tt* of , t . Dai! . VOL. III.-No. $1. VOL. lITNo. S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDMAY, JANUARY 3O, 1893. PRETEECNS YKICE, T.HREr,, CENTS. SHALL CREDIT BE GIVEN. l it is felt to be a direct preparation! '"THE MODERN ATHLETE." WorkDon on oil for their chosen profession, anti to 'or Wr an n olge Pubis.- An Interesting Leoture by Protes- - nations-The Theme Disoussed that enst of not less value ts.a0 sor A. Alonzo Stagg of China- A by Prof. Scott Before the noreii reko athsenmatics.I gUnvriy Press Club. cussi re rg nvriy Finally a newvspaper trainsing is Irof. A. A. Staggrilieedisi llPOTm S 'The Press Club held an interest- thougist to be a good thissg in itself ineesigletr t fi-izd SfMFJ JkLtRS. in" nmeeting Saturday afternoon, as a nieans of disci.)linse ansicaltture. isid appreciative audenc in(ni DETROIT, MICH. whsictiwasssadsessed by Prof. Scott ITlhose whio, on the othies hansd si's subject being Shall crdit ibetke lbs.positions that credslt shsould 5est td -tssa vsig e - '-issen for work stone sin college ph)-s{ot be 'grantcsd for nesvspapcen isrp, eee i ae sihteftov sssc. ngremasrk s: lWe denote msot Iictias syopss f w ich fa- dsiveisrcgumntas fssois twso con- iiain th ssss o stit fl( i ' lss n n lsis wsichsac r se produced nosw C 5sics sailos i T entre ften w lahiwsp:s~rbasb ue st viI- i.ssssssssse whether scatty ness, ir old tlsissgs isa iii sipressioss s'sishisexists in tihe svwiichisit iss nsrm d. On tic list te n e srns's iseaihei o er tis is msisintsmoe is'sanys stusiesan t istht the irossitit is sasi llthat a sreat .art of in. sn na ulate siolr1sa htgheii workC is of a trisviil nis 'i sen of doiing ttiings, a house 'sitli all iiS - s5 lsss si cS al n ~' isisreisitv isisgsmpiynayiihiclismu-.,imodiern imspuovemsentls, all the most- ofVceTisisrscsiSlic L a 0 c$ pir es s t Sis iou tiheisianfactuiriigfciedits.l liaracter beinsmaisalyr the is cnn-is of a1tion' of current gossip, assd callina ernstsyles of diress, ansI I suppiose psi sSi -se-s se i nsiiii i this inleans that this instruimenit has for iso 'xercise of accurate obseiva thelexsitiadirvance wsill be tos densote bs~~is issakssIn le sat li tnss tasedsignsntniatpls sthe yon ,ladies as modncernsinissdis- credrit systcnmsissaosethsod 01f Istook-tion'sofgeneral jarincipales. oil eves's tinction'sfron's their nmoue aiscient ' 101.,sui183 -ui-1 S iisAiiiiAvis., keeping y hi sichth ~e Uiver'sity suet's writing as calls for Itse sexercise DT11 IIT -ckonss approximatels the wsage's of of hihecr naental activities is sdonessesDTOT, -- MCICN s~s aser o--i-sae's isenedit is claimedlhurriccdly si-s care- 'li-i lecturer tisen shiowed thai the -L '. it ndrgrdats Tecrdtl essis Slangc abounds is-iti gross sthilete i's as'sanaciesat iprodusction iQhrriond . Sratghn. Q a. 'ises'sdoes srit alway s correspondsterrorssare freqountanidiii thin No.atthese sic ind.ications of hase-O.I I sactis to thec iniunt or spuality of absen-cs of direct criticismiithe giade ball Isaving beenassyetl in t-is tiass. C ra tIARE TTES. lse 's's-ni or -u is credit ciranteld fors of wsorkmn's it enssti-sdeseriorate sos;- i0a-ct Snle h ecr-ic rathser thai-ito imptrove. Itmlusst lie olh iatoslsn sdii ' -i w -ui.e. si ssi ever s kyIisin sat seilplitl'ary eec s oirreissbcrcuialso Ithat ti-ic workC of cau-iht "napaping"oi -ii-n grdn src, ors lie ar-i-i-n pei - i2 -i-divihin. the ircle of Un:- bussin-ess iiiai'a-i-ienit, iwhichlis and is a iterwa c a -illputos-i. tiin iU ---i' ~.ilsimsin eriyifune C rti kid of lissisly essential tIntuse s-i s-icsiof thse 5otcssc ptil i ilisoi's''sscii ;r. -iarle osea'-hee C-isi sltes celr--ilthesisns-i't -slu-i-c-il i II o -iie cusst sisuses ecciccasnot be b's- li-is.df s-isis.e-yl lOilelCainh-i-isad" res.leiii'si cG; r i i iii iiil 5 si--i-i-un-i aria iis~uilscs cos cousi s rse -is-i 'sissy csitiet-ill ye-i i rsiip(ie Ii 'eiI a - n-ic i t .1wa s dcla e o l , t e aOi-i-iu is il ' -si llndors si-i isit t gi e ti-il--i isc ndac l asci's if e-il-i'l i-ias-iclio ili-wshId ii ia-t'O -sii e nd ti ti ro'il'islit-i-,1i-si ti the yac- r 1is" liii :llrftrisl-iseventgfientotled toicreditaOther)-wtensthc raceiwaslrescu-i-iecwairetaf-imitation,:'isant oises.eunhil tir -iie- notuse'entsifsic tilungharactvis.oi ansi cl-isits st nsfsiobelow atstete li-ivcwryitctiscltye ispenruf ohtdscndescclldit shi hn itin'sthus i's eis wo were t e o l eiuspii[W .( tr' +it1ra tth s, ifeit s e li n frs alst ie ee eI hise nrhiteshlyof usduhf's xcosa e's-ila 311ssfscat "nau nscu O harsh'sehpneru P5 ER cnI 'T JcEW ELMnn'tw er, - - R Yenod.Vi . Acnls edshin's-i'se(s o ii hicsposs icli-i e roloht slht so ssac ot ctlansit r.s S tgythbe nlipp i efsly r ifcrre'silsilto oscsui iui i ae t plnas ~e n sto e recrseuss er' t el th-'be ssi it ssie ad re mi ts ereeek ath-ii lee s.svsohingsoe m unucc'sr ad' sehisIu ii-iistigsevisiandt conultefaolyof or-issn athclei te ass-iltiseflyr ")nquest~Io 'EE l 'svso ass stahe hinIsueristarhcyahs obhllslkdy.ssstorikh s. ls ! mems.b hss t euli ) 0 l e r Xssof les' sivssl u faculty. Tssin u on e d epicansofgbys nthse ve og H Xi 5ZCri+ adone on 5usd i siny us iais i5osillisdeedso aysot beystir edbthes us-nof hy sic a torgh couse sif:E & O~ i-i? ienieitsis otaIuctfoac dt-i ree,- ds'sntch-iorsn doubcts iegiiiI'edlsacly cn- Ir-a'ss c s en hy cus c onsdeelopm it F A E N T citussausst ebe itssi) t It up -i -i as Iii igtsp''Is oi ismesIiofsthicfn ose misdtace isupehentela y. a lrrs rr 311lcun, - - M's r ictio x' saepaeaote Uiest dtng;ssustnesenits unavo hbereis itsndin-i-icveomens fienal 15ir-'nli s'nin'u-s cw-in asrgrsmtotoog-a so entunosUediersiy-fsithefcculsaes~t rsaisonfoebthmu shteantgeel- itohe- 1iobtcatoss s'sof is ckind hos)st n spaet'heusctimeast'sundet asaeofathredyrosvnd smiad.ctIlestntalsPo ~ nerens'salusofresurlts;c's)Stc 5e t.ic sinates nowasagters ul y be okeXfcriti gyoftoshentuEMDEclrbe fsueviinas onn isanyoul sot-ade.inalotateeaknratosuh torssfno °S N })j- membes ofrthe acyand .entisssdepalthenlstssategh thesesitraiensuvewlscoere i entr upn te crdsof he co ,) alio~n svhcesaifit adnsothbcrsuthe dbm s nedesnvry. lthe I-far Tc it: graiu; y) Iusssssn'ange's'I tC ontoughtms noi bexithat al.Myr a Yalecfootalmen s;thce Sallsc o"b ah'vd oet i tisconivesita the siderapesan idionellfrcboth; adfootball gae n ilei trbnndta.itoi for awdereedoe upo sayiesthacndtiherealcredit for usork doe in pm~e.,Awhichoshoedrmasiig TheIOI callbattation in thfie fact s:lsatiokthentaversicasiosterednot andavopeooingl waeffects; gymsome.J.slrikin0 en~~~~~~~ giiveiypaesnac a sut ardsofthe rgisftrar, buti trtcn views fSag wa ier snac A 'l's l1t'Ot'' 1 (;).T~diing;(4) Draing nd rin-subs, tan c oand nioseheire.n jiheam titvi es ti n eeially . ne laime and)den'snss A tridgh n a o quickteyealene- varesanofNthe .olfooball team,h Saplisctin swoestaerago e UnicoutraIngconjugmenthaseaa stcaaCowicheli citedwsp fotabsal aue TAILOR ferritydcors oe. uhovorkyispur-herthese'recreditsorwhichdonesh dti n U.oge ofwihshowyell. uin sued wthea otelfandtotenador hmUihtrnoty isreporterd nt one Isehlegcurefecadthsoe ivothring~s inpoeethefacultyfbtwhichrcoldsaays beaneation Staunderwtherusice it_[otirNii aicobio s dmakd d epeheaeag i rtndejdgupon tocontfos r acd- waschegivedeseroeda nosuaplauei I=CEtroit, .chi -of thie student's powvers. By suany oree in the university of thin 'world. house, larger7Lh1 I1