THE U. OF M. DAILY. e' C. of Wf. Talv Publiahed Daily (Sundayt excepted) dornna tbie College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sobscriptionprice $12.50 per year, invariably in advane Single copiea 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at tbe ofiier of tbe DAILY, at Stoffiet's, wilh any of tbe editors or aothoried solicitors. Communications sbould reachb tbc office by 7 oclock P. M. if tbey are to appecor tbe next 'lay. Address all matter intended for publica- tion to the Mianagicg Editor. All blustnett communications sboold bc se-sf to tbc Busi- tess Matnager. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, MtirS. EDITORS. F. Ei.JtNETE, Lit. '91, Manging foeEditor. (itOTRUE tt tcu.Lit. '94, Assist ant. J. G. EuDLITZ, tow'!)1,?, Assistant. E. .. lTTAWAYs, t.'94, Assistoant. L. Gi.'dttt-cttixoIA, Lit. '93 BulsinstsMtanagcr. NI V. tI:c(t-s-;c, Lit. '14, Assistant. A. NV. J 21 Las11:3, Asitano'ot. 1' . A. coot-to. ' C. N. St', Medtic 't+:3. C, A. Diolc, Lit. '913. LecrAto t;,Lt. '0.9. Et 2 t, o, Liti'95. C.IKi. STL WATc, 1-tiol)l.. '93. uftcrnoon, gel off us nfar out of sigh) us possible uod umuse them- selves by kicking the bull and run- ning after it. This is entirely wrong. If the U. of M. expects to gel to the front in football and keep there, she moot rely on the class elevens for newo men from yeur to year. There is yet anmple time for training and the playing of a good schedule of inter-class games. The fault undoubtedly lies with the variouls class managers and cap- tains. Let thenm wake utp and get to themselves a lively hustle. 'THERE is complaint that the As- sociation tenis courts are being in- jured by players wearing orinary shoeo, thutt tearing up1 the grotud and niaking it unifit fory tlayiiig. jSi.I-N 11 law ptitics ace beginining to wax wacitm. Who s11a11 be tiresi- d (ent? DAVID E. SPENCER. Diavid 1U.Sipencer, who has chtarge of theteprt' menttl't of modilern is New .Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices. There is tiothing like a SLIM FIGURE to put it in nmotionl. We have laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. We Bought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Finn Footwear, Boots and Shoes. 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, MICHI. I. The Edittiosdonot bold thetoseltets respon- tory during Prof. Hudson's aboence, sibleInc tbe opiniotns or statmcito'01cocces- 11151~t.upceligil ie tit. was hurln Feb. 22. 186, in Berlin, _________________________VWis. His early school advantages TM. ROU.PUBISHIG MOE@. were good. He attended the comsmon school There will be a mseeting of theae i oeutltev aso D)aily Board, Satmrday evening, a i oeutltvleyeaso at 7:30, to arrange hsours. 5-2t age, being then sent to the Normal ____________school at Oshkosh, Wis., where he DOES A GOOD WORK. prepared for college. At the age of 'The Students' Christian Associa- 20 he entered the University of tion is doing a work for tlse student Wisconsin, from which he graduated that is deserving of unlimited praise. in 1887, obtaining the degree of B. Not only in a religious way but from L. He stuldied history at the Uni- a social viewpoint thse Association versity under Prof. WmS. F. Alien. is accomplishing a great deal for the After graduation he began the study University. ILast evening's recep- of law at the University of Wiscon- tion is only one instance of its en- sins which study he continued for deavors to brinsg U. of 7it. students one year. He was then engaged as into closer social relations wi111 earl slDtrulctor, first in rhetorlc, and other. Every one of its officers afterwards in history at his Alma have been untiring in their efforts M\ater. This and other work occu to make university life pleasant for pied his time until 1889, when he all, In visiting trains, providing entered Harvard as a graduate ,stu- new arrivals with the Association's dent in history and political science, ulseful hand book, getting new receiving from that institution the students acquainted and installed in degree of M. A. in 1891. comfortable and desirable quarters, Mr. Spencer has given the world indeed, in every way poosible mak- tome worthy written productions, ing life pleasant and agreeable for among them are, "Local Govern- strangers, they have been indefatig- ment in Wisconsin," Johns Hopkins able. Hearty commendation is only University Studies, 8th series, No. their just due, and thse student body III, and a historical sketch of the ought to recognie the Association's University of Wisconsin, which is labors with its substantial support. printed in Circular of Information, ______________ No. I, 1889, of the U. S. Bureau of WHERE ARE THE CLASS TEAMS? Education. Mr. Spencer comes to If we are to have any class games the U. of M. from Harvard, where this fall it is high time that some of he was instructor in history. the men showed up on the campus. So far as is apparent no class but THE inauguration of President '93 lit has made any move toward Schurnsan,of Cornell, will take place systematic practice. A fewo men with appropriate ceremonies, Nov. from various classes show up each 11. AMONG OTHER ATTRACTIONS WE ARE SItOWING El~egant Fall Shifingsj, i a nd Neal~ Things in PI'eckurear. W AC-NER acx, 21 South Main Street. Tailors and Furnishers. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North JxsINESSihigan Railway. ci) Time ard ikLfE6TF Suda1111gu1t:?I,18t111 No. 1111 Tolcl Annl Ar1o1001011 I 1"1Otl1noon o111y91 . . .11).:'1."Ill Is1the LEADINGO OOOt.0/F BUSNES. bMt- Nt. 103. Toledoll 111nd110Ooss (Sundy good~l diseciline; supleorllwork;cc ll supp1 tl 1011re 11ing To corilcS TH. 112.1 Ilcilxpenes $. tole 1 5 1111111w11k0110privtefai- 01111 ';.1Tdo Accomodatllion .. .211011.111.esFo P. a. cooxaRYPrem. N. ntlyl..... .1,o . Il ' o 04. Otwso and Toledo (Sotoday onlly) ----------- 1231.11. We Advise Students to See Central StuandardlTime. Dot & elner Trains 3 undI6iron ibetween Asn Arboc undt SToledttonly, dihl, exept SunrdayT. ~ 'Truis 101, 102, 101, and 1td coo bctwceen '10- lcdo and Otwosso Sunodays only. Reduced Face. FO k 0 Stock. hertrains daily exceptOSnday. WI- ENNETT], 5.5S. GREENoWOOD, Foot-Ball and Tenisa S1oes in Stck hen. 1Pass. Agent. Loeal Agest. STUDENTS, SAVE HALF YOUR MOINEY AND BI1 X1 M0 _AT TIIE-- STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST. Greek, Laltitn, Frenchl, Gelroan anld all College Text--Books, New and Secotnd-IHand. LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. BUSINESS LOCALS. BICYCLE FOR SALE-Century Colum- his, in goed condition. Gooeasons11 for selling. Apply tn F. D. Green, 21 S. 12th street. 1-7 To rent, a nice hall and rooms at 12 E. Washington. Rooms suitable for society purposes. Fortmerly occupied by tlhe N. S. N. Medical society. I-6t GERTtIA.-Studenlts whlo wish to join classes ini German conversation and reading (scientific German a specialty) apply to KARL E. GU THE, Ph. D., e.o.s.-7-3t 72 South State street. WANTED-A hustling young man to take agency for a 1st class steanm laun- dry. For particulars address 117 La Peer street, Saginaw, Mich. Type writing done at 48 E. Cathe- tine street. 3-10 The Detroit Evening News is now a penny paper, and will be delivered throughout the city at 6 cents a week; daily aind Sunday, lects a iweek. F. Stofflet. 7-7 RENTSCHLER, Photo rap her, CORNER 31AIN AND HURON STS. GIBSON, PHIOTOGRIAPHER NO. 12 W. HURON ST. Suit of rooms to rent, Ne. 38 South Fourth avenue. 4-It Buy your Books at wholesale prices from thte Nationsal Library Association, 241 Wabash avenue, Chicago, Ill. Ad- dress thle Association for particulars. eod-1m AGENTS WVANTED-Liberal salary paid to active1 wide-awake young ment, students preferred; employment pleas- ant and permanent; no book peddling. Address, National Lihrary Association, 241 Wat ash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. end-3 m