THE U. OF M. DAILY, Published IDaily (Sundays excepted) during the College tyear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subriptioocprice V501per yicr, invtariably iu advanre Single coes 13 rents. Subscrip- tions snay be left at the otice of the ILYi, at Secffet's, with anay of the editorsorti authorized solicitoes. Cotnnicaietionsoulittdreeach the atire by 7 ocelock P. im. it they are to appeae the 'next lay. Addrest all mlatter inteetded for tpublien- tion to the Managing Editor. All busintets communicntions should li e nt to the tuti- xeeo :Mantger. THE U. nf H. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Lich. EDITORS. E. .O. ic tti, Lt. 'ii, Manngginc Editor. ('. A.itckxioiix, .Lii. '91, Assistant. S. Nf. Cr ct 00s, P. Gl. Lit., Businesos Mnoager. if. tV.. it1',: 1Pt. ii. '9l, Assistaini. C. tiSeut '9tt', .Atie.1ins 9: F'. K. oiecb 11 (i t). ESott 9. li I.. ttuoo, '940. - MDI-CALit. University School of Music. Univfersity School of Alsibie xeriii senmester begins Feb. 20. In ordler that arrangements for the semester maliy le completed it is tdesirable that all who wish to stiidy in the school slhul register at oi-e. Olier hours for tlie niext twno weeks, 9 to 12 a. ii., 2 to p. P i. 8.7-lit Latin Notice. LIKE FINDING MONEY. By Going tct Waite & \Mille'xanti save ft-onxarc5C.cCantd laf 0nevery pair of Shoes axswe niuxt reducre our stork to make ront for Spring Goods. Fine Footwear D~ealers, 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET. There till be an examitnation in - r1- - atin for conditioned students, forTR U E S l0O D R G ICUN caddtsfor adnmissiotn, antd forTR TSIS O O DE 1G ICUN tudents desiring adlvanced credit, FO ,TI RT, AS in Room 11', Saturday, Feb. o:8, at V l IR YD S is oclork. .Phis wil/l be I&' coly rx- S 7AGN- T 00 - '' SO (Innneeolle/ ol ' /oe fcoposes oooo/ l BUSINESSL.OCA. 1 i.eN" Toledo, Ann Arbor and North BUSIESSLOCAS. "ri~ 1lES Michigan Railway. b RTe Palaice ELauntdry 'stints yiour shirt to ,vtash. lBowdishiS,,1.',.ligenlts, 32 Sit. State street. 84-5t Eturtislilnggoods.,lBowihi & Coi., State street. ]10OL1JIff 8, just iiorthi of thie Post- Tine Carintetftrt Suinday, Januailry tt.184a.. tilttulre o rins atlAnn Arboir. 'lis Mt. bN.S011110 1. 1'. \N Sowers,.93i.ofillc, htihie best hacts, cairriligeS, ~~ 50t''t"- c., ,'-~. Notrolc01100, 1 ,. It, 2 111 51 tiih a l iiitses iii thle city. Rt l M i. If Nii rnio CO Lo utnn ig N.i li)111 xtns . N1.i ,, -ili 1. ,lh'rli, I'. c c ,,i.'17. Sping o r-k ei at, B.iiuiids i litrot l11ii~l li ielechrs;t5 loe aittenda 0lnce , .i lout' 10111Arbor l101101111. 1 li100 111.. Stae tret. om;1idaily 11'oiiecs; Satrdayeveninigereceetions oi5itt d-ase#c ...... t," 1.i iTEAU, , PUBLISHIuiNG HatOUSE i. Stit stri-p111101h11entiire, yoe; cme ciaeol at e ill greatiSO gross _______________________________ Buy__ hiy vor -sos o oil'li is li/i ('o., deoilcl isihorthand griaexi all secuar e1,ccposliitrons;1 11. i Stalto street. 'ies.gPos i 'wsCTAO.1l05ire wan bio cldrrwooofnl N ' ieotili iri t . I.i.ii 1}i31,r poslponem1elit of thleloral ____________ iaksktiol o nA wexc ckitoweekl,icdoort te No.51:;: Mill aiidh110150' . 0 17 p. zit. dr-bate to choose representlatiiins for I"7:*to Cme.niit0 rletndAT'imiiiie iii. i .11115 LI I 0 H S 'F $, 309$. iythe final contest wtl t 'sosni W .. FTTTT3 3 and I; heoiealCioiiilnoArborio. a wise movoe. .Xnotlier week's ~irfl I d In olos onld i nihjixol iteliti ti l tinie II hoore beeti7'- toitelmind lGi-ntlemien <31()1 '011 dC har- FI'ie'h'rst Clalos titaid w rattd 'tiltilrotraiis aiy'xoyt Suleday.'0 tm wouloitr e eeniestrable, 0Every lvatN. Ole rii 111'11li aitd would idoubtless been ieiirnie. V O ONN~'' .5 t i~2' rt were it not for 011ratrainsfr E ,S Doty & Feiner. Genl. Pass. .age-lt. Loal Agen. atatosfrOPER.A DOUSElTT Th the sucrecedingi week. rite admnis- "' 'SHEEHAN & CO. SHEEHL INO. 0 S1-ELIIAN -k-CO. soprchabenmdaslwa ITISA AN AYpossible, anid a large auidience oughtlE O D H ND T X O K to greet the preliminsary dbtas MoD IRSOXY SEC ODTHANDEC TEXTSBOOKSER well as tilefinal._Aiiy strlbate- hoo~NlO FR TEsECONDS'Ee STER sorl~sy-FEBPRU.ARYI, 9-10'9 3.1 At (teStudents loiktre tttdettt3sv, haCItil fi ourlt litc neeaising afterhsetvlpaym~neuneofthe i ati lclc tie5,'toiW iil t''u t.\i e cdaily receivini roilsigtltetits tif /. . andyepess cl g ieotilrlii''etiiioi ca Mai51 oreliil-lltlll iailtd shiip-worr C(ollege Text hitioks friot tile - stand, tio the various litet rrysori ____________________i_____ Etist swlhi-lh ste'will uofiki-itt low uI-5-es. Wteoeli the Freicht-li ties of the t-ou crali. - 1f.f r (nvP 57iti German iclitiiotntries rl-ft(llllleilllell o- thue io lcnlltI'. Wi T it:N orthwsotern favors 111aINthe d ltti lobo)Stlul)-)05 ie o ks i it -iE' Sluioniiiioil alno))hir t'ot I sity .11Ii L. GRpN p 7SH EEHAN - !9& C0OM PANY1 1 0Cr-01.11i 111sol inth toer-oi- ~lUniversity Booksellers, - State Street.,.- S. S leilttrAsi htll i r8 . Main Sreet, - Aii Arbor. Nortllwieat. CI oiiliritio (p1l1t' :e ___________SIIF..LhitN tcrCO. S11Ell AN& CO. SIIEIIA1N I&CO. r-c-nt suggestion of tt hlsiiI o at -1)111111i 501 to o NN A RB 0 RNE NTSCI-LEIR, papler says of the hpropiosedtel. Iu0e ,ii- '~. tftioi - r__ :''hiisho totfroutdlan ill-soill foiir. I rf--- ST j/j TkTTN T PT 1-'hoto ja ' On.1 the conltratry, th- lirst Oh feehlig lJ t IlL, (ii.S esrts itehinherathge osW1hththyit 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. t't7titAIAtIi OIy', shiownt tt thie eetitig teld at Chictigo Ntot only in ringi, iiut in all ttir EF. S. SLIVISS, - MANAGlER. prncploeell-aoswell, oar variety is rice asd GRANDT Oi flP .YR O"UTflTT hut Decenmber. Rhie hrir~hreasts rare. I inearehen-ed Ringsa'sntS Pen-t-TCE ou Situtou:\ s -PER . for avocainrr er ben drpped i uants wecii showe oniusutrpiassed astoTIEo fu aiottg htrbig doiel s sortnent adintcu Do' tuittt t itu o that shie is so far away fronttte other DAMNDnd ,. tCitiens.titottt udrtt oftowfort.i isembers if the letaguethiat theu expeinse OPALS. Joltl- soCo.'s. We dot tctre tor tye I, bit is very large taid every gatme ltte- EMERALDS givt- it to yolt, andi that isu one-halt. Plot autd sota plays is a loss either to her or the PEARLS toldtluceslxinl Itoars oe thte tap and uighit. teaom with. whichishoe is 1pittyriug. rTe RUBIES IN SEIP Olt R. E. JOLLY & CO-, No. 26 South TURQUOISES COOMIII3NAII'iN State Street. great expenuse ot mantaging the teamt ETC., ETC. CLSE. thiso setsson has math itodifieult to se- TTCT j T T\T'T-TES cutre iabusinuss mansager for the Northt- - - f'iJ LL.N~I weser tam.Th sggetin f he ATHE ala hveoutemsoot And the very choicest Candies 'sesteris twat.hRhe carggesItil of the to procure tiuiverity of Chicatgo to take M1itite- onytye st perfect timepiecs te'"-'-T- sota's pltace is a hiapoy one. Either famouaes we ask sncauloat et TU 11'~* that institutioni or the Iniversity of tovnut. o a spcia .G .cts °s o uT iSr' __SRET Illinois would satisftoctorily ill Minine- ante ovmenTshe ost tntifcttibbtt 1 i Sti Si- ota's place. Shice thehprtofessinl ah O__________-_____________________ departments of Lake Forest tiniver- AvHt?+ F. G. ~S ~ 3 E ,~ city have beent un~ited to the tisiver- ANDSTT SMITHC a sity of Chicago, the atter htas a mtuchu EiOTSOS'oa .v GIB SON{, larger number of students to rely otoO SS1RO O R P E and will soon take her proper tplace its 41, & C0. 11 W. Washington St P O 9 R PI~ thte world of college atlietics.'"________________ 2~T T.H O i .IUO R