapplaumae. 'T'eic inishting swithouit ttie. Ieditaon of the ctiurchi seasont ticket to the Inlanid tLegue en- featore seas ai dehate ontthte qoes- anth te Bible tie chuircti aini the Bihle n tertainneits at stich some fourteen tioti, tResolved That the uinearnoed tire meanistnt ends;ties' art av'eries are yet to eanietint the chortee is only t Goit hut Ioiitr(oid. a tdollar aiideres of .eas oO tickets inctrement of latnd saltiea shoull at- tire petmitted tos buy one extra ottitis- trot to the tonmntunity." J. V. u-tantfor ii centa. Geott led a swiinning- affirmativee, anti - -''- - wssupported hy 0. i:. Griffany. _ ., } ~~The School of Music. ja :snnrus 7 ~ _- it le follossiig prograiti till lot s erenderedl at the School of muiai this afternaoonl at four o'clock, Pbyite r rk~ ppils of the school Via'e 1. i tac eA iminotrlOp . So. _I OtSoteisuiti { iStiss tieteti tliini. 1.i a, o mtr Tthe Jtes------ iitaes-y t1.A ittiti---ose V titi tOA~iissiltastha teClhrk e The ItIb.e"as aybookoislpe -------it----i---i-e-At assen si ard orel oseVt. S isina tC norO .1'e Ptetqe- tie i x~ros eotot 'Sis ti o itt "'Nekui"- - Stt The iicrBfi t s sboo itepacor, re t CStntailetiiteer . iti ttte lining itselfthsin reT he re Mt. "S issithith tKelld. ~.i is n thin divne n it tex, it leters 1. l aecrt'"-------------a --- Goiiildtstin tiotids 'clas sTit lie ivtieilattoi toi Mr Ha r .Ce. - act islnottv i ttisttte o he ewords, tittb our telii. tesiuti--- a _i thne c oe tilo ls en. navtn i g ehteenoI c"t. itip i iiii--i --a-i ---i--- ieti illig to recogize iiy eror ttatits s terine Nancitititi trin e f rsall sifath se ro rs re tilse vIV 1. "'z n eu, -. _---S m ril tiaes;theoy are intheasolteais etiw . igsndadqutefratesgrJeais.nhro Theile teei ojwheel itself." ;;- nudens attndngtheods"Uno.iverito prgrsiv sntiietonafe 1datclseer vErcrios----d~ed Asn c~ldathatMidsmentdmmediateyrtoein aferet hasadghar.tainetsmakes ArhorClasgff eFrgte -lark.--- ofador dth terrrtohtte bestscolmen.oTheuroitr..tnLevsoneceavsayfo. widea o eomgialetansfeorathnpoea cleetfanosqet iihepithe dyin bhor hldobecan cihed-lyheshui ers ete cllgear isfrortaelssof.temaeros the ieste- odesitwk.Imyheni- eialteyahemin lifehconsetitig.daeut o h ra ubro nolteinoecious them asehnrfnstuets0actteodnot thatUnivestichogf deahi ritnerrors," the bst omn. iweekmhasry60sylt-l, o lnecsary-for talked negatively Musioaie at Pros. Angelits 'The misuatlegve uas teeing hy Imembehrs of thec fatculty of the School of Music, at listresitdeince of Prea. Ansgell seas at most enjoyabole antI succesaful affait. The enter- tainmetit was for the ilecoration of the swonman'stbuiling at lteWorld's Fair. Many of Ann Arbor's lead- in0 citizeinsswitli their selves swere present. Nearly all of the profes- sors also attended. 'Tli next pro- ceeds of the entetaiinmeitt approxi- mated -$200. Miss Povey and Mrs. toaff sang thseir solos successfully. 'helit oano playing of Prof. Mills, auth the viltn performances rut Prot. Schnmaal were tspe'cially artistic. P'rof. Stanley's acconmpanintents secre, as usual, good. In short the nmusicale seas splenditd throuighout, such as only our tooluar School of Music faculty conld give. It seas quite a society event, niany of the ladles, toeing cle~antly attired. At thse young peoples' vestper ser- vice, tomorrosw, at 6:30 p. in., in St. Andresvs' chapel, a students' orchesotra will supplensent the sing- iog. Tlhe topic for the evening is 'What is a Christian?" to be opened hy Dr. 1,aiscrede and IMr. 1". J. Dennen. of ti2$1 rO$iShostuait. 0ct 1aile tssthan Anun Arbortprites, trienfr Cataluh e to DETtROIT,' - - MICIGAN . tqI~jhmond~ Straight Qcit. Ns. 1 Yar CIGARETTES. -y--C-' ig arette Smokiers wo ;,4 ' resihlingt i tleht iaot han theprite ettharged tsr the urdimwye traeiare irttes.wlh inSd TotS BRioAND suiperior is a' ll thers. 'The atiehmoindStraight tuit Na. igareuttes arc' tanietfrioatthebight- eat, mast dlluetentis-ti-ed atid highest cast hfold heat grsiwn hinSVirginia.This ts the Old andu OriginualBand of Straihtt ig aretmes, andt sets brhiatot bs teitn the year 187t5. Beswtare orftamitations, anld uobseve that the fert namie ashbelwistan uevery packhage. Ttte ALL.EN & ('INTER, tirnihi Ott the Ameritant ToumaessCt., Mtanuaturrcs, - - tihmonatdViginia. Unquestionably aHE IIGIEittc Ss uuADOF FRATERNITY JEWELRY. Antiuhe Largest Assortitettoa ROE~lY! &SON, ! Collgehc ls., lutesitd laslButtois. P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT . TAILOR ANDO 1111'01till ii01 55 sV- FOTHlr Sr P Detroit, Michigau.