t j e tt* Of 411. 13etil . PRICE, THREE VENTS. VOL. III.-No. 90. VOL. IT-No JO. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEB3RUARY (), 1893. UI Re'CNS 1 4 1 t t _j t I c t A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. IMichigan decisions are of especial THE WEBSTER DEBATES. ____- Iinterest to Mlicii'sn students. The The World's Fair to be [Closed on A Detroit Student May Lose an Eye review of Shinn's tPleading andi Sunday-P. M. Truy and A. J. from an Explosion in thealLbrroy Chem-IPatc otisawrh ugs ako h inr, II fist heMichigan students in the WsstrScityr ii -s ' \V aler Labo D raoary. deta-aw shool tairI chis'syuttawsoo.criowded even beyondfte(loot last - /a ,...IIIIR was ftsfinrg for chromsiuim,yesterdiay; - - ---.;' - -- tenu fitscaoabig DETROIT, MICH. afcf nsnltass nl i t A COURSE IN JOURNALISM,. vnnteocso en h afiternoostin quitaibor yssa s it forsNxtiSeestdrbatethto stletfref-stesenta- th heia lbraoy 'h ts-Proposed frNx eete ttetvs sflriitheslocal University debate I tiibt exploded i'ail fleucheiiciiian d ;University of Chicago--Critical, fist. ife uestion ritbattd was pieces os glass strussil '\r.Das-sis Comparative Essays, i'dshtli'nt id 1______ -nstutirely niwtt, temnmd in flit lift eye. It is cosidetired;'list 1'nii- of Chicago is couliiilr- it liv eliy isid inte~resting. 'Tliert ifit thegre is.tle chanceof 5sig i-si tfhcasdvisablilily of isfierisiga wer' ihtfcontestants. A. J. l alk- teofgn Iliexlsoocurdcouirse in josirnalismssfor next seies- noirJ V urdock, G. A. Dlier g ;,iTe aitcoholsi addsdisos telil d'- fitr,notitfhstasiding flit failure of and I L:.Chsauiberlain arguseui thse drcsoi silother schools of fist kind assndi is teaffirimnatie of fteiqustiion, 'Re- of V2, $4 or $5 sosie50cto$1 N irles thaein The octr sate thi monin thtfact of fteprtvailing disapproval solved,'That the World's IFair shousld AniiArborsi ei.s ed tee catslogseeto oil fss.suicifii-s pirtoffli sOiof leadinig professional journalists. be closed on Sunday.''"IA'. J. lanil- nra hadl been barned off anti it will IAwrtri thUnvriy esm ,L.CJos, .A.Fkad srotrtiter. R infltUnvrst Nss in5'"JnskN A -ikan ari ou;a' npublished by 'U. of C. sftiients ex- P.At. Troy were ti-e li'gative speak- t1018i3-185 'sODiiitiiin ., - -"+--- IDETROIT, - MICIGAN. A NOTABLE ARTICLE. plains flit plan as follosws: ens.Ths. men were all represents- - I Critical comparative esays will five of the best debating element of Hon. Alexander Martin's Biography be called for from mnembers of fl-e ft society, and presented man), q9ithmon ' Straight Qeit. of the Earl of Shaftesbury In the class on flit subject of the differ- and good arguments for bh- sides. wNo.1 Law Journal for February.IG RT E ___ences befiweens journal ansd journal, 'ff-s judges, Revs. C. A. YounigJ.CGA ETES 'list hi ciii" ass ivousrial fosrftic respiective points ofreciative 1'. Suntderlandl,anti Prof. B It " . arett~e cty a let , ~~sare ilsithena linte l-cebriarv still lie issued the iatter suneriority or inferioitfy, their re- TIhomupson gate their tiecisiosa in eia fed ihnfo the unie% tiae Cigsuettes., wiii fled piart of this wee.. The leading ar- spective tones anid stanilards-this, favor of 1.. it. Troy and A. J. Falk Tess 11 '- iisprior es title is a vsery ion" anti scisolairly as asnsg the representatives of ftener, but all ftemarkings ivere closer"1 - Ther iiscisnondstr-aigist biographiy iffst'e 1- 'riof Shaftes- inerican daily antI meekly firess, Miss NelliefGooidwina atdtetdto flit nitemosttdelicately Sis'ei antdihighiestcost o-d Lea soin i rini-siTh'is is the (lid buiry, anothesr iii thse.it it of habeasai-she stpiolitical, fist liftsrasythe isiterest of fist progrsamiby a piano a(-srigits rn o. tagh uCiaets -orpiss by ftonii Alsxandter Mifi-n, religiosi{th ns-m sit.amiion"glthesolo syhichs anmucs appreciated, liewire ofrisitatiossansdosesirve thaitste (fitlif irmnze ias belowisan eeryepacikagee. clean of tfelia-sedepartment of thes. sf-rtsessfativt-s of thss. Iritisis press); ansi receivedi an ence. Miss Alin-The at ON';& ti(t Iitinch 1 ivierssty iii NsisssouiatC of-iuisndthen, tbesidsetsysfrsi-nignit Camspbellisang ftsos-oral solos, Maeuftues, - Assitinasaiscmoucjx Virginia bia. D~r.Xi arfisais a giaduate of isto critical consparisoisftelJourn-s whiichs sererentirely deserving ofthefs ti-s Univsessity ofMicsisan, A.It.,ism offtebUniteti States considered applause a-s-d tntor' th-ssy secivedi.IUnquestionably 53 n.A.,'8ilei ono-scof fte1as a itlole, andciti-at of Grieat Bisetain, - --.. .- -- THa iii sssriGRseDciiOb.si mo5sf dfistinuis-d of ticigas s wiithisme notice also mntrouuesdi of Morn Amendments at ti-e S. C. A.t F TR V JW L alumnis sfinteswest, uascd5ia steIrechcnewsupafper as-st t-she e- AtfsS.CA.reitgfstcu- FR ENTYJW L IXiitusee Si c-st.A-si-s-sitastieve-- udtge of fte Sup-senmecourt 5comis-ii loiinsicing sis. asies-stineissto fistoctmentstof sC-sa c-f IXIis-so-s-ri. lliiarticleia htrti-sc purpoise iifsuch it-sik, aslinwssrp-sithcs-ilt O\7E FjFEES writtecin issniiecitertalisiss"style,----fi its isbsci fin1s1ss t-ir- o-n-ws pps edi,-5- whiichsiseillif --T- - M i.=0. contasi-s n h th t sould ' e i-s 1i -s-iut-v sl s iuice tu-I l l;t s lis ts r assrl -sf ft ogpsss spcurt of1fit stas. t-sth nes tioss Staesic'io cconielat- ncrase of freojusediiti the eisinabe to tesi, ansd sitting ii' two divisions. A copy of fist association's bill is appended. The tiditorial departmrent is wyth filled. There are obituary notices of Col. Rodney Mason, of Detroit, and Oscar F. Wisner, Saginawt. The nmonthly record of supreme court I 'ui ths-t itsltfs -s 5550f --s ho scribe to 'i-sei-sri-o-se coifltheassiscia R -&~ ticas t iuuii-st sfssytinsusthis.fos-r 1principalssiofficersr hs(n egin sit ionces to fstsui ru .i/ e i lsssts 5sfstcosi-gt ls ~i-tu t--- ss' ttliirs-sy-. wnusert-aeincsslP.aperUsAon _ file for theNo ftofrthercb-si-si-sit-s-s, Pscasil-s-suitttauth ou isit i aii tfel-sisf s if eo at-sis rosy induictfeftic prefcrececcs is-sti-e iwhole matfteii'as laid oser forC flue matter of subjects for e -ay, treieh ogv itnciitsA E C i.' may rely ispon hiaving ftic prefer- Ifii o1st--ir itea'iaiis eces favorably consideredf l-finte -TAILOR order of pieccedence, justly cstab- The Jeffersonian debate fl-i-s evens- lised by fist date oni iviich the lug promises to be a hard strugglhe writteia intimation from each several for the honor of representing thle AND O isteonilltI.' applicaiit is received by fl-e profes- society in the University contest. soc.- - After the debate tonight the eight 'IN'T SZ"CTQOL, T3, n-sen chosen fromnftefotir literarve Thse first term of ftewiiter iqiar- tee at the Univeruity of Chicaostill societies mwili meet the committee on SS -_ FORT T_ arrangements to choose sides for the dlebate Feb. a5. Detroit, Michigan. dlecisions and tie notes of receistI close Saturday.