THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE.' jIWA ar BTE! A E, ALL OVELI-'%COATS AT -, OFF. ALL SUC.ITS AT + OFF. SKA1=TING (CAP0,BtI'EIS , HEA:1V YIN1EWEA1 ALL SINGLE PANTS AT Jk OFF. WOE NRSt.V. iN3M 'I;5 11AG _______ IVARIETY AND) WILL BE SOID)C(I EA I See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8. KENN-ED Y & REULAE.TTETW AS i Ann Arbor Savings Banki PATRONIZE --eTHE ARGUS,9--- Ann Arbor Sich. Capital Stock, $50,000, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! ItNZ JOig ?RIN ;I N@ Surplus, $150,000. Organiced under the generni Danbing Lnawe No. tEST HUtOS) REEoot AT LO5W PRICES.r oif this sate. Receives Deposits. buy saned sells exchange on the principal cities ofthe ________________ United States. Draft a esbeduoipottrotper!r identification.,Oicers:oIenthusiasm arid for roducationall ron- CRRISiAnsMocK, Pros., t,'. OF'f1". ('AI.ENDAI. frec W. D. HAnoIAoo, Vie(,Pres.,. eecs CHoAS. E. ttSCOCKoa shoier. I- 5. .1.Fi Poten, Atoo.Cashtier.'10 too-,Jain. 'a>-ex- ^oorot Krootsotoreol lor ltot'eootnouoallS. C.A.. clot ln. orloy t'oio tiloore aottoo 1ddItress 001 1_nive'ri 1- tv 00]f 000ll '( t. tot 0101 ce It'e alltb oop ymoent1,sill ettso EA, 1 rg ~ . In 0.0110n0ctool ithoIhisthete o'forfoit of bloc orrotttettoettb't Itlclit' Op.or~ue ssoc~ialiooo's tioortyifol 00nn000ersaory bty-ft'ecomtstee L''. et tovtry moember, 000. ooro e or. lit. 'litre sell bea thereforoe, ottendtol thaltot]ootte'r ott I _______________________________________ trll be tclebroated. ''htoot b a;()ier andtlettgtioeIli", tt00 5 O I Ie ots 10.cpttin ItN esoberry haoll oon te tht oof floe frientotllot toyosaot to t throin loiliqay Salod.i se"swoothIly of theoccrason. And, conieiistatrtI'he alltit'sI osnl A f lr - lo oo i lloe- ' regotsosebut oalte silt e ''Tsat Girl,'' by Bishop Vincent, clove a ll obstoacles it thewayoftoe a~'5 - tutdents, aottha bot thblocarticiptooif W a rsJohn 11. Vincent, who will speak trelCho rlednin atnbc oor hicho RAthe'I. I. church, is te best kowsl thabtte whlte 'looroostWill ltIre atol B UO K S TO nE. of thec]Methodist biosoops. IIcam a 1nto proieesetvoral years ago, ''hottghl,olt thprt'se't tinhe. tue'in- Notnblot lt'ilhtrittewhentoh110 nterinationoal Suitndat' Ce.Alo,(olttee 0s1 t $ schotol soork toas orgaonietd; andotol, lttot witve totuor btoextras concertls, 'Ihoselerys, Cotmpolebe,.1 vos., 2.1 Dicenis, ('omptlete,1 . l, 3.60(' sototethat tome, has boots knoowsr Ste proteredlsof seltielo till lie 00501 t to Emetrso'.s Esosay s ols.,o.95 bhe ooSunay. School Bishotp." 0 refunidilparbiotlly or bobtlly lte aouti .1'rascobt's Per,i't.2 sols., - Precot' Ilexro 2islolie is ble o undertlOotf thoe worl- Paidt by thloe otibers. Let everytoe 5W5 Volumes Staundaord Lonoks, 48c eaich.witle Chautauquoa movemott hichbcthenshow thlis gtoh stwill otontilose too' Exaitineour11'Sfot tt ~10 i oc a en te reots t or bd-tee'tlose otailreporbtiitotsdely.r, Beor ul'..01 ato ttal-{. vorr,,~nl'"ill t.t seoeBuig aucing the interest iln indulctiv'e - -- ible stoudy, and iii arouisinog a ole- A\ir. Letvi, instrouctor ito lreisch, T'WOS'TOIS sire atmong the common people to will resigin his position at the enod of 22 South State Street, get an educatioin. Foom the Chati- liheliresent semester, 00 account 'of' and 4 North Main Street. atu lnhssrn psme (oppositieCoart Hansel) iTh~apathsseii psme poor health. He will toot teacht AN M 0 _ school-so valuable as centers of againt for some time. Excelsior Lauudryr, lb EAST li bON hOitEE'r. riod Wtorkta.Otteoo 0G o- odalfor todole i' tooto A. ,.COVERT. trop. 21 Years im the lBusiness. CITY AU1) Y. l. M. Sea it. 'o- .4 Fourt t 0. K. BAR BR SHOP. ?Fine Shewer Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. ;0 I:. 'ttotoi~tigtott S1. .1. 1-1.''llooosNt)isusio Cctopiot, S()t,bbb(. .bttrplo o t aat "rfttt.$17.00. Dose a genralt Banking bustinessI. Pasipin- teresttons Saving Deposits. Has safety Deptoit Doses for ;blent. 10. KEMPF, Peso. P. 51. Biiiiti.Casisier. honk ovetra Otuordavtevecingr. I I,2E Witt ton lStreset. ~SPECIAL SALES. E 1(1 rt"0)TOt GOODSPE ED'YS TAILORING ON OWEKtNLY. SHOE-,- '05.tO~Nbi-tISS 51101 ONE WEE'K CHILI GOODSPEED'S a