THE LT. OF M. DAILY WHITMANAeebi10S PL APE IP TE Of Philadteiphia, ' T SIF ~kDE I.ND ol TE NITE3 LAKES 711E:I1LeSI I =N -sIT MAS1.1ALIOWS.! Mxorui} Clltoil oti wneONLY $1400. 1T['e have Received the fc ioee, £'orlsbaai and A hone _hals. -T-he CAL : ILatest Jads in Fedoras. Lit itI- iiFELLOWS IN PROP'ORTIOsN. (34 So. State Street) :_SV0 =- SELLS THEM. WILSEY, I ~ ___________________ A outh iState Street, - UPt'STA IIts.j -" MOIfORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _____CORNER O(STATEANt) Ct1111M STREE'TS. hUt ctsii 1 lt-tIi15t)I-, Me 1iotl 1ook~s, 115 Law ttks,.Dettll i(Boosii.Stuidents' Note ilosks, 1 laitk Bosssk, Stitissiter: \\Ae 1h"o ati lit Stck o)f N elii]aaol ssi eetI raaiinitig lstriotteltil Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. T-f I ET TO1CIR 01F REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 311 tCippet- irtawtiSSolid ineaut 'iotuittossefor '$il10 per doz. HOLIDAY :-GOO(DS " '1~ iSqoash, - -ort - - - " 1.1() << < t Vrimrose c - -- 1.015 c IN '1111i CI 'C ule\(1'A0 it: Cr +2AM -"Lake Shore," - - _- cc1.0 : And all otiter Cannede Goods it lproportionaltte price of BRON'SDRU STRE.44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. BR_'SDU SOE I UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prof. Scott promnises his class a W ill1 Erare treat in the near futore illtile VVi]YOU 1,00k Esamnsation i Prinsriples of Style, tomiorrow-. vay of stereoptican views of phoito- At ouir Show Window? If foils Coasting oi lMadisons street is graphs of pictures which lie procsureil it'sowthusorC abot fitner titaisit isas beets for rears. wiei uoels umr Btoards oisens for reserveel seats 7loritz Lesvi, insstruiitor is treisi I, GU I TA R$ for Prof. Fisk's lectore, tonsorrosw will sever Isis connections witthLii Cyti morning. versity at the close of this semester. PRICES. IProf. Greets's roass its l:igincer- lIe has had poor health for somse SilkANNAlil~l 11th N ~ iisg Jesigti are closinsg up thseiri tinie, ansd lie feels that a rest swullilo 51Soutsh painstreet. - senior wvork. hitm gooil Pof. deIPont has isot heens ahie ArtiuSti . Hall, inistruictiir ini X LIJHIGANCIENT AL to ccet hs riasses for a lay or twvo, Aflathemnatics, hsas resigoeti his 150- 'tr Tie its- (Reised)i Novsember so, e. owinig to illisess. sitiots inthle University, tis take ef- i ST. 0-1). m WET. t. Atiii------4,255 Chieses Speea-.308e1 r. V.1 I. Scott. 'ti-Iplarniir, is feet at tise close of the semsester. tiery 1 ' .is3 0 Dti y55(sine-s -- 0 85 lisirt i---- 6-,sAia --_-- -a , agains able to be at classes, after a lHe has accepteelthse chair of Phiysirs Nia . aI t II i 17N SLssi , s In. Couiiie of sveeks illnsess. at the (GranstlRapids lsigh schlss. a est CInciro sEx'pr-ess '-i1 1. 1. t ,es-- ,b ~ii.>E _ ike- s hanager Thsorp, sf '96 hasebali 'ghas prohahiy made iso oistake itlt i 0.5 855 sO itt is i lts p . ii. it. Ittre" --_1oto Iii .55iseECi il -teams, wsants alli whio play toiianseiinseecetinsgkEvats Evansas liasehall is, .RT1.iiciril' 11W li-i ii A N e-5.(si-is. ei.A'is Ase. their nsames its at onice. capstain. HeI is of thse fatioss or- The class usin )ol . IlIiiwsill he unina Stars, a teans that for several FIRST NATIONAL BANK exasoitied, fisaliy-, its tihretdis-isionis, years has enjoyeed the eistinsction of sitelx.10,0.iturlusandofits,$3100.ontshie 4ts ii ir ~ts of Feli--heing onse of thse best aniatesurrcstbs 'isiisi5t t) .a10. Sri biisrsi s>fr n ,rs~~t~ l .i;1t, tt i Call on Wi. Fulde, te Tsaiior, opjposite the Lawxvililii,, on Williatuie., lirst leer west of State-st.- Gleansing, -s-ssirisseiisi pressinge-loneee atly. Snits is sreaspusseiaity. Aulleweoris-s.. IFYOt, WANT ITO 3Uy AlrClood isr have soest Repaieing doeree is Wi=t Ario~il 36 Xain Street HOW DOEST 13SSUIT 70OT1? Ohu-spring she-icevill sson Ito i liere-. Ase err ibslet ewieli fts (arty over aiiy -vinter- goods, wcrsh-ll. soil tieitt it greotis' reducedelpt-ices. All othes in~o iihpfott ti. ST",.A-E' 0 -L'OE -D, 12 SsUTHoSiTsir;Sr. WILD!1 WILD! WILD!1 IS SELLING HIS WINTER STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES WHICH WILL BE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS THE GOOI)S MUST GO. NO. 2 E. Washington-St., Noeainat. -igstr rsis-ia e -sldiletersef csesisit roessed 11. litre tres. Sitit'.C.r3So ,eSiter. SCIIOLb OF DANiCING, ('aistains Craswford has diecided tss evait tuntil the heginisng of ne-Ct semtieter hefore begiting tse train- insg of candidates for the hasehall teans. GRANGER'S ACADEMVY. I Tonight the subject of "Incorpo- 1,11pits matyeter it attny iti ttrlquarenrat .statin frm te dti atior,''will come hefore memhers and esienc Cener ntrnceof S. C. A. All who can, are urged, 6i MAYNAEO ST., - ANN AR BoE. to be present, as the buniness is Sen IfI,55 er501 fr~n-quite important. e pie Retail tBex by exprese of j wis" reltearsals to- IIfl7 theSBEST CANDIS in America. L.ingWhs sWW trictyi urne. Suitable for nghStraan Monday even- PRSNS xrs hre nyprepaid. Refer toail haro.ings: 5 at 7:30 sap n hs Try it oce-Addrs,- cnifedwlsb ITfl7 C. F- OG coERecCtedewttherhe entertainment ~5flflV 212 State Street I CHICAGO, ILLINd)IS. lare expected to be present. The folloswing speakers (o1tlsc Jcflersolsiais societyxviii false part its the preliiniary coistest: E. - O. Frazer, C. BI. Steewart, J. G. Park, L. F. Hlarnmes, D. O1. Rideout, T. R. Best, A. WV. Jefferis, C. IE. Leon- ard, and Mr. Topper. Rev. Anna H. Shsaw, of Bloston, will speak in the Unity Club course on Friday evening of this week, on "God's Women.' Miss Shsaw is one of the ablest lecturers now be- fore the American public. Tbis will be the first lime she lsss ever spoken in Ann Arbor.