c j e tt* VOL. III.-No. 587. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY (E, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A SUBJECT WELL TREATED. She said it is the duty of man toj Prof. Fiske's Lecture on Alexander respect every woman no matter what Hamilton Bears the Stamp of her condition, simply because she Careful Historical Research. is a woman. Perfect women do not Particularly instructive to the stu- ineed our respect, but the degraded dent of history was the lecture on women do. Alexander Hamilton, delivered by Professor Fiske, of Harvard, atj Yale's Easter Trip, UnIversity hall last Saturday even- The schedule of baseball games ing. arranged by the Yale nine during Professor Fiske carried the thread its Faster trip is as follows: March of Hamilton's life through struggles owith University of Pennsylvania M education, statesmanship, and at Philadelphia; March i, with politics; told of the wonderful in- Washington Y. A . C. A., at Wash- sight into human nature and of the ington; April i, with the University intellect which seemed to have of Virginia, at Charlottesville, Va.; sprung forth into full maturity April 3, same; April 4, with Johns while Hamilton was but a youth, and Hopkins University at Baltimore; ably explained the energetic mili- and April 9, with University of tary policy with which he dealt Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. with colonial uprisings. Professor Fiske spoke of Hamil- To Purify Athletics. ton as a frank, good-natured little lion, who won all hearts, and aptly At a recent meeting of the stu- described the brief, concise, but dents of the University of Pennsyl~ tinal severing of all military rela- vania to discuss the undergraduate sons between Washington and rule in athletics, resolutions were Hamilton. In sieech and writing adopted to the effect that the Uni- the latter was accredited with none versity of Pennsylvania is willing to of the arts of the rhetorician, but adopt measures to purify college vititihatilirect appeal to msan's athletics, but that the proposed casn, siichi even unsilting ninls change fails to recognize the differ- reas forced to accept. ence between a university and a rcf.e t itcollege, destroys university spirit M. A. C. Men have a Rally. . and is too radical to be hastily - adoptedl. The Michigan Agricultural Col- iege students at the University held Cornel's Scnedule. a social gathering and banquet at 6 - N. Division street, on Friday even- Te schedule of baseball games ing, last. A general good time was thus far arranged is as follows: enjoyed. There are twenty M. A. Williams at Ithaca, April 26. C. students at the University, scat- Princeton at Ithaca, April 29. tered among the various depart- Cuban Giants at Ithaca, May 4. ments, from five in the literary to tLehigh at Ithaca, Mfaay 6. one in the homeopathic. Lehigh at Bethlehem, May 13. Williams at Williamstown, May Mrs. S. M. t. Henrv's Address. 24, i University of Michigan at Detroit, TWO CROWDED HOUSES. The Glee and Banjo Clubs Meet With Magnificent Audiences, Receptions, and Banquets. The Glee and Banjo Clubs re- /IPo Tf\S E turned yesterday morning from EA dF EVJNkLCS E y t . DEROIT, MICH. ' their first trip, which was most sucI cessful in every way. Bath at Bryan, Ohio, and at Coldwater they were received by crowded houses, stand- ing room even being well occupied. After the concert at Bryan, a recep tion was tendered, alumni having the principal hand in the affair. The opera house floor was cleared, Wh~es viii aiiathe Latest Seiropoliitan Styics and dancing was indulged in. ofcsa. or $5iihes at 50c ta $1 a pair lss tIaan Ace Arbor pries, sed for OCtlague ia At Coldwater the boys were mets LO t in campaign style with a big con- veyance drawn by four fine white * * horses. In the afternoon they were 101. 183--13 WOODWARD AVE., taken around town in hacks and DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. spent a most enjoyable day at the hands of their hosts. The concert f.IQhmOnd Straight Qat. was given under the auspices of the "i V. M. C. A., which organization, CIGARETTES. C'igsrvtte Sunaisers wrho after the concert tendered the club I.. awating i"ea ine a} careitian telpie a most enjoyable banquet at the as- u-aii-edfiithe 'ruaa. sociation rooms, several of the boys s superioris responding happily to toasts. T e Nahe-riuconu Stra igh Cut N. I i aitt taymdetromthbiiigiiht- opera house was crowded t in thei eat ,msiatlavsdni aiigheasi l" dLeafi grown in Sirainia TIs is the Old evening and orgna-i ul aof Striaii h t iarettes, a nc, "as tutut ear 1875. - -4 + -- - .ewario iaimiations, aaidaosevesiiiitiiie The Date of the Local Debate Coi aeas. . isiailrveryvlikage. test Changed i mtheAmvrican lobaco Ca., __-~anuaturers, - - iaciuion. i ra. The inter-university debate com- mittee held a short meeting Mon- Unquestionably day morning to make arrangements T-sE G isT RiiADE OF] for the coming local debate. It F T Y W was thought wise to change the date FRATERNITY JEWELRY. of the contest, owing to the tardi- And the Largest Assortment o ness of the societies in the selection _L 'Q' -i J. l =.Ei of their men. Feb. 25 being the only available date, the contest was a mE n changed from the 2oth to that time. ROEH & SON, It was decided to attach an admis- DTIOIT, MICHIGAN. ciiTR,0Ta-iyiiICHtGAN. I Mrs. S. MI. I. Henry delvered an address before the S. C. A., Sun- day morning, on the subject 'Social Purity." Her address was full of good thoughts. She said in part, "Social Purity" means correctness, delicacy and honor in the relations of man and woman. It is necessary to keep our thoughts pure. For what is in the secret recesses of the individual mind today, becomes in the future the impulse of a nation. We should not not be creatures of circumstance, but should compel circumstances to yield to principle. May 30. University of Toronto at Ithaca, June 12. These dates are subject to change, but the games themselves and the places are a certainty. The series of lectures given last 1 year before the S. C. A., together with the series of this year, will be bound, and sold at one dollar per volume. Prof. Scott will edit the book, which will be about the size of one volume of Gardiner's His- tory of England.' slon tee or twenty-five cents, pr chasers of tickets being entitled to admission to both preliminary and final debates. Tickets will be placed on sale this week. Prof. H. C. Adams, Dean Knowlton, and Rev. C. M. Cobern were selected as judges for the local debate, which will occur in the law building. On the last Saturday of the month the first indoor contest of the season will be held at McMillan hall. A number of field sports will be intro- duced, as the various jumps, high kick, etc. Only members of the "gym,' however, are elegible to enter. Colle(aelat,;s,P ins, and Class Buttons. P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND IMPORTER Of D r W. B'o ii SW, etroit,Xiha.