THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'JC. of .M. Tatty. GRAND OPERA HOUSE.I LIKE FINDING MONEY. 1__ .111. WILKINSONS WIDOWS." By Going to War & M- iller's and save from 25c, 5c and 75c on every Te members of Charles Froliisans pair of Shoes as we mst reduce our stok to Pubtlished naily (Sundays excepted) drnge Co.xil make their owvins Williani make room for Sprig Goods. the Colicge year. by ilette's "Mr. W ilkinson's Wiilows" THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION t the Grand Opera House tonight. - 1-Z = R This vehicle of introduction proves p iii nlrly flicitiloc5 for tie play- Fine Footwear Dealers, rirr byers, for the parts assunmedits Mr. Stctitriticioprice fCa~fll pr year, ttes cmed cold ot e ie-48 SOTHIMAIN STREET. ia tdrae diSingl cttt 3 rents "'b'crip sietdto chcei serious ecosideratiotn ttons may le left at the otie of the rtAILY,' unthle part of an atdience; rater cie EXAMINETHE at Sceitet's. with ay atfte tditas or is pleased at brazen burlesque, fantas- EA IETl authitrizetisolicitr. tii. foolishniess adl comical complie- 'T\T IITQ TT T DPT >lJf Ctmunicationis should reacht the ofilce. icrtitosall like little ips dartitg in I < NEW SHiIIIIFTSJUST RECENI'..)LIVED./ 7 tiele. ati. itheiiy are to appear the et aintlout rcthitg iupn one anollther, lay. Adtrst all tmatter inteadeid tot publicaitntil all is cimplete tangle andi mes. Lioan it Maagiac Editr. All biiins aOte is whiltetd stay in the vortex of eoacictic is houldi ie set t)titc sutic aIrend situtations unltil, havingetjttyecd TAILOReSANt) lUiNSnI Stf. 21 SOUTH MAIN STREET. acts Maaer. several giod hearty latigha, e thiitk THE U. f ME DAILY sow beint t see the end oh it all when ossesitamotciiles impi'aiii Toledo, Ann Arbor and North AnsAra uc m ciae 5rushinogitcpon the aleaidy ilt .'tA1F Michigan Railway etiril 5(ensutfthe luiciousThee is A, 11 % 'thirEdillt Isdonotbld thietcclccs t'tstuuttmateial ioi evealcitmtedly laires6- ible ftr r titiopinis tic tatcua.cla at curetSts- Vil l l t 1l)i thils ueblreezy comtiecly yanctlri appeuairing in h i i j..Outaclitill be pesentedl t the abinve c .1liiiiuillrtA 5iiiiimeiP aitin Sma, aury2,1'' 1)11 tr illEiacarZ'' lili ocl1aa at A naAuhott -a-- ma, -,aa..Attention Students ;:2' U~ /.i/f/- thl e lc0EuO cnotO oaaa. sa- N. I j ii .trt77y)1 a \itt: crc lad Io annoucei Ii tersilii i-lltiltc eiahrt tcrUSINE dn Na.;1! !i'ttasgAcc I br .ctan.ct ICOlcc helI-i'I llilu' i Id I l icl alci 11tctu; t turaylt veeningcttitplica .N. :,. M1isi adft5 .- .._.4 m~t; Wg'C'le ltVlll ll aS b e a eb - isariiil 151 ll, t i , ill I li' l tlih cluctllthe ltt ce; cctttci ai hatalat e gras tcveen t\isconsin and this ; Diveta,t llciscltttctic.7rctclcall co a railtltu ti a tI tcaibi oo n 111 ii Ilii (l ln italc ls t herei i s 111 tlStn, le.i-Mg carc To o i.rcrndLiurbctcicac tal !t wholct .ute c- i c .. lii'fslc cr sti'c sIlti tIc aept. sfromc weuk~to waattdiaflatlc \ocl.t tabal 7 ...h p tt cty for 11ce debacte. T'elie I llS .re Mu. Ic si .15 tat cccli.ode liiior ile tn- Pa~ ailaicssa s~~ . LAR~T . . No. G. ltiilA nii o. st--tt sib4I. it very fair acd irobabclxihe olyideits for tct luiiu5year ,111dhis (Clnral~tltdclSTare valid objectionlcthat could bec cmade increasedl patronailge bears testimonliy. $.u, $.0,$0, $~ 5 ntcsii'5cii. -"'-Irgar to thce 'xclusion of post- 'Tomourrowv le will ullke a specialty of HIItstCasTeatcl ailvctl ii cc Sudal.ct ttttc 11. is1sh.0t lowig imported gods fr Spriig ail itlassndl riltl theitrams.dtillyiracit icii. graduate stcldents. This is a small siiiiiiscr sits. N 0Eety Wy. trlcicdaytii.t mlatter is itself and Iwill lnot affect --+------ - E Doty & Feiner. i.nNir, I..Ososrn the result of tile dcbat, inlasmulchi $63,000 has areadly ibeencscb- _-ensra. aAgrtt. LcalAec:. as the four literary socieies contain scribedltowardalie Iuarter of a bult feiv gradluate students, icmillion dollars necessary to incor _____________- porate tie Ilarard ''Annex'' as a 'T'HAT so noted isuman as P'rofessor deparnment ill tie Uiversity. Stagg, appearing under aucici admcir- I And reader of "The Daily'' is cordially invited to attend ab~le acspiceaaathceAtlletic ssoia- BUSINESS LOCALS. SHEEHANV & COMPANY'S hots and the S. (. A. sholuld havce greetd byless han ire lid Gibsttis litsit fewcoup giocturtles iti bengreedlsstanfvehed et n 1 leie,,ltcli sHOLIDAY + B3OOK + SALE, red people Satlrday night 1s a most sellitng at 5thCetits each8e 4 untcompiimentary redecttoc itponc A sittgle Iltitithtcorlieold, tnrill tice oictrtta ~ cents, lt the htcstcttiie BerShoi p.ll cuttlee spiit it 5 -iWe a-tete Nicest (oods for talcc:Least \oits. trcc a ict this will be an objec t l.s- I 1) E111 * just 1n11rtoi thepIolst sots to all, anld that futuire entertain- oficee,111s0tite best hatcks. carriages, dlents for the lienefit of athletics, tmid oses its the city. '.Icy iu. tf The University Booksellers, - State Street. especially, swill tmeet with ceiseir patronage. joalllst 011ra-ecc 1cc tcraotbchvcurc: NN AR ORNTCHTLER, 'h'1tr actious of '95tits attheir P ot-ap e clssmetiginmain preini-STEAM LA'UNPRY! srp e nayarrangemtscs for the freshman- ----- 3SUHFUT V. ophso more fi lld day is in the rig htl t i l ey ia rig , b t in tll oter E. S . SE R V ISS, - M A NAGER . ] u Q ' line. PTcc success of last year sar- ;rar. InSaie ewheled Jeer swllnu aityriaad G g D F 1.- ecut rants the continuance of the cstom.s. ertuaetut t i owanuccurpassed acsO1lO ~t auTOL New m taterial is brought out, and DIAMONDS T ' NY B STUDEN f lte Uiveusiyat MONDAY JAN 3019 tralishtt0fisreceived,> avihichi would EOPALS o ~~7 fine IChoclate loonlnons. Se garatemo EMERALDS hae the laget atd finest sttck ad lowet otherwise net-er be acquired. t it PEARLS prictes inthei cityDon't forgeutiuheanuabe-Tn ~sot~-trt iteotcltAiyttc a vauable precednt to thse 'arsity RUIQUES ("0"""'tA~ON South State Street ON 2 tte ttclt iiiuirtcisuiui fiehd day. t ia to be hoped that ETC., ETC. rRSH TT'_ 't96 will sotoatnequal interest its the T-UO- S 5T> HOT LUNCHES Mu. ~ i so u-r eveut and that thse secotnd freshman- W5ATCHES awaays have tor icSnmhevrococst CadeROARf~S y/p 1 , s ooefield day ii be eveisn atttu ar.Stsari ttpecr sopiomoroetuy the mast perfecti topeca le with a cempatuy of cmedias undethte dur tmore scesfltantefirst. Class famusausmakes we ash secal attenttonu 1*4J TUT'LE 'J * ianafCarles Frohma. Thut tucs tsnts o ordw prduecia . ccatCodSces soclals arc also needeud, and the mouvement. 'fle mst perfectly-bat- ___ SUT__________ SREET._RICES,__50c,_5Cand$1.00. class action lookinc toward tis end auced movementuetanat. was just what sas eeded. Let 1. WOODW A~tO F. G. _ X STAXE3LE,- Seata out sae at wats' Jewelry Store. ofM tdnsgtaqane ih AVNUSE SMITH, C o'al G7S OfA.suet e cuitdwt TETT Tone another, and make use of one DETROIT. SONS C ,!I S N of thse best opportunities a univer- & 00. 11 w. Washington St PHOTOGRAPHER ity affords. a=acov~ae . . NO. e2 WtHURION ST