THE U, OF M,. DAIL IFOR Q nIl A Of Philadelphia,) !'s'~A -111KE IS TI " )IiE [,lEST IA NUR:1T TR3 A I SI A O . '4tehegeev, ('tlleti bouneftqes. . Z. t7ONLY $1400. Wtht stttd1I 5ateg alh~ n lpn ae i/ CALKINS. J'I~,A\sI P01RIOT La/lesi Fads ias Fedoras. 3 4 S o . t a t e T d { 'tSt r e e t ) S EiL WIt t .( ) ' N l t l ' S a ________________34___________ ithStatie street, - - ItI7STrAIStS.j t MOORE &WETMRE, BOOK STORE S NO-i6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___ AND COtRNER 01' STATE AN) WILL,1IM STREEtTS. I. l tl l Nt ' lt-If lb k a l..> lecliaal Baooakcs, Law [baa La. Deal 1Ii l lk-. Sllclcta \acte Lcaa 3 lt a nk Iitil staS ticiier'v. wehta v e a ha1 S't?(' a f a (141 '1 4 ttle iisl l-' ~I11t .n trentsf. Our Stock x i11 be found Complete and our Prices as Lowv as the Lowest. UCHO , L Lus , - T REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY .>1) lClpe lrand"l''solid meat 'fiatites letr$1.10S let doz. A:NitAIo 1 yt( h~i5l ' ' ' " 121 :it 'Lmpkin, - - " 10 c I Squash,------------------1.10 < LABORATOIy UPPL1C .44NWitnslowr Corn., --'11 2 Lake Shinre," - _- _- c" 1.2(1 ti -A i 'ATAnd all tther Caitnedil oo(tatl it propottioinate lttie at 1 ROW 'S DRUG S'TORE+. 44 Main Street, South.. DEAN & COMPANY. i UNIVERSITY NOTES. W ill You ]Look Liv iiiit,'' tonight. .int torEfintger it imtprovin At titleSitow tilaxIot It tel"s front liltattack af typoil fever. itati t itsow tryiitboitSemttier exaienationis iii the redlical tiepartmettblegini next GUITARS week. AN]\) ioatball ati railer states ie the PRICES. lat thdini polite society at Mlar. T11 :1.N AI11tl IGAlI N (O.,tqnette. Ni Seuthint SiitretDr. ilacLatilau exatiines the arin- tar houteops in (I)tied (I tomotrrowv MICHIGAN GENTR~AL nitrning. rite Title ( tieh Noyretot~e iet Is t ther. ()hets. perfarmtedl a very iteat E iST I ]]d,. ti t . i . 'aile.------It5 CiteoSeeeial :t ti) aiipltation yesterdaty tut thte hlteo- _N .I itmee'. ._ - itt8 llii' _ _ Iatiih s it l ' . . i witt d --_4s1'is .S . nit .. i p tlit aspta9 Niegan iciallseCi Sit I ;"I> , eestudents havefieenc sat- It. 4. E txiicc,.e iii. i38ticagt.I ,xiess 5148 eddfrotttlMt. hanitnCollege, aauve I tot 4t) uie tat-re ,tt PChi for ganeltlig. .,k N tarCcit, C(l-,. Agt.imis irhtr. The rere ileis tf 1 lari-aril lbasebtall FIRS NA IONA BA K assaciationi last gy' ear ee$ ao,;9, FIRST ATIONA BANK atithexpienses Sill 4o. ti zait, l [ti0 t ng is and c it f, jot~1 intme etitg of Alphaiti aNt'it 7 aiert- Ccittrai t v iniit tiscitie. tor-1\_ iieljtlai i'li ooi2 , toneighit. :At "'or teat ,ei.,titittsl. !A2(,C.excellent prograne is arraiigedl. SwCar r itiii aser.i IWalter G. Darihami, whloniet cwiii teanacidenet itt the chiremical lalsira- ('ITAAT F ANIiT'I tort',ill. hot lote isaeye sight. S U'Uu O iJ 1A D T.e lecture of Rev. Charles A. GRANER'SACADMY lriggs, neext Tueaday evening, will Ppisttmay eater it tiertiiteir tn rterliIiednthPrh stati-v irotheemstdate iof admtissioen. (tiler;b el nth rsyterian ch1urch. ted trairee Craer etrineeThe faculty of the medical depart- 3i MAN ARDt ST1- ANN AR~ut. nernt, hav-r decidrd to grant the - sendt$125, $z, r $3 sofo Sam- request of the junior clast for nmore ple Re.. taciil Bexbyepres, of quizzes. ITflT theSBEST CANDIES in Amerisa. oil' Pat up is elegant boea There have heen 104 operations at rely pure. Suitable for PRESENTS. Express chargs for cataract st the University hosrt.alChcgo TlJ ry iteser._ Addessa, tl in the past year,8pecnto iunl C. F. GIJNiTHER, Cesfectiener, aLoecntf M~U~WV 21l State Street., wchl were successfulI. CHICAGtO, ILLINOI5S.I Te Engiteerlieg society tieets this eveieing at S. Prof. Tayloer willi read a paper fon".Aluinumiin aitd Aliiiiuiniitti lroisr." .At the iteertieg cii the graduateI stuts intlip~olitical scienre \Wednes- eta) ecvening, MCr. Wartd, oflDetroit hoard of Tradle, gavfea tatlk. ont "Intl-Option.'" Amtonig the inewecotirasasrofferetd for ther secotei senteater is tine undter Mr. Lloyed, an"The Pthilosophiv of Religioni." This cwitt he givein as a one hour course. Call on Wi. Fulde, tihe tailor, opposite the Law ]Suildinig, oi Williati-st., flrst dotrirvcest of State-at. shits toeorter a specialty. Auit ork first-lass. H"' YOU WANT'TO Bu~y an~larX l ock tir hav tie me eairing doner go t ea, riqohk 36 Mtin Street HOW DOES THIS SUJT -YOUT? Oti r t'ig asttik:etill. soaoibo here. Asare do nti sh-llift eiarf aoveru'n Nvuinctter gooeds, are shll sell t hemlti ilgreatly redunced1prices. 31SUITS FOR .$80t. 3(lf cc cc '25. L.. 1.Redick..has beeni choseni lxy lltersill Itp~ietri till. thte Alptha Nu Literary Society to atttear in theeIT . of MI. rontesit de- hate, ',eli. 2, ut plate nifCl. 'W. S w' A - --P -P1 0r --D- fGriffinl,cc-io resignietl. ' STr. J. it. Johisnati, lit i, at- 42 SiUte-1at hitSi. teiitlanitie the Ilibrary', asecantfined t his 1roo1,1cvithutonilitCs.Tis evill n etessitate thoablle dty froItti\[ fl \JID \JIE theothr atenant v ick atxe1 WIJU I 3 amtinatoni time, itsainlortutnate. lPresihenet Anegell has beene usc-led by a joint conemittee of the legisha- turfe to deliver a eulogy ott eN-Pres- ident Rutherford B. Hlayes, Mlarch I., cwhen a series of etulogies will lie made on thee great nmen recently de- ceasedl. The trustees of the University of Illinois, at a meeting held in Spring. field, decided to ask the Legislature for an appropriation of $552,700- almost twice as nmuche as the hoard of regents of the U. of M. have t asked for. I S SELLING [UIS WI TER STOCK AT RED)UCED PRICES WHICHI WILL BE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS 'E sG OODS MUST GO. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Near Main.