Published Dtaily (Sundays excepted) during the Cullette year. by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subserittioo~price V.5dl per year, inv-ariably' in advance Olaglecopiea 3 cents. Subscrip- tons may be left at the ottice of the DAILY, at Stofflet't, witth any tof tlte editors or authorized solicitors. tCoamtunicatiuns shoculd resc elloffice by 7 u'cluck Y:n. ifthetey are to appeatr the neut Jay. Address all mnattet' inteaded toe publics- tics to thieMatnagitnc Editor. All busines cotmmunications should be setltltetBusi- trots Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY, THE U. OF M. DAILY. President Angell addressed thse LIKJE FINDING MVONEY. legislaturelast evening,in the senate chanmber upon tite proposed stutc By Going to W~alr & Mb7iller's and nave from 25c, goc and 75c on every tax of one-fifthu of a nmill foirtte(lair of Shoes ao we moot reduce our stock to benefit of the University. nmake ronnm for Spring Goods. D~r. Anies will give a icourse tttO.1 -- T1 M "Modern English iHistoty'' the sec- -Fine Footwear Dealers, cind semester. It will he a three- 48 SOU'rIX MAtN STREET. hiiur course, andtl im teet at 4 p. ______________________________________________ 1i1.1 MIoindaiy,Wediiesday, adFi ay.'eewl ebtidne e- r,',T' ilas. Threvii e uttie ee F tSE HOR DER PJVM 1 IDBCUNT- 1(1)1 01nd1those tdcsiring to take it shoulcd see lDr. Aies at oice. 1(IRT14r1arY 11AV . - 7-LG- =1RCflz CO _ - zTA =zoo Ann Arbar, Rich. i a" asL , a EDITORS. Loisr-t IIiv'iig XWhist, a pair of ! - ~iRiY Toledo, Ann Arbor and Na N. . bcl~ly lt.'li, Stta~o'leio ra nd tu1mot ldolentil-glasses, tiirlked --N rt "' .lcils i. 11 sibti Loll."' Rwadif i ileft at 31 S. Ive- ~Michigan Riwy W5. I, tolt I s, Lt 915, Assistant, 0(1o1 strict. .ID iSlo I/(0, sac. ".)"),AC',1C171 11.- .r - W .C lIM''lC 1. (,.Lit., IBusiness Manager E '. I '.s8 for itbath, hut ofr ~ 1W. 0111 sl.s 10K ~.1, AE r Occcl,,1. 1 colil. at thellostotic'c Barbelt'Sh11011. 1,1', '' 5 II. 11. , b1.'141, Assisltant. ) i J(,,()J ,1 1111l' , just corlli citfit'e lst- ______ 1} I ll 11111of ' 1,11C 11toA 11 Strbor. t1'I cul ci h,t1 '103 1' L.A7113.'. lict', a ft-e (lest hacks, ec il'lgs. l.f' ot tot , « 1,E asC. '9 il Try I 7.17. 1wle , IX93 . lN.7'co'tt', ' . and horss1in1th7city1.hi11.1t IIl13,ail'()1u': ' "l \II ' (.ciS,- "I 17)h<) Ii lrll' 117 11 '17 1 17ti n ~ e o r nn ssen tg '1 1 711 111lsl'1C. . 7 1 A11'2 . ,.i i t,'i. I. . . . XX Sl;, I ,ii rllii ti d('V (111-1 i shed r 171r'Illillll IICI rbet 11cntllll'1 '71 7 1'0. .01 11117l' 11'.1 11 Norman Foti~ers'S)(i. R Arneil,'c~ll, ith 01111e.11' 71'1'1111 he1il N) Et lc Is eesLEADIN SCHOOLOF BUSIN SS.elu a- No. 1. 'Mai!. ad 1 xpres"'.... 1 I. Ii do iandl llllshorthand 1gradutesl'tallsecureC postions; 1 ( \(1 7 1 7take7" ( ln~pusitiooalcuus'ccb;t-w1eekaddtci . . CcLAR. re . 7 .t. Toledo Accotlsllc'.c' .. . 00-. , agailsIt7)l'ttal .a 1,711d110111111 11111130F tincyj ul (Ii tr $ .0011$ an y'esterctar, I wtS( a dna l I $2l0111cr', $4.00 11 , "' 111 11 l111'1.11 5i1111 studenrltaticlnot a IDetroit studetaserDancesi!dFi01117 I wohose eye xras 51771re11 71111is N E0Lttst Way. ttri: tellt 011a1171111 7111111y. OinPwaERAtlaut 771HQrhal V NVL~ 1~J~~J~ s ~ vr Fie. s.. INIF l.'s'A 1i. 7-. GI01715111111 nam wsUDnhmAot uram'D- E 00 & ine. C-Cllt. 11117. Arl l. Lolcal .Agcnt, 'lhe studcenlt's homile is llanover- }'MiclI. yin p1SI)Ax' AN) I'IDX)Y I SIEEIAIN & Co. )SHE~EIJAN Ic ('0. SIICII AI & C0.' tirprcgram of01thelt'lress (:1iib for tomorrow afternoon7 will be of intereot to) every membller. Thle talk of 2\r. Moranll no17t cotnflirt sitb Presidtent Lw's lertulre, intasmuchrl as the bou~r of mleetinug of the Press (11111is 4:70. 'ii. isIPlitcal Sc'iecel Associ'ati(on is fortuciate in srcurinig ]'residenst Lowv to lectulre before the studenits. Mis kcowleidge conies of experi- ce,lie 171avig beeii the fanilons nmayor of lirooklylu, 71171) as (lit first to hol1d11office un1de'r1hcr rev'ised charter, an inlstrumlenut that 11a5 beeii regarded as su1ch a loug stridle itn mulnicip~al refornm. UNIVERSITY NOTES. lHon. IL. L. Barbour wvas in Lan- sing, yesterday, conferrnlg with the setnate commnittee regarding the ap- propriation for thle E.T of M1. 'The last faculty recital of the School of Music for this semlester will he given next Thursdlay even- ing in the auditoriuom of Neswberry htall. Prof. E. I1. Harrimlan7, of tile Three River's untion schlool, sev-erely pttnioshed a pupil before the school, and some of the senior boys, indig- nant at thue action, interfered. An amosing scene followed. The schtool hoard will investigate thle matter.- D~etroit journal. FEBRUARY, 9-10 '93. S7111s o salc 00 ShlehlallSStt5.,7M1ore an~d WetmrelcI, B7111111 51, I L. GRUNER, 8. S. Main Street, - Amim Arbhor. !SECOND-HAND TEXT BOOKS:- FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER At theiS tiudentts' lBcickstore0 Stuidetnts~,s11ve0liatlf 1you1,1111)11( in tuc lo~s f s. w'\Vre111diai~ 1 ly iing c'lsigllllll'1f1 1 sc''inid111111111shl1Ii-Ns'tt o'llei tgi. 'ext foiiks frotIn the r. Fat isslib rrsil 1 offer at liiw prict's. We kels ithic frentchlu 11111 German tiil I ic'iotiuricsre 'cc'ioended hi,' (hoeFaculty. We b are the lest litjli l11iIII t . o>t' Ilook1s155ill (110 7city. SHEEHAN & COMPANY, ; University Booksellers, - State 'Street. 11 r 1t _ 111W7711 Nut ontly tinsrnn's, bu11tttn all othtcr Jceelryas swell, out vartety is rect and eare. Ittfinc jewtled RNijnsatdSPett- dants sce cant showe all unsurpasse~d us- sortmtent int DIAMONDS OPALS" EMERALDS PEARLS RUBIES tN SELF Ott TURHQUOISES Ct't)7INAISON ECEC LSES WvATCHalE5 s h oSave courtuost watchful care. It itoltrails to proculre otuly te mo1st perfect timepieces the wcorld produtces. Sn addition to ull the f'ttousaomakes toe ank specitlattletntiott tol outr 0wRspec.ial Fa GoS.,S.tbo.s atovement. The cost perfect lyt 5 1- ansceSdttovetment extant. WOODIWARI .G AND ST1ATESP L DETRSOIT. SONS &O O. ANN ARBOR SKAMK LIJIPY! 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SE RVISSI - MANAGER. 1C OT I C E ._U'ro SUET adCitizense.otsendrt tttof toun tfor Ciantdy swhett y110canl tet jit as goolS lt R.E. Jolly .0Co.'s. Wec don't chatrge for style, bit give ii oyon,1.antat isutCone-Italf.t. andO clt znli atl'utaltl boors of te day tallSnigt. IR. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And the very choicest Cancdies *TUTTLE'S,~ 48 'MOUT T15A.5(TEuSREET. -Ma STAE3LE.,zr SCoal! 1 W.Washington St wI-cOtTE 170- . S RE N TSCH LER, hoto 5frapher, ('0113 1751 OSAIN AND St~IIN Z()'rc-. GLAND OPEL!A1H07USE ONE NIGOLY.h SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 311th. tile Popmnar -Nes to'5 ttlSucesso SIDE TRACKED Ttte Ftutliest C1omtedy everPrcltedI. Orict- nal News YirkCt wittttthe incotcloarabtc coecdiatt, Mn, JUtE IVALIERS us JIcut(Ils Xputxms Bon-A Nenw7Trattp tttSo-sto. ' Unsustttsedt Mechani-al tFeatulrea. Elabo- ralte SplecltScenety. A Pltay scihtHIumorotant Pth~tos. PRICES. - 35, 5O and 75c. Seata ott sale uS Slasls' Jcee'y Store. GIBSON, PIIOTO GRAPIIER NO. 12 W. HURONT ST.