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October 08, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-08

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Finet a rid Best.

on ytingin the liofUYon are glad to retunrn, and we are certainly pleatsed to see yeu,
- _ briht -,on know appearances go a long ways.
ALVTIN WILSEY, 2] Years in the Business. Excelsior Laundry,
neTY LAUNnsDRYtre, ANNooed.Work Guaranteed. (ood,:tesalted for
ove Cakis' ri~ sore S NNARBR.M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth St. and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop.

________________________AND ORNER (Ot STATE .ANI)xi ILLI-MSM I lETrs.
I.niversii~v Text-1.ooks, !Aledical Boeoks, htos Books, I )elttal. Books, Stttdleits,' 1Note Looks. Blank Books, Stat ottere. We hiave a lar e
Stork of 1 eultel aind Essor Drafitilyg usts uents.
Our Stock will be found Complete and our -Prices as Low as the Lowest.
-TOII 's OO S_-SAVE X"OUiL?. EXWS.Call on Win. Fuide.the
- Tailor, apposite tihe LawBuiling, olt
The Rtochester, The Loyal, and The Perfection Student Lamps leave dam- William-at.tlirst door west of State-st.
onstratedl that they give the moat perfect light of any lamps amadle. While the le caning, repairingandpessing donaly.
prices vary from 90 cemnta to s15 each, they all give tile saute quality anad quanl- Suits to order a speialtr. All wark firs-elass.
Low PRICES. tity of light.
Argand Lamp, with porcelain shades, at - . - - - - 65O cents IF YOU WANT TO
lied Star Oil, that hurns withaout odor, doea not chlar the wick,
LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY!Oi and givea a pore white light, delivered at - - 10 cents per gal Buy a=6 Alarzn Clock
OlCans, according to capacity, from - - - - 211 cents to $6 eachl.
To see is to helieve. See our stock anid yen will he convitnced thast we sell o r have same Repairing done go to
the heat Lanmp and hest Oil for the least money of any house in this city. _A h
-AT1- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. m pArshk36 Mtain Street
BROWN'S DRUG STORE. ( THE CAMPUS. The Daily Palo Alto dcvotcs a S TA FF1O RPj
column to the lifc of thcir ncw aa-
We Dn't antMuch ! Valc hegan the 193d year of her sistant professor of astronomyW. J.
WeD ntW n uh."existence ona Sept. 211. Husscy.
WEt WANT yalue tetde in Masc Hobaret Guild haa added twobth Thec condition ofHans of last
I ® gatds. -T lE-
Wlt WANT yosadisfad with every- tuhs to ita gymnasium outfit. year's hall tranm is not implroved.
thing bought oftts
WE WANT as knoaw your nusical Drs. Prettyman antI llunt, '92 IHe is stilt at thec sanitarium at
WE'P WANT tio earny suchaetlock as dents, are practicing at Sioux City. Indianapolis.
NowWhatMoreCanyouant witHugo Pans, lit '92, is connectcd G. L. Chapuman, lit '92, is in 'TL (\11
NoWatMrCnYu_ at? iha pronsinctnt law firm in Chi- town. He is on his way to Detroit, T A..~.I .L O laoJutas B'osKanoinet..o/ao hrehLhsacetet..stino
rent. or told on easy paymnts. rg
THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., Registration in tlhe Schsool of the Free Press.
L. H. CLE~METn. Manngnr, M~usic has nearly reachsed one laun- The Dialect Society will not conS-Ta showing ai firat-cltas line of
as South Mtain Street. dred. tinue its work this semestcr owing to
MICHIGAN CENTRAL. W Wlae omrywt 9 h nblt fPo.Hmlt a of Dross and IBusiness Suitines,
TimeaTab lteavied) Jane 1N,.1852. .J. alaefomrywt thiniiyofPf.H piopy
Al . e pe. .o. WES. a. m- lit, is doing newspaper work in Chi- any attcntion to it. Trouserings and Fancy Vestinos
- ol__________4 5 t'tieaa-o Secial - t3.0
stay Express.---5 25DOay Express-..8 a9at There will he no ladies' classe sin
N. .Limited.---628 Mai_. ..____ 9,cago.h M~lanhl maiu.Tefor Fall and Winter.
N. V. Linsitad__.0 ad4 N. 5. Limited__. 5 G. I.. Davison, formerly with ' hbe~la hl ymnsuo h n
Niagara Falls 5p'.tt 2t p. in. 9
n, m. Chicago Explress.,, lit has returned to college after a hoys will now have the use of the
ft. N. Express...., 5 i38 G. it. Exss--- 5 5o11
atlantic Express.. 7 4, American Esp.9.I8 'a ahoensrfe.ewek
G.Pt. E xpsrs.....-t10at7Paciicpess 027yearsabec.g
o.W.RU'LS. H, Avas A. .Prer The students in tejno class of 42Suh at Cre;
G.P. 1 P.tChcParkerAn Abo., last y ear with '93 tcuir4 ot tt tet
O.PteTAgetCiego.Aetn~trtir.lit, will piay this afternoon wills the the medical departenct are required
FIRST N AOAR AN.1.A A, cc.to take practical work hy alphabet-
OPANAt~tical assignnaent,instcad of hy coe, G* He W ILDS
Capittal, $ 000it~. Surplus anld Prtlits, $3,tit0. Fred Cadw'ell, lit '91, is nuts at as heretofore.
Tranosat.asgeneral banking bsissiar
alga axehact old, ltttera of credit tprcred tise McCormick Theological SetiIs- The one ycar men of the lawa de-
fo tavlrsaboa. P. itACH-, Preso.i ary, Chicago, Ill. partment met in thectue ToIHEL LLAPUTG TAILOR,
aS. . LARKONsss >hier.I
'Thle topic next Sunday eveneing at T1hursday afternoon and elected the
G R RNG R' h M. R. church will heac "An following officers: President, J. C. Is the place to go for fimne Tailorittg.
Apotle's Mistake.'' Hadley; secrctary, John A. Rooney; lHe listhemenost select stock of
SCIIOOb OF IJAISCN I mMrin lsso 7, o o treasurer, Nick Bradley.
I50th Season, October, '92, to Stay, '55. FL N ITR GOS
OU1R NEW HALL is centrally locatrd andi rated at Hilsdale, has heen visiting PROHIBITION -NOTtCE. - ThereFAL ND W TE GO S
every provision hanseen made to promoatetethmeiafo afwwllbavry mptntuses
comfort of oar patrons. Theraresatairs departmentfo afe wilhavry mptntuinsTosrigsadFnc
to moutnt, the dancing room being on the d meeting of the Prohihition Club of its Suitinigs, Tosrns n ac
grousndfSoar. Office at academy, 6i Maynard-aL. dys. the University on Monday evening, Silk Vestings in the City, and
Sand $25, $2, nr $3 M0Par Snom- A meeting will he held Monday, Oct. oth, at 7:30 o'clock in the wudb
ie Retai Box bypess of to arrange the houra of the students lecture room. All students of theplaetohvyu
thopT AInienmerSata .n eeetia
Ptrpintlepoe.gatboes ndPrin te I cticlengineering depart- University, both ladies and gentle- call and examine.Ile
PRtESRNETS. Exressaharges whcisn * men, who are interested in the canoe nakes a speilyo
31 prepaid. Refer lto all Chicago. ment, wihi nastate of chaos, of ket.aatytof
'md. ry it ne Address, o prohibition are earnestly requested ulDesSis
11J7 C.. T aTFIR ofcin beecause of the rearrangement of to he present and help in the ar-Fulresni.
CHICAGO, ILLINOISt.. 4sdea.I rangements for the fall campaign. No. 2 E. Wahingtoun-St., Anna Arbor.

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