__ THE U. OF M. DAILY HOTEL . EPWORTH~ IRJ~A Will be )01 40 feet from an en- T SU LYA EM IPFRTEIT iET trance to the -IT ~ T WORLD'S AIR, ONLW$14 00 vehoboeceived the llom~ztesiq (arlsaed nd Alpine liats. Tie Ledea Fadsinc-doreas. :1nd offers loss rates and superior Lts asi IITrfFE.ILLOWSIN PROP'ORTION. - arcomodations. lInluire 7 ahoot it at VIII LS Y, J. CALK INS,' 34 S,. State. ,3ousthlStataeet, - UP STAIRS.jl MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES- NO 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___AN]) CORNER OF5SATE AND)A511.1.TAM STREETS. University Texo'flokds, idoedi B ooks, Laxw Books. Denfal Books, Studlents' 'NoelBooks, P311)11k Books, Sinerv. \Yc'h1av)0a0large Stac-k of lKoeffel. rnod Esser D raftfing losfrusollls. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. lINEiST STI)(Cl OF HOLIDAY GOODS BROWN'S D)RUG STORE. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY fl), li~p(Li 1Brnd'' Solld11meat .omatfoes orIn;1,10e "lDolphln ''L ' 11 ti i ' "iversidle c: " 't " " 1.20 c ..,'.z 'Psmpkin, - - - - .001 t squash, - - - - 1.10) 2 - inslose Corn, - - - 1 .1 2'Primrose" - - - i.s 2'Lake Shsore, - - 1.50 I And all otlier Canssned Goo(ds at proplortinaote price of" d1oz. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. Call on Win. Fulde, the Tsailor, opposite the Law lBoilding, 011 Willianm-st., first door west of State-st. Ceaning,repairingsand pressiag done Ineatliy. Salts tosordera specialty. All work fist-clas. 11" YOU WA ,r TO Buy a=Als=Clook or have 55someisupiring doni'esoIs lflm- Ar~li~odl 36 Main Street HOW S ' OEW THIS SUJT herei A. Av e rio 1(tt vi-eh) ar -i 1 UNIVERSITY NOTES, \A[ill you Look Prof. Carl fit. lielser loll 'llmrs- lilyfor IDie-ver, Col. At (i))SliitWdw'M 11!Itf tlIiei, tasI' oo ootoo P o it1"'1,owto rs 111)0)11 roriiii.t1))its 0new )Ntatlogtic The Wa\rsity C lotand lI ln GU 1TAR S I ICh itt lnaleits 1firs )t plarance ti 5,))> Coldlwter next FIclans PRICES. It iru lit tt001 11 rix i~otf1.ouitvilie. Itw xiciool. I Ck i NN' 1NI' zany1 - with sxvoratl regeits, hravecd f' >-,fcr oy 0r;:311>S' l heterr rts t f te dl st-irit rooml, 1Z - IList it in1151trv anlaiesho' sthor N.1 s ;. .L. 01 ; t cIt It. reangt room deslk. I3, , I 1 . E o rotr- . FIlrST NAIONA.~lTL Ni l Ni o ~iii~..ahr 1oollter, 1W. Ft)ANN SAtill).t. I F 1 1 ') lt 0 . 0. AKOcz he. Uinttit hrobtttihoutxhelo-h facor tte Cloocato Mail. SCTT An 'lAX IX A t la ptist oltitrolt,tom~orrow - toringr the pastor, Rev. A. S, GRANGER'S ACADEMY. Carman, will preach on "A 'frue mandlResidenceCentecr Entrance f T'he third Sunday lecture on, send $1t5,KEl.orE$3 50)far Sam- given in the iNl. I. church next i~eIRe5tCao bysexreseaf Surnday evening. It will discuss the Mj~V Put tspin elegant boxasl and soci and historical mvmnso~l strictly pare.- Suitable far scamvmnso PRESN .ExresslChaiie Jesus, Hshome, Hsnative land, Tm~u Cr tence- Address ioutyethe kthnthe IA7 c. FGUNTHER, Cnectioner,Hiconrm, kthes 112 State Street, forms, the schools of that era. CICAGO,ILOLINOIS.I Lews- Hutchinson, eh-lit ';, is lit11 Orlado, Neh., 1)0 a rattle rmuch. A view ii)iieol) haslarrivedl lo- cetoly atIke hionie of IIr. .1 . '. \\2'od. 'l' cJot1~rsottaistiet t, it 'I'll da trtlettii tyagrecdl to hll thter Iroliml 111ry cottto chto1011 twxo dlebters for the itter)collegiate o1)101' ztI izt) 11111r >11i1 eeShllI soctey ilso0acc1)e)tedrtcil lengbe to iimet the W\ebsotr soriely itta0 xliicI sgSIIT sksl) A t Ii nIcx. ytlo ' sOi -ioidaN muiceal eotltin it. Th lt 1110- Scotcogs by G1) 1ottuIrlayibothersrO J2 - r u of Ile~rot. Itt addittioI'l 1111lil ry j 12 _YSI) n 0,1 r~liS 1 te accompantimti.tl 11isoC amii- hubll, alte)f toit, ileiv nicxbr fSctc ectties \c-WILDI WILD! WILDI1 m issleiof Sncolds .'dr. Jolles I-ay .\plehof Ill os- too, will speak next Sunday morn- IS SELLING IS WINTE11 log aind evening 01 the t1rdtarian STOCK AT RED UCED1 church. His evelning siihject wvil RIESWHICH AWILL he "Johni Wesley.''Ois next Alon- day and Tuesday evenings lie will lBE A BARGAIN give his last two Shakespeare lec- FOR YOU AS tures. Suhjects, "King Henry V, a Drama of War, and "Shylock, a rTE GOODS Lesson of Religious Courtesy and Charity.''ils lectures given the M UTpsw psweek have drawn large houses, and have heen masterly interpreta- lions of the twvo historical plays treated. No .2 E. Washington-St., Near Main.