THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. HERE +I YOUR +CHANCE ! ALL OVER1COATS AT :1 OFF. Our FEnti ret Sto(ck of Negligee Shrts, il t feleollar (si a-and ALL SITS A -GOu.f'si, at ONE-IlALT I ICE. This is for (oe meek oly. We ALL SINGLE PANTS AT.1r OFF. have Nobby Styles atd the (on-ret Colrs fori the essig season- ePines and finks.' Conie before yotr size is g;ou See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY & REULE. w--ros1a~ Ann Arbor Savings BankI PATRONIZE EclirLudy Ann Ator Mich. Capita] stock, tosss, I OWEN'S BARBER SHOP Exeso!Ludy Surplus, $1,50,00. Io 20 EAST Iitt0N STtET. OrganizedSunder the (eneatBaenking 1tows No. 0IPESaT Rtirox 55-oE-c ist e x- tok t W ork et-cit Al .F.C ORT'cale or. of this state. Oecives Deposits, tisysand T eoewSoli ' n eivri. n.F O E T rp sells exchange on the principal cities othei Uti 5Stt. DrattacashesIupon proper, THE ARCUS.5 ..,I Saves Discomort eotiftcatio. Oficers " jtIT ' Tcx ,-e r ~+ i wit SveDanig. 2]Years bi theBusiness K D.HsitRN Ma a, P e res. ATI" . OGY I lit ICES ( Aslyour Dealer for i.CI Y LU D , (. it iAostB.As, , Cash 1' t e r toss lit io-tt (ac y I B.,a M ss (sesr. M.H.stocalt lithN FurttSt OF M. I ( Ll.tLE\DJIi. Wiconsirs Elects Orators. 0 . K. BARBER SHOP. tFJit.soiet 5 5 I.lliiss5I g, \Os, healo l~assn -soar..u. Sier, AIntcminsg cf the University Ora- =YO we r b B ew Poclain ;, : / r. -" tynrsetao 3iUc-liu fitcisit. ' eassciaios i"t tencsI. '-Iatistecwacihtl. llrtsste to sJtiler svttosc this //SRS (~ot ilitstot c e oirri iy Pro. ilraylocutiSass- eea loighiics Sy o 5/i -ttirssios sity tcoso ics Tshe an oallyaiontst y Sra t o lgieisissolrnel .! rued, Fet W esrsoci t ate ts-o:otet-' at use00colsitot of the Northxves1ierts LLRsit torcrssCoso lij-t te tter-Cy ollegiatueIr os ee un- fc A . i ontet stat- or l0C tin-CO sotst. -rDoes a genel h sis ta s i. FINE PHOT GRAP S. 00 1' ls'sr si s ovity.iD.b t cise lds. ualyttio a c tet by trs nSyn eoisHssft is'-ii - a ll N IO it. I S- w .hict ui- vrst ys repreen. t ivleyt 'vit ,r~. PH BJt 55 55 S.R Cahie1 Sa eb BA o ro f th Revi~ew. t te rnesitiooofhe N a lster S 55 liS s Fe. n5Ist., henrylscsts Pre si ertl(. J.sBlsseI tois itasSlsslstie I tblW lt MILIN RYAN A T OOSli's l s lsSnbe l, 55151i i nd1Mora- NI ri 3o astHurn tret, -- + -- vaantie Ss ostreoail caest ii- sit \/t L L sa sSi otokils ts siIs Rev s s iiew y t re signiost otf II. ,il isn, olllittilii sf ti -St~Its Il i1101 lssTs ilsiI)1;! l11l isctt i 'as ENVISAL Sasys,. triO- 1 Sto. Rl o us ter: l it, l aI sssii { the it.lults aigsisthderawn -o se , - I 'I' llslllils lslliii ls Ci U liiiil s--r- issssiilaidil1 si eiC l QCe P E D '. I. t tL i Igoe ik Stp t v. inuetiil-eitil 5111 Ir esi si t yIl im ss S s in o j it ________________________ CJ iflh c 0ic1T et.JIU Ftilo ini y1l- efIIva ~t~ i o s xe> I i littiSerrisland ofrlie tie t l t sitite c blclwrthotheist use Iits er-slyisf rtit i w ofgtirdt teiitohe is oulllkel elr th nScn it F lof the slltmtl cl.hs, lltl tos n j "all.lj" to ar.AtI herI i tl mltin ~ttthenigof tisgtosiYancleiaelage eetat t- 11 elteccsausal o trtetegy E is >lt i stn-es jacesnamst iug lta .h s-ositVs, .s