c e'.af Al, VOL. 11.-No. 01. UNIVERSITY OF .MICHIIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1893. KENTUCKY'S BRILLIANT SON, tomorrow evening, made a great and BEST AND JEFFERIS WIN. -- inistantaneouis hit on its original pro-' Sketch of Henry Watterson. the Jduetioii, aiid has since grown steadily Interesting Debate at the Jeffer- Most Distingushed Living inipaublile favor. sonian Contest in Law Lecture Southerner.IT7I , PRICE, THREE CENTS. Her -Vtesn wolcue i Tho Poetry of Motion. I tins itv Iill, tomiooiwieit Iha'- Vsile Ifie itrlemten tes~tli r iot iadli'1vaited aiididistingiieisheli e r, ~ lalst ivittlie the (-anid op)eia house Ilie wss boriinil X .shiiitton, I. .i asit It tliledtiwhIccthe c t tiffilr1oie fits tiii tyetrt an.id 5is days igo till the flost preoettilt o "iinic Betcaise oif d uebfe se si;ltt is tediit- gis en ii lt tie luipils cif ir. calibi ii aschefl i stustedl to 1111vate at iii ,Ms. boss (triuiertulder Mrt tiors Ice so ttIis touriiilistiic ct-1 (-t ccis diiretion.i'to sais flit the i-err ini X'asliiiitoiiat theI-ate ci 15. Ilaretsst'ittlagt''i' -ispleaisedl ~itlh tie Dintig Itiele tilsltleusati Itiess. I resetiisutsdoigst-act juistice froth Ic t 1 t-),I tie served as-sbill uffice1 to Mi. C l--n-i achi ofl t scoitts ill the Conifiederite Ih isititiossible to luck ou t- those iitiis. Sootite r Itthe 5warI iii tioit tip sshoidi ttwiell wtithsoiilntiioitig euteli :.:itlne conciemiei, but Itie liltIs of Mtaster Briadlle F.tGranertianuitthe foturijitks w11re1parthiularly gcod. 1 lie isittis Varsity stuttenttsi-artici - psating lii themtselsves credlit. Probta- 1Ilily Itie "goiyeonscress oitheitpriesett tioni was ex'pected byblttfeIw, aiid -- ---.. ceirlainly the coplete stitcess ott its e *y ' luist apetatanicewit~s .111 greeable stir- " pise toit1ill Tepla yers app earedin fu tll idress; /tt~A~jgf~~"'the "atrls" li t ttitits iostumeis fIff/ lift (ibecminge their sepa'ratie paits, tint it tlt iasy c-i--ce they plasedit 1gattitof i~iihi ~ // Avhtist tlti moseents o iii liing ;,i ~ lii ititbr -it-it ars beingte;teetit-teil tby - - ereeltl -it ctobintiittof'move- or'a t igtiatedl ly Mr.liosss Gran-i Anuaaicire of about cite huts- ireel anditfifty' tersons sas tires- cnt last eeninog in the lat e1cr- ture rooin to hear the Jefiersoisian debating rontest. The programmen seas opened by a piano solo iby 'Mrs. Edwvard Crouchwsiihet sas sto sell1 reniderced that siteseas re-calledt.L.. F'. H-arnmes opeeditheitiscuitoittoc the iquestion, 1''That the Govertn- mnit shioutld01own tandilcontrolt the Rilroads.'' I-it0p01kf 015the inega- tive side, and gave eight reasons w shy the goveronent should not owen the railroads. C. it. Steswart fl- lowede in the affirmative. D. 0. Rideottmaintained that govern- ment oswnershsip wtould tenil to cen- tralzation and monsarchty andI sosild destroy private enterprise.1 -.R hest, of akenturks, deliverted a weell psrepared orstio01onliie secoctd question, That Canada shoaled be Annexed to thle Cniteid Stiles.'' G. W. ITipper argedilthat annex- ine Canada teotitl extend the powter of entette s. A. W.c- 101, 183-18S5iiOODtI)stttAvr DElTROIT, - MICtHIGAN. ~iehmofld Straight Qcit. r CIGARETTES. Ct-crette Smoekerstwhe ar e te wilingc t Dayealittle moriice tani the ptie chargeid Ioe the setititte tra ig-arttes, illifind 5' 11's13HSlt itituperiortoS Cultt'.. it'orettec aermtdetftt 11the bI gbI- elt mccl ictel-y flviedansd hig-hestecost tGetlSectftestes is Virginia.This i steOld list Origtnal Brandtie SitraitCut Cigarsettes, - -i oasaccredltti t that -tt'ilti 13 en es heedIeare ofimtitations, sand obserethatite '54 ss cee elietnhue tookthe irStsnae aselowhitiris tilteserypecehace. 11 E I, tv I .I;ON. trtsti tate.The ALLE'N - LINTER ltniselu tI-_-- i ii_- floor. Ile rgulisthat an exation.' Ofthe AneicttaTittiecout lill risitelet'itt.IouuisviltieIK.. Ill -- It itor. the agiteul tHichtondxatVitgi-iCi IseS. illconintet iontith N.ti5,N. Haite - New IMen on the Faculty. woutltitake our rotngress tutu large. Mctctri,--Itittti.h ii itati,lie foundttiil te'"Loutsvile Cors'-Itmerica has alr-eady enouteh teeri er-Jitriul, if wiclie ]it)itsis eet It the enditof this semester three tory' to govern property. V.C. 1 ' Unquestionably -intee haeti thueueditor.Ti heiotnly public tiemubers of thue faculty swill Itavelm althte Iast stpeaket oppioseil aniiTHIl STill GA55Dilt11111 utlite eheereshelxwisthiitchfconges-Iseteredh their connecticu th ulsthe cauosSi- er ocettesurei FRTRIT EW LY iutai It tnt Iugils tit it ivtt~ersity. 'Twso of thsese vacanctes Ih nh sseeU oauos iuut htsu oll ett5 Ihasve already been filleudanth the I Andt the Largest Asotmenct ori Ilie hitsitepresteuun1ted etuciefivlue J uniusFI.lHeait andtev. tier . XX I wit na dueimtu iuuttaltttiltsonenutontspie-tirdl sill be beforethue openingteof Teetross. XXhule tse judiges swere NjQ'7_ T.1lT1_ 4 S sitittie itser thur St.hDutis cittsentit 11te next senmester. ill of. luelser tuas makuig their cdecisiontMrs.lCrotuchit uti htilt Ile Serv lu-us t-ehiii it othoalready left Attn Aerbor anud tatketn aveausottuer p iao solo) hf ~ RO ~ & S u-uu-utcu15~ i uctt i- up hswotat 1 he whrliet usossaOtuaate piuoius parit- fiet hu t lue ti eti las the chair of hisiory. Ar.alr AV. 'iJeftertes atud S.11 es o re1p- ti ofi1st' 51her hii'lis uck hur u-u-- silt lease unext sweek it ibeg-ini hits eet tas etItiit oeujeeetttts'ii Ieesttitc 11i111 utlfai til it -iiit, acritic-at Iwsnrin tsthe Grzsad sads ligh Is C usus ersibty, debate it-eli. 25.ous mtuou entuelt iut n iuittil iititohlyschoot and tdMr. heel rehtrCs ftronim~~KN U A ltor e hith tsit te e ss all the faculty on accoutut of ill hacth. The folloswing commiittees hiave P . -N C N Air. WatterS~ soas i it ahic anit Neg~otiations for fillinug Prot. ]Eel-beeti apspointed front i94 hats sfor tuuterttinclrter.tieSAs asword-painter ser's place hare not y-cttbeetn etansFeb. 22. Receptions,ltopkinus, IPark, M/ERC1JANTf hue is equlledit by hut utie Anmericait-taMeted. Wylie, Welch and Stonet invitation, lIgersoll. Is a litturer hlis tntel- Mtri-tall swill be stuccecded hby i-cCabe, Eliot, Jones, Buacklcy and hettial, poihsled, fluetnt. Itus style Poniery i~adne, B. S., of the class Idars;mu i orden, Dune, TAILOR resetmbles Itat iof Wendtell Phillips. of '90 of this institution; andI Dr. Edvad; nsc Amotng liis notablle aiddresses there are Leser, lot the past year instructor I Cory, Woodbury anil Cadyt pro- thtree wh-ich have attracted national in languagme at Depasixe(University,I gram,:IBissell' Webber, Woolman, N t'irno tttestion: one delivered at thie late will take Mtr. Levi's placc as in- Garner and Felnuleyt ticket, Hall, banuitqet of the Army of the Teonessee, structor in French. Videll, Chamberlains, Fiske and aniothier at the unveiling of the Granst ----.t..---- - Oliver; decoration, R. C. Chapman, 7'I0T0Z, 1OOj TS, statue in Chicago, aod the dedicatory A nunsicale wvillhe givens by M-rs. Best, Lockton, H. IE. Candler and oration delivered at the dedication of Pres. Angell, this evening, for the Leonardt ushers, Mermen, J. E. 55 V\7, FT , the Worlds Fair. benefit of the fond for the decora- Richardson, Batavia, Moore, 0. Et. ils famous lecture, "Money and tion of the woman's building at the Scott, Adams, Hartzell, tHoward ;Mlorals," which lie will deliver here World's Fair. and Coultier. Detroit, Xichigan.