TriHE: U. OF M. DAILYV Of Philadelphlia,) 10 ;ST C j. nn M nm m T SUPPLY1k PEMAIIP P0. IRE ITE YE 11 10'e ve eau'etl the iom bugy, C(io'lslitd and Alp/tm ibic~s. The CALKINS, OL 1.0 Latest F1ads in TJfdoros. k 1 11"'ll FELLOWS IN P11OI1tfl'ION. 134 So. State Street.) #{ .J 2 077 SELLS THEMl. W I L.,S EY, ' _____________________________ 4ASeatl State Street, - UP STAIRS. MOORE &WETMOREC~i BOOK STORES" CNO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _ AN]) CORNER (if STATE ANl) 1'I1113STREETS. IT w 2& F SOoT- 1 NZ ooKS- Ulnix ersity Text-Books, NI ad calt 1 ooks, Law Itook"-. Dental 1b0010. Stndeitts Noto Iool,., I lidilBotoks, Stat loneti . We tav taro St oak of l/etfl'el ttndl Esser Dratfting AInstru tstit. Our Stock will1 be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. 1I11: ;'t' 1't)t'(1It' iREMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY Taitor, oppostte tttgyL.x ltdnl, t J Wittiati-at., fitrst (toor west of State-st. :;t1), '( 'ittpet' itotltt Sotttt meat 'Totmatties tlfor 417 ar toi. Cleantig, repairingeeittieesiegiloee etle. << Itt< tt. - ~ IiSuitsateeordee a tpecialty. Att11etirk first-custs. I)Olphil)1.3 " 'HOLIDAY -PumpGOODS - - - cf)T' , OU :1 Squash, - - -- I.t '> Pinatose ni - - - 1.i u ~A~~OO] 8 PrinI'tts . - I Sor have soeRIepiintg dteot o N '1110 I'llNtW' 0N Iti 1,ET2 .Lake Shore,' s And all ottttr CattedtlGoosat proptorttinate 1111eoat I/'it Arijotk, 36 Main Street 7; 144 Main Street, South., DEAN & COMPANY'. BR1OWiN'S DRUG STORE. I. ___________________________ I TflIXT Tfl11o rirci CrTM ' UNIVERSITY NOTES. Jamet A. Biordeaulx, law '92, hat 11 acceptedth te agency for Ann Ar- W ilYou Loo tI eb. 27. l ly nDerit luarte rax t tllarIitrribor ot the Worlrd't ",air Co-tOtertt' Attillr Show N illdolr'It tola lsTe senior' lair willtiaaethlertire linreas of Chicrao. is wnstoe boltt third qizon Oilslineat week. Thteyounigest gradualttes 1(0111 fthe w oo rotteget intthtis coon- ItarivartdirateCotton M tltter, whto GUITARS try, 65 ate sakd totte co-edutcational. graditatetd at tte age o1 11, Pant D~itr. D)orrance hat returned ff01m1 Batler, at th~e age of t .atidl Rar. PRICES. ; Saginiaw-,wiherelite aprente 131.P.teabasty atnJ T~l N 113,1rlkANC. eek. Thse first of the teieis ofidaticet ,.>isouiti Alain street. trot. iThompisonl did tot gitva tistgirvei by the NooreoClub 1was giren letire in tte Mlosaic tawy series last last Satturday eveini~g at Nickels' XcHG N ENTAL nilielt. Halt. It was a dlecidtert success, flene'.Pfeiie {Itleveeli ieltiibtt 15U-, ' ii isa P.erry', '9,j Ii"Iettic has Ileell turpaSSlilg all expectations. EAST' .". s WES. aten.clldho, Temaainsof tea. C A _ __i__----. 4 ;..> '0 oSiee cial _'a (s ale }toia the ideathi of liar lgelaS .. S. '. A Da e rs.... 'is 51Dayitii1 ij - brot er.reading room arc caratfally tpreserred N. 1i hit d__ i 945N. S.1 iiliitei--- fig r. Huif experts to giive sooti a atid the back Inulibers aaaIa sr Ili l 1° illlie sotl 15 .Liea ei tii', icag rss z 1 s9 01 atttisIerrby mecans of seated bids. Anyone 0t .1.5' Sei, iicii. AptAYe \iss 'MargaretZitutuerman, '95,year cait hand his bid itn, andtI te ___________________-if tscg o, is the guest of thehiesbidrsil rcir te FIRS NATONAL ..1BANK ome ss (Ceigi ev, of t 1EastItitrer papers. SucderPill ra teeith IRS ' N SuhAppesIaIteIAen 0Fi ANN' Oi I I. ite it Are. leubtic (Opinion, Itarper's IWeekty, ratico 'iiitti ttl ningbzi o-i A itt Qtiarles, '92 lit, is reattili7Frantk Leslie, Otinig, Uthautattituan, ,'iii u c . 1 'ioli. leiters ofi sieiit ret cad i'r.te bod 1 i' i -sSlaiw in Itis fattier's offic itsNitlorat. and Ligtttearing Ilagazitie5-ll be 'sci. ~u~. C 3S ,(lel'1n. 'bs. ee, Ahis.Ieswill entertleIsa t stud. ~lt~ff1 fl1~ I deplttartmenL~t next year. 'Tte IHotbart Guiidiibilliardt foomu, jj1Jitjtjj O UA'llA'Jliuw Cp .artenr, ajgaduae of thewic 1u j5tatbelon Scf" 0LOFla dpatmnt casto ' i only t emesholding annual GRANGER'S ACADEMY. tif the commissioners appointed by billiard tickets, it now to be opened Piipils may enter at ainctim e qrit aster ,Prvisionalr eerCatenone starting Ifromuthe udate if admtaicis. Offie e I oeuioa overnment oftoalm besrryfeno, - .adiodeneenetr EntraetcpFia, rmfortesx Hawaii to confer with the United cp rdy rmtu osx (I M31Aticts Sr., - Ass ARiBORt. States in regard annexation. j charge of ten cents per half hour __________________________will be made for throate of ltar table. * seed $121,$2', or I$I 5t eor Seam- Tthe 'Varsity Glee and Banjo On Friday afternoons, from four to tie IRetail liex ty exprensas luswlllaeordyfonngfrsix, the gymnasium will he open Pultt piAelegatiboxeadB. n 0., where will exclusively for ladies, under the strietly pre.Sotlefedoryatgive the ESELNT5S.Epreseharges oversight o arn The mem- prepaid. Reer tonall Chicago. thsei r first concert of the season inbesi of the guild is larger than it TryFitonc Adss,Ooeeeeteyhsee enfrfu C. FitN noteRCAdd tonr teevening. Saturday vnigtheI a ve enfo oryears past, HIV 211 Stateste, CHIICAOOIS . will appear at. Coldwvater, Mich. 1 numbering at piresent I90. 0111' splqIg stock mui1lcSooni he 1Hare. As vIi dotin ht wisii toictarry ovei- 11u1yI Niniterfgoods,«'0 suall sell thi t 11greatis' rdllcad pries. Vii:)SUITS 1011 $3(j. AIIl tt t'os ill1)(op(iltioiii .12 SU ri- Srr. . WILD~ WILD! WILDI1 IS SELLING HI1S WINTERI STOCK AT REDUCED) PRICES WHICH WILL BE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS THlE GOODS MUST GOO NO. 2 E. Washington-St., Near Main..