THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE, ~i ~SYi AOV ALL OVERCOATS AT _ OFF.f ALL. SUITS AT 41 OFT. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. As usual, the first in the field. The ex- tremne styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. W ADHA M8, KENNEDY c& REIILE. ~ ~ SLVS. ! Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE Ann Arbor Mich. Capistal Stork, $5t0,0,I OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! \ Organizedl under the General Banking Lowt No. 4 P ot' r's(to v'sS itrs otr,- The New Shape of this tate. Receives Deposits, lbuys and i.Ilse3 sells exchange on the psrincpal cities of the HsE IlosoS, y. Ponited Stotes. Drafts cookled uopropr e ----THETRGU r Save Discomfort and Darning. ide-ntinicotion. Offices 01 CHISI~AnNACK, Pres., F1N t O ?QT 1IKI , Mn's,25e., 35e., 50e.Wooens', 50c. Glicesizeshoe. WV. 1). HIMA5'.N, Vote res., A'r LOIV I)RICES. WAIKENHOSE COMPANY, 76 Chauntcy St,, Aotot, Moss CHAS0. . HBseOoo, tCashier. ,4. J1. 'rs 'cc, Asst. tookir. ___________________ ( M( I.OF M. ('ALEI)A11. Wabash College Claima an Advent- J___ ago Over Michigan. tilt."toeVly. i1of vl -.oP'i!ilooollI tiot A b j a+ C to o ooseeretpreettive o r 'o lo' 'tio rsity At tl li i vest'fM elial h olokoote stiiolI I . i lii o t il college tire free Fri., Febo. 10-Address bolte -Ito.A. A. Petofit Dtoit, att tisieoos' chtoreco. Ottljeet, "Phi'fr011oil :,irstritis im osted by tire j Vewsofs i tenan atdnerIsroll to'esetnh foaculty. Fotipall msdteedsttirey, like PA D ootteous li' theiospelson'otsitderedl andSte- anoth ier citizenss oftthie sity, are tail- 1"able toro ile local osstloritie's. AXttesso- fl~//F r f io. Ibt.-S. A. )loirans,ofthlit'Riegister', lc i h p la d ln ii pin l oaddrs o ioPre s Clob, esliect, "'Itheaunotrltli'otSeosloisitoro. 0.14 N tr~(ice' t4latsoorsst'r tot taiOeekly Nwsapr, Tliars o tsytstof'cus, but eaoell rotir to latbuldingc. tudteotn ttroat Ire gisioleil loy Iis ows Sat.,_ Polo Il-Slots. Hensry 'oaoiterotoir S 0.L. jistlenit irs tire matter o s ltences. A__L- Ot H'stes. Subtoject, ."Mtosep atorol lotaIlQ." rlsero is no irskirsg systems, biuttire ! School oftitt'i ' p. I os. stece tudtntle s oeither pasedt, eondtlisoned FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, a e.1,!3 .i.Lwler o~iO )Lcel osqetyteeaen MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ties .Lott, oft Crsorltior, tooladless' bettore tire honosio. Stoet i sofsi tettionfinarylie P0Co oe lot 5 oit'ialioencelrttossoiaio.." o'stitfacetory tit).AsirsAbor, butsttoabsls 30 as Hro Sret,"1lniipt O eo " o., Frk. 1.'-1irs, . OScol to' let'totn '' Oe,'' taslearined tby expereience thaot Osttlt beoroe thbe Uitslypetlrstrant isneceuare" for tthe et ilir- O E0. IA'sL055 'looto.c .to' l, b 410 )ro. liregs., lotlore Ilololool toseol outOttre ~tsoett trindthre isitts- ttcts'ro oT[ON Legue, tot'' "Worko 0 soo -- tioeotoo o iinte t otiVbsloiillege " Miti' so1~r~ FacufltyoNotices. UNIVERSITY NOTES. EA. flo u i.!& Son A onoe-ithtCiturse ito the Pititoouo- li e cli onoilatrontloesltiebtl Opp.Col lose. itty oil Religioto, lec'tures ansi reti cr o n-~ ~ jih. 'lot titemellt aollll ___________________________________ trgoc11 ilbegriveetdrinig tire second ie ~o selestercsapest to studitso ave lthie lss ta1'U kencot urse titoin iitioocopli'. Nii il'. Iebte:etolvi0ect, Tht SECOND SE~ i.)ltitI ist omcoetig 1)10Tuesdaoy , leb. 1, the Fedleral op00 etttt slisoititrilin Excelsior Laundry, Oood ork Guaodiortee.t 0.tclld1o andooldelovere'o. A. . COVERTPrb 21 yeaors in the Business. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M.Scaholt ro EX.FosurthiSt. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Fine ShoowerBrathsNooewPorcelain 30t iahiigtote 5t. 30ttath-lot, ttt5. eo0. tnootojl~, f~i eos ageoeralSBanking lorsinsso. lPays or- terest t osSoasiog Depostits. Boo nafety DepotoesforoeRent. tIt. KoEMPF, Pet. F. B. BELSOER, Casler. Bsankovest Sattirdav'eening. 3 f Il/2E. Of sloogtoo tree t. ISPEC IAL SLS 0e'i I I G I1 ii II';ilN ' Qtltl) ''s I ' i Q( i t i a Go to 11etocbjlllltts for atll isew and secondc-harnid TEXT- I> 00 K.S. 'We havet eoi a largestipply of lree, Lat i, l(itrlIalitut F'u'ooels ('la "ssit'. \\ NEW AN0 SE('ON)-1IIANL)1 . We offei' the lasgest andr best Note ]looloi rhoecite for 25/c. B~ring ill y'osur'second-handi Text-Biooksr. Wahres pookstore 205S. State Streett. Mole St., Opp. Court lHef ;e Sat f). 11., 150 ro1o11 2 5, to tovftiotge andtit roth ie rttilroitotsoof tire 1t. ____t. l . teovori; negative, L.. 'Tere 'sill toe trinse'xaminationin HsIartis atnod1). it. iteoott,. 1 trto Latin for coniditionoed tudooents, torir te seonttisot of tdebater s will ttcan tidates floprscarmissiont, anti fordicuesos thre ttfolig qutestion: tRtie- stutdcentderin~~lg ttcvaocedcleretlit, ir Roiom I:., Satrdaoy-, eb. I3, attsolved, 'that Canaa sh oousilbe trin- 9 ot)'eliiek. 107'!/'1/it' 'chc)JlC 0 ece<1to los '. S. \ffirmtoive, S. czrotiiiiilo/ o i ,/0 1's10 1' it'oco .0 111/1'!R. ilestc~( tt adG . iTupitpr; egir' ONE NWEEK .ONLY. GOODSPEED'S TAILORING- l Et'APINT. ONE WEEKONY GOODSPEED'S SHOEJ V Oo 501. SAMILI( 10 CONGRIE SS SHIOES IOEDJtCED 1-3. ONE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED'S University School of Music. t'totverstty Schsool ttf Msricse'ondtrt semstter tbe hi/rb. 20l.Ass1(riter tht arangemlentss fothetil'semster list)' be comlpletedI it is dlesirroble thaot roil 'so Wihirtoo sttsdy to ilte orisooilsouil register rtotnc~le. Oilii'e houorsfoir tire next twit weekso, 11 1012 o.Il. ito 5t p. isl. 0/lit Sutbtcribeorthtet'tU. of '1. tDAIL.Y. Subtscribte or tie U. o1f51. DAtL.Y Subsocribe hoe thre A.E ). of . DtL. ztulsrioe tlIor tire t. 01 AL.DAILY. tire, (0. E'.Leonatrit, . V. 0Jeoteris andi Mir.iBelktnap. 'iTehe tolebat- ers reciving tioe highst lgradeco stwill represenct te Jefiersoiuiaio in thoe coiing detoatisogfcontest. Adisoon A..W'orts owrites frromr G~randRi tapids that toe hats beers obligedt to leave th~e lawo departmrents andr 'soll be happ~y ttoeeove cails fronm otoilbero of bts class at lis. office to tire riust bilintg.Ilie hoas boeentadtloteit to teliat'.