WHITMAN, 0Of Phlat/elphia,) IA iSIIAALLOWS. r34 So. State Street) SE.LLS THEM. I THE U. OF M,. D)ArLy*-- Alr 110 I(-,SUPPL7 L A P E. 01THlE NL -7lIES? ONLY $14.00. 1 Ic. lave Received l//C ll///'/33y, Car/lSb/33 and A )jne list. RI/c lateslTude/in ja ee/seas. /1/ / E F1,T,(//t'S IN P1301011 [toN.f WI1L.SFY, - ]TIIZ 3A Sth/ Stat/e Street, 1' PlAit/S. - MOORE& ETMORE, BOOK STORES-.):N O- 6 SOUTIH MAINSTREET A7ND }~~___o .~-~Z1.CD~~ 111t'tA' S C'-4 - } > { .f 1 r y a_1 ) clltal t ok :11 113. 1 i331. N l J-.( tij3333J il} tUli } . -.3 ' 3 1 . Y. 3 1 t 3<1 33.33 wcK xi!I e Pu4 Co ice x.ru c . :w6 - -p- .. ....:.. .. . - -.:.<-.;T _" ,I r .:TH A T 7 0_ BROWN'S JUG(-. %' ,. 17' l ti l' Co-11 - L-tbe s113)3/ S(144 Main Street1 South. Si Iii-.3133 5 att prop153ortintepcef1/al- rAi o01 536 M anStreet DEAN & COMPANY. Rlc. J. T.5'3t(i.1131t33311,1wi1t HOI\K DOES THIS SUIT irbiet 1be1131 33 1113.F 31{s3a1 13311111. 11 r.3130 Lod-if i 30 a orst 11 33 sc3es.ter clt3tl3ed , 1The11I'll1 3 3 ply 0111, 3p33 31.3tack will1Riocall 3)b I13311 t,., 33)31.' '3t33 s33311 t3 3 t11 111 13r . 3As 11)1do 3(11 33 jil ? t t'31 lit tale it mt l3 111.«'33 31'a I' 33111133 1133"1e 3133 3111131')' 33133M1oo , we 11x111 31131 Mir. 113)111 11 them11 1it I e11 I1-d-r nio, omi""1(YouI'Look.i bCi '1i1 GULIFARS 1ve3311 3311i 'N1)CE 3I1 { ,3 - UNIVERSIT31Y NOTES, )io 3 ;ie has an in1.1 door131,33 :1 I r 33"' 311 13"ever 1 to 3-eeks ere 1are thre 11 . lad3ies1 in 3 f?'tl31313)1 __ 33 all . 13111)s1 J lll31311313htis1113' 1l1. 1.1 1.33 (1331 1 ,31133"a S30333.will clota/inltielelege33313d~epartmlent, 10111AN A 31 oev matillycallti Curentconsistinlg of 11331s3letters f30131all 111 -e.1 vsclueibi ls3. 1 135w3il1 saun be pu/bihby 13'11tle he rinciplal un~ivers3ities311n31cal-. EA: W1 . i.11.leges of tile coun~try. 'Thie13will 1~y1 _, >_ I} I rC 1 3311 ,3s 3 li llS33 'iie lbe of 5333331al1 interest to IU. af t. N. s.l/ />slblt ll 3 33 --1111 1133 1'aterexvski 11as3 ieenl securedito N.I Y/,1lt-t 133./.llll13Crelstudents. Iavlry studen~lt shildl 1133 r :'tl S 'Il ' t. ive acnetatCrelFebruary 2itea/11, /1,In, ('131icl I 11- . 3 1/ a C.lleer) atleave ortders for extra cpis11 h 3I). E '313 .3 ,-.. 3 1 t/ 1. It /33)1- 1)148 I', the contract lprice being $ 1,500. /3. nt 11 xlr c s__ 0,5-/11 C/lit Ni r1.3 I._; > 9 }1 333 3 G1 . / 13 1,1 rc -.. 1-i Pa iic3l. /1 3513,o res. .311gel I till not mleet Ihis ne s tar . 1111..3 .111, 53ao.Se 14. Ai.F11"ES, lalss in Inltern~ation~al law, Tlturs- RTe University News, of lte 1113 FIRST NATIONAL BAN tiy, 1b11t will omeet it reglarly 333x1 versily (If Chirago, ulrges all tile3311-. BA K'weki elnts 0 toscure a31 313/ a1311gowvn be-. O1F ANN A//I/O1. /C113pitl, ~I. 3113IlldI t/Il /ts$it,00tl, Died 11313Sepltembler 1 r8 91), at Ifore 111. f/i , thle occasionsof tile Tr 1 n 3't, a erll banking 311l111in 33fr-13 3.-ke SillsItw0a, Ctyrus G. Phelps31. 1qualrterly r//eetlsg 0of1/heir taller-. 11311/131 3 .1 1 11,gold, lettrs1of1credt1/ /30,1e /113ia /t3ll133.. 1131131./11/ 1 I,.. P).Class of '79, m~embier oal asty-U/ion, twhichll 31be a toriety P. BA('H, r es. S.. . ,RK.13. Caer. Pi'133 ppa Psifraternitly. 33ev/It, It is saidl that a m/ajolrity of H. I. Jetvell, 1?./G. law3 '92 hase ite studcents and instrucors already SCH~06 O D'lIT TITI 30ntribtetdc an1article 03)0n "Re-. ave them. diempltion" for thle "American and Prof. M~cLaughlin hatsItroposed a GRANGER'S ACADEMY. LEnglshl Encyclopedica of Law." netw plan for second semester work Pti malen/ t r at any// tike/, iteir1/cit/lco .ainlgttt h 1/C/3on/3ti 3/e Rev. A. F. Frost, pastor of the in VonHoist. Instead of using Vol. andi Resitdence Center Entrance New Jerusalem (Sweden borgian) If. of VonHoist's history, the plan (f IMAC NA.RimnST., - ANN Aitnote. church in Detroit, will lecture Fri- is to procure duplicate copies of1 send $125, $2, or $315o Sam- day evening, Feb. Toth, in the standard histories of the period l. ple.Rtasil Box by expres 01 Disciple's Chorcs on Sooth Univer- under dsuso and have tpc Pt pinelue.gn/oe ns/ it5y Ave. His subject is: "The assigned to he studied from the dif-. PRESENTS. Express charges Views of Renan and Ingersoll re-. ferent authorities. This plan is very * J prepaid. Refer/en/ill C/iago.Y Try itoc-Ades specting Jesus and the Gospels con- practicable and seems to meet the 212 State Stret, I side red and refuted.gera approval of the class. CHICAGO, I/LINOIS. geera 313SUITS I(13o Lk" (, '10 t4125. 42 S(OUTH Sr TT lST. WILD!1 WILD! WILD! IS SELLING HIS WINTER STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES WHICH WILL BE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS TI/E GOODS MUST GOS. No . 2 E. Washington-St., Near main.