THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALEA HERE+,- IS o YOUR o CHANCIW! ALL OVERCOATS AT 4- OFF. __________ Our Entire Stock of Ne.(tisee Shirts, swi thistarched (lColtars and ALL S C] ITSffs AliF. I t O NE-HA1LF PI CE. Tbis is for lie week only. We ALL SINGLE PANTS AT } OFF. have Nobby Styles and the Correct (Colors for thle eominog season- '151li'S andl ']Piks." Come befo'tre' you i-size is ';cane. See these bargains before buying. WA DI-AMS, KENNEDY &/?[ULE. W82~J WWO SA~iSt - Ann Arbor Savings ]Bankl PATRONIZE ,,. Ass Arbor Mieb. Captaltotcisk, $50000, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP'! Ortganized under the Generti Banking Lees No. 4ci r HiiON TREET. ~ TNwStkig of this stiateIReceives Deposits, buys sndTei\w tca seiis exchanege us the princi si cities of the - tonitol States. Dafts cashedtupon coopee '&T HE ARG0US,5-'vm'ยง Saves Discomfoet. sis lotos ibe1O (te >(i !J ~ts ISates Darninig. uoe I. x.ItIsiscto., I5L'itsTres . n rAtTN, > L;3. n. lea1[ijve( 1sjm'ie1'tees., nhAse yo-ar Dealee t r itu,r.. ~tA. ..Iliscisist, i;ashler. h 1 ti-e is c Iiiee si ssc t'r'sr:_ . . OcC ' 1.I_; Nl)XIt. WILL SOON PLAY BALL. + :;1 h sc., l2- ,efecsoiatiiLiterarySciet-. LaptaincAremshaslIssuedtc alt o FrifFb.:;:30p.n, Newerry- hatll i os r !dts touBegin Mork. byt~ . 131i. I i, ntia l si e cic'eiist r 01 r t. a . ,'i F >f he t. V. I ( .,'h ICci.lle coit i Atrms ssscihas niadc a vall iiii //Su'R bject, "Aiexandie Heiciltits." the folltOWivii ctandidates to appear at / j "I'i, i b3-Anes I-i. Sihae at t-oly I ion r / ori,,I-'clsl-LatoSenate,-atiS p. to. tot the beginninog of basebalt wors: beSn, eb. ,- 35asitsst.,Newiierry halli, addiress 0ekI lit .\. poe o"Sociail Pcuity," b5rst. S. 11.. Ilery. eeVlla C.-,Spor tsn eb -t'ot. HIL.-i, sIlliett, otftethasy C( i.,SPalnter, tacker, I larrison, , iioe ttiiti L-,ct-. ~i' chltte,\tvb~ovranilulcn, titroore, iF~,.A.IIlD A LL., -'- +- hKarttl, Ocersoti, Shiermn, Francis, FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, IMs.S. 5'M. I.f Henry's Frees Lecture S'tPratt, Sweet, I1. t1,, owvie, Lynman. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ; o ScalPriyPrey,' odtSniat, l 'ige 30aEton stretcc, \t rs. S. At. I. tHenry, if Evans- 1tugersol atid Mitchiell. Iioi, tItl. w1v1iostiatis tomtorrow ecien- 'this call tdoes not preliiie anys S 11 , ARED intug at Newiberry Iltll on tlhe teal- sttiers who have a ilesire toiplay H t~rie~ Iprrs ttO P 11ii leslihnis5a lecturer o01 bitt. Capit. Arms is esirctsoit nstc ~l ,il.tatiutial relputatio.i tetore tier taii ity appsaisiito*l il~~lE arriage tier tnase, -Sarepita At. Irish, give til a thorough anti gruossi t >ai Ewoas ai fantilar ont to muag;aline read- ins_--.l~siy Cardinal. w OpCeect~s e. Baseball in the West, btter kiiiowis as the aithlor cii a _____ nsimsber of tpopular wcork~s. CamplliandiMctlung is, the vetle- Grgai lo i h asteriiehresiotlltlavorated coaclsers, are idevelopinug ~~lhI t tr~ aitltlle, it il tOa vryfootball paesini California. ''hle ilieretilg steaer ii lt iscalformer is at hLelainh Stanford, jr., -yr i Iproblemsandh speaks witthta direct-. netss and earnsestness which are very the latter at tlle Unisersity ot Cali- W anr s effertive. 'Tie lecttire is tree to fornia., Wiithi inuisuah iuterest for evtry tote. all athletic slports, aut halistgopcli- ~ r Siunhdty tmoirninig st 9:1 she sill matte advatntages whicti permit of s(peQ~ ak on ''Social Pturity'' in the an uninterruipted scasoit it is only a ---_noatter of tole whcen the colee Note fth'ollowtintg pices: Totnighst's Jettersontan Programme, athlete of the Ptacific slopelloc1 e0o.IEliot, ('omlete, I6 vols.,, $1.44 Theifolowttiiiglirogramtiwoc11 tiecompare favorably swith hisbothier '1laocerys, Comlelte, 10 vols., 2.40)1 h efrstti oit in the east. 'lhte baseball players 1)ickeiis, Complete, 15 vols.. 01.60reiideredb' thsl - snin o i fc ithtyr iftecsnlyit IEmerson's Essays. ' rols,, ItSthis evenling: fo htpr ftecutyid P rescoitt', Perul, 2vole.,, .7'5 edn ~nof el-Ctetepsiiiiso tltc Prescott's Mexico, i0 vole,., 95 Icihe"IJ htloii a h osiiiistfatlte 500) Volumoes Stanedard IBooks, 48cchu, Iis , 'Iyiper; essay, T.A. ILane; there, Exainie 0111'StoecSaid Piriceisorationlhff. Jarrett; society Th Wma's e -arinte becfoire Iitiriig. palper, C.Iririp lscet; biogrephey, 'h Viiun egearb ivt~ "Htenry Ifatterson,"It.It. Etact. hr the 'iug's lDacghsters of the lini- -----)ebate: ResolvedIThat is civil tartan chutrch 1o meet Rev, Aims 'TWvuO S'OREsiSs eases uinaimoius vecricta s-ll not be Shiawv ie the poarlors of the church, 22SuhState Street, necessarySti a judcament. tira 22Suhand 4 North Main Street. ire 1l. ).II'Iideout 'ind.Ch.IMills.hFriday, Fob. ;, froitm to 5:30. At (Oposite i-surt Hesse) Negative, (.IB. testvart soil J. I. 4ooa short addtress oct11 be given As mn m_ Steller. IrbyMitt Shiasw- Excelsior Laundry, GIssi NV01'tsi s1 sssslsssiG0(k("W1 aid delivered A. F.COVJERT.Pop 21 Years in the Business, M.M . TSeabot -"4th' Fourth St. 0. K. BAR DER, SHOP. Fie oer' aths, New Poscelain Cesilsil, $50,0e00. Sursis aml sis 1'sssils, $lt",i ., Does a geseritusBanig bsioies.'Pars is- serest isii Saviii- Deisosits. Bitt saifety Depotsit Boxes for Itest. It. KSMI'1, Pros. iF. H. titlSEB, (Cashier. GAz . vSshingtJ tre 'SPECIAL SALES. FU15O II KPW 4 i ! 'r r stI- NLY - ON E- GOODSPED'S S25.OG, ONE WEEK ONLY', GOODSPEED'S SHOE' 1, ]:)1IPktTAIli'i 1 olxSAM~PLE, CONGREtSS HIOOS ONE WEEK ONLY,. GOODSPEED~S