WC. of WJr. tadtL. Publistted DaiytSun~sdas aextcpstd)during the C'olegre year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION The Editors do not bolt] thenmselves tespon- ft)e for the oinitonstor statemntsof O i-tes- tondeots, appea-triginthe tI)ste. 'Fits: courses in history are to be somewhat different this semester THE U. OF M. DAILY. Debaters, Notice! LIKE FINDING MONEY. The various contestansts is the By Going to altr & Miller's and save from 25c, 5oe and 75c on every prelinoinary debate will meet Thitiro- pair of Shoes as we mutst reduce our stock to day evening, after the Jeffettottian muake room for Spring Goods. debate, in order to assign sides for the debate, Feb. 25. - - f T = 1 1 C-t-. t ttF ine Footwear IDealers, \lt stitfents wotlo were msenmbers 48 SOUTHI MAIN STREET. ttf the class (tf 'go, Ann Arbor High 5 ShoideiosohodnaclsTOreunotn, will please send theirMOlJ~Y itk JUSER IR 1G DISCOUNT natites to C. Wt. Ricketts, t 'Thomtp- butt street. FOIL. THI11R Y S. trou thte arrangettent in te trintedl BSNS OAS O announcement. the changes will be prinotedl in a lay or two, or as 'J.TENC'E'SA pSays for it btat,lht r n ror anot soon as dleftnitely made.'TePtaeLtitlywssyot 'fts tiUniversity calendiar is untfoir- 2So Sitaltte street. 845tMihgnRlwy - sh~~~~uirttwslt. Ititl,iwl sc ('L., ogei.,fJL~~ tittatety fiullI of attractiotns for this Ft trtilfi giittitl-..cardytittilisli S'2cJ(9;. parti ulaor timie of the 1Itnit er'sity EAf}I LV S 2.jtist titrthi tf the Pot- --yt; Dprtr fTrisat,.n. ~r year. Students diesi re all their timtic1stffiee, lists the iest nicks. etsrri'tges, foir stuldy preptaratiory tot exatiiis- ouSpriting iitect. ItSit. t tio, a~larecofrote wih le- ;o,S~ita tekStreertt1. t litsis teLEDNGSH O O UStIESS.ibtag- Nut. 1.Min tIi wit c- ti'. i iiibiilding; nioe tearo slargtae ttendane; i ut. .t titoot AtnntArtbor Aecitti'. 2itt oo tUrc fur eery eenttin'- whicht it is ( itty your sooes of f"isltu u e ', tod i ?ii eo; supeioewoekt ellteopytir din og tt. Matiitttds senoetire' . i:?,op.7 0 I room; daily o-stseeo; Saturday evenitgecoeptions; h r tor it.State street. oetile tire ear;00]sco ercia gratduatestingeat dao oItemadsothand gruatged es all eseepstisoo; (IG10 1 ili h n x e ays e will j . takeoootiostftoatweek ta eek, addrerss 5 , 4 '.t.tt..bser . . 58 47 .n h-u h etfwPe ' ~ lT TT ' 'l . a. CLEARS. Pres. No.ie.'tooitttArettoinodatiott ...0oiit publish a columndevoted tis faculty Li.I ING ":HIj CetralttandrdIitIle. noticesitn oroler to give to Sloettu- F $2.00, $3.00, $400,1$ -iyts ttttrStndaytt.tt~ r sl denstny hat1Laies adt et e entt0t. anc ane thitu iu - FrtCot nIWi ttot t ritetto ontly, dail )except Suntdtayt. olnsaycitges to be imaode, tor 1 FrtCasadWratd new courses offered. The professors teNttt\wtEvr WiyHt.trtst'N 50tT, Iett.'S R.~ooy and instructoors srill confer a favor OPER T~T'!E D t enr .Os tsAet sel~o upont the students by senoding us 1 notice of any dev-iationo frost the an- 1 SHEEHIIAN & Co. SHEEIIAN & ('0 SIIEEHAN Ot. nIIERSce A) eTIltX SECOND-HAND TEXT JBOOKS So(uttI, life at tfte UiveirHsity N 5 5NiNi o4 not what it ought tot be. Tht Op- FE R A Y 9-10 '93.FR HESEON1SMETE portosnitiet for tsttlents tget :~:R-'..R"-,~Atflie Studeunts' Bootksfore. ftudeiifs, stavoeIttiff yourSitotter l heasontsalt. it Sbeetsttt Statse St. Motire a'ntlbuy ofiftus. Weitre chilyvreceivin cosgm tsf acquainotedl withoesven thetir own sutWtmr JOitt t mgo classes are exceeditngly linmitedl. ________________________:s1un-iimd(i u- otI~sk rti ~u ainoalsoia a esberyhal nLuItst Myicheliwwill tffer uS lowe pritce. We keels fthe reh anul -oia i-ltoewbery tllan S4O cSZ hiidl Geiaitut t ioniauries St't-tiiicdtltl Iv teI'ttcutlty. WAle occasuossal stitor atit a lithfle Ibest itiol -leiiust -Nobtetilos intthficicityv. introduction reception at rare inter- vals, aclass social, now ant then a L. GR UNER, S H EEHMA N & COMPANY', chourclh gathoeringk, are about toe oily = .Mi tet n.Abr University Booksellers, - State Street. chanoces ontoha to indout hatSIIEEIIA\T &,CO. SIIEEIIAkN &CO. SIIEIIIIAN &_1CO. idof 0pieopisiei- is iiig amongis. While e t nitversity is pre-oil- inently a Iplace for stuidy and ittoollec- toial pursits, it no less affords a rare and itoestintable oipportunoity forj cultivatingSloe social eleenit in hounan nature. Ino no other place, perhaps, is to be found as broad and s'aried a field for forming valuable friendslhips and studying character, as here. 'Thle opportunity should be grasped, and while see are glad to see tlt at least one of the literary classes is to try the experiment of a c lass social again this year, there ought to be a general advance in thtis direction. Good leettires are entirely commendable, of rourse, bat if some of our Uiversity orga- nizations swould seek to arouse thoe social life, instead of increasing thet surfeit of things sclholarly antI in- tellectual, tloey would confer a far greater benefit upon thse student body. 1 ' RStitiichan arewettttheSiltemtt sitheOttre Not only in rittgs, btut inoa alotir Jes-elry aswell,our vaiety is richi andu rare. Satfinie jew-eled tintgasadtest- d~ants wae catnt otow an uitnsurpe~lod o.-oteti DIAMONDS OPALS EMERALDS PEARLS RUBIES SN'SELF 5Ot TUNQUOISES cUOM"IiNA'I'eN ETV'., ETC. CrLISTESRS. WATCHuES naways bare our mtoat woatohfouloce. ltfoourain toepoocire only te most perfect timaepieeo the world produe. n. adtittion to tall the rfamouss makeosewe iasspecial attenioin to one own special 0F.0G. S., S. a.Co 's amovemtent. The insst perrest-ttt--al asoed imovemienextant. WOODWALSF G N GS TRSEE iTE SMITH, 0OSSS._ SONS j ANN ARBOR j RE NTSCHLER, STEAM LLJNIE7! hotogr~apher, SN 23SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. Ce-Rn ittO IIN.tND IIIRSiT -. 1NOTICE .--ft Suttiix iGRAND 'POPERA IHOSUE andit Citizens'. 0D on uS in ototoiS ntu fortuON1,NIGHST ONLY. Candty swheniyon reaioget ijus tsodttR. joly & Co. Wedon't ettrpe feortyerbit SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11th. giveri. i t t u.tis d thait is ott--unit. Isotisud eowtlunchieis t altiturofothse itsyiatitiightit. 'hetsPopurewtt 5 uinco~ss 'R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South state Street. SIDE 'TRACKED ___ ~~~Thenisettits st edyevr-eirotuti-r. Ori;;i- H OT LU NCHES tat NessYrkn Cast wtithitshe iticotti arahie coeat, MIS. lLtE WALitiIts is iluftumsttt \ixix OTltr-A Nes-Tramtpaiuon. And the very chtoicst Candles i ttiesutoasoiSItMehoanictal Featus. Ettitus *~TUTTLE'S, * P*thos.itos 4t3SsUTIt S-TA-T STaRET. PRICES, - 35, 50 and 75c. STA ILSt-asits nsatie 0)itu tratrieery Stotee. Coal! GIBSON, 11 W. Washington St 1PIOTOGRAPILER 1xxos ,70 8_NO. 12 W. HIURON ST.