THE U. OF.M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. GENTLEMIEN:- We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as usual, includes a gencral andl complete line of high class clothing. Young Men's m'ade up witls all the detail, cars and skill whdclh characterizes the best merchant tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. WE ARE AGENTS FOR Yoimiais' $1ats, Ifiol hats,, Sitvermaq-5ssflats ANt) IIODGEMAN'S MACIlNTOSIIES. EXQUISITE FURNISHIINGS. PERRI N'S GLO0VES. We wish to announce that we are gooingtout (ot the Read- Made Clothing Business and substitute Merchant Tailoring and Fine Shoes. On account of this change we shall s eli all. our FINE BOX OVERCOATS AND) SUITS AT ACTUAL COST. Call and examine. AT THE TWO SAM S. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE t tON( O'II lt IAUt' Ann ArborMich. CapittaiStock, $5,00, OVEN'S BARBER SHOP! upu,$7000h OrganiciurthtoGeneraloiBankingo Ltos N. 4EAT 1,O N STREET. E eaI all kzirsq of thiss ottctto. RceiestDposts, boyssando sells xchantgeonothe printcipal cities ofthe (OldTh1 UnitedtStates. Otrtfts castedolup o oer - THE ARGUS,5-- idetifcatitoo. Officers: CHISoTINMACK, Pt-co., i foLR4JiIO 3 9511147 21MG 55 ..tilcottstAsVicetPres.,it i '5 t s E_ A l;.ttocit , .siteo .5 t .21South lain Street. R~ENTSCHLER, GAPOEkIiJS hoto g ph BTUON1V.i1Thursday, October 13th. e 1 itt NE I StUNAND ttIfitoN -t'i S'IiPI'FN1_% i coott tno" omtettatsin tthebrightet oftttl GIBSON, A MERRY TIME PHOTOG APHER Futt ot Fun sod Mustt odooDattces!Spten- dtd Sitgtng! LaoghablehituattitOostuit _____________________the third act the SerpenttineDanoce witt he exe- cutedOGrtt-tooHutotetr. RHerted Seasnotw NO. 12 W. HIURON STi. on saleta t Ptotofice Newt Staod. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! The jttnior dents mset, Soturday All tihe Bible classcs meet for cr- 35 EostiHSconttreett, morning, atnd elected C. D. Catsidy gan-zation this evening, at 7:30, in president; Mlrs. Ostrander, vice- Newherry hail. C. A. itOwEN, wO AV ARNED At president; A. Baolly, secrctary; C. Secretary. S ENoVIABLE C. Lick; treasurer; F. XW. Blake, '95 Foii~icoci.-Lect every man REPUTATlIvtO arha.who can play hand in hio nameic t 0 Octt FIEYRSE Aarsctng f onc to Captain Molt anti appear SaurayevnigDTEDoat daily 00 tile campus at 4 p. m. It Saudyeeig C. A. Denisotn, is tdesired to have twvo practice teams EA, D. Soylor & Son lit 'g3, was clectcd assistant manag- if eoughs players appear. 'l'eant S Opp.Cort~outt. ing ditor, anti :Miss 'largaret C. training anst practice gasses will be- Shasv, '9,wsa appoittcd to the po- gin itisnidiatety. Maagr j sition 010 tue otaff madc vacant by Wl ahr'1 s the resignation of Mios Lucia Kieve. AvriLTIovC BOARDn holds its regtu- It wsa decided that more time would tar msonthly meetitngTusday at 6:45 he gvento tosewho re ompeingp. n. in Rtoom 9' opposite rtreasn~r- be gven o tose ho ae cmpetngor's office. S. C. SI'i', Pres. I iL for positions on the I)AILYv staff be- 8-2t fore the appointments of the yearW0.. compete should do so at once. -- ANNOUNCEMENTS. rttURSODtv EVENING. su Thi ga ip.N ckwear. 'ilors and -urnishe'rs. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Fine Sloweer Bathe, New Poretain Tuhs. 30 E Wwsigo S1. J. I.'iiia ISoo i. Does a genernl Hooking bsioess. Payo is. tereon 0Saviog Deposits. Hot tatety tDepoittBoxesfor Hoot. It. KEMPF, Pres. F. H.nIt. ESsm, Cashior. Stank touen Satutrdnyeveointg. The Highept of perfecion) in' High C'ass Tailoring, IS EXEMPLIFIED HY OURt Qorsct Cvsfingj Special Discount ont Law Beoks, Medical, Dental anad Aul University Text-Books. Tue iargest S111o111s' Nob o ok! in te city for 2.5 cents. Agent for Keuffel & Essor MathtematiecilInstrtu- ments. Under prices on everytbinig. ;STORES: South State Street and Main Street. opposite Court Monte). "A Merry Time'"o iste titie ef a The Choral Untiotntmeets Tuesday ntew musicai conmedy writtent for Earl evening. All old msembers are re- & Stephtents itd their compiany of coem- quested to be present, othersvise ediatns. Tie action of te piay is very seats will be declared vacant. liveiy atnd will piease aii atitioffend notne. T'ie music thsrotigitotit is ex- 'ThoeIlinois Republican clubt will eiletit, te hast parts beinig esbecialily meet Wednesday night its lasv build- composed fer tihis ceopatty, andt it is lug. doutbtfutl if this attractiont lasatt equaal frots m t msical standptoit. The ltui~osoitnv-.A prelinminary lee, comedy part is of a crisp, clean.s eo-ter tire in the department of Chsristian that never fails to attraict tetatten- Philosophy swili be given ondaytios ef te tiiettre-going public. The give ycompiany is headed by Fleitry Earl anid at 4 p. in., in room 2t. itaymsonid Stepheins, who hitherto have J (SUNDFErv. been associated with comedy andt The irs meeingof h e . o M.operaotie work of te first order. They Thbis etn o beU fM are cleverly supported by Kitty Mar- house of representatives wiil be heidceeiius, Neilie Dutnbar, Jennie Wyiie, this evening in Alpha Nu hall. Ail Grace Itunter, (serpentitne danicerl, membrs houl bepresnt. Edward Rapihaei, IFred D~e Noe anth meniers houd bepresnt. others of eqital abiity. O re~p suits, GoodspOOd & Soils, O I T T R , , 7 , 1 9 S o . M ai n S t .