'W. of W(. $Taity. Published Dsaily (Sundays exscepted) during the Colleive year, b~y THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION subscription pricesh..dl per year, invariably n draneo Single opies i3 sents. Subscrip- tions may be left attsthofire to the D~AILYs, us Stutlot's, swith uany sothe editors o autborized solicitors. Comutnicattions sluld reach the office by 7 o'cockt.at, it theynare to npperthe test dny. Asddress nlsnatter intendest tue publica- tsisn to She ManagittgEsitor. All businesn ctntnunicnsstts shouldi be sent to lteitusi' +nsi natter. THE U. oX. DAILY. Ann Arbnr, Xich. EDITORS. E. J.. OTTy , 5,Lit."I, Mtanang didtour. C,. A. tlo;Ntssov, Lit. '91i. Assistttt. SV. N, 1tl.t.Is, Lt hAssistant. .1_ D.bcSPTtE, Law.'X93, Assistnt. S. . CUli',su, 1'. 5. Lit., tBusiness Matnager. St . 1vS'tsostovo. iLi.'li, Assistanti. >.. tttlY, tDett. I"4, Assistanst. 5'. WV'. 'oull a sri h, '93,l . ss . t. b's , 9 1t. s. T'l'I, 11.1 . V. 'Wbber, '94l Mls M.IE. Saw,'94':i ( .N. sooc'rs, '93. N orsos 'louocos, '9sI. ..It. irelm M:ltie P. AlartLod. IC. IK. Stwt'oc.'I sr.will lie a short tmeetinsg of the 1 ).s i I, boarid tomlorrow ev'etsing at 7:30, sharp. 'lii c sub-conitiittee hasing in charge the arrangemenuts for the inter-uiitisersity debut e are requested to meet at the Dmsiis office, opera house block, tomuorrowsvesenins, at 6:45,, shalrp. THE U. OF M. DAILY. to cotmipete for the recommendation LIJK E FINDING MOND1EY. of the board shuould begin swork at once. There are already a fesw ssho ITy Going to Walur & Miller's and save from 23c, ,oc and 75c 0n every have snee h it u h uns- pair of Shoes as sve most reduce our stock to her soulid be greatly increaseil inmaerofrSpigG ds orider to secure those best qiualified - - for possitions on the board. Any otseline Footsvear D~ealers, sishiiig to couspete souilid give Isis 48souTIIc MAIN Ti 'R1EET. tiamse anid 'lass to thse mianaginsg edittir, iwhio rsay be foundl at the EXAMINE THlE Dbu1.v office, in the Olpera House NEW SHIRTS, 'UST RECEIVED - block, auy eveninsg froims7:00 toj 7:30. An accurate systetm of nmark- & OO lug will be followeed, based upon the TrAILORS ANID FURNISHERS. 2:1 SOUTH MAIN STRIEET- quality and amount of tuaterial - tiurned in. Competition is olpen to ~.4RY' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North all departmsents. -1 ' ' A ,AESSMichigan Railway. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I-. s' . - Princetoti has 3o-freshmnti.Itar- sard 309g, Pale, 507, 1..of AT. 2,094. f Vise juisiior muedlics are conssiderinsg tse advisability of petitioniiig the faic- silty for quizzes on tile lectures. The senior ds mlsset Tuiesdlsy and electeil t1e tisllowsiss ffoficers: _Presidenst, C. A. M anley; vice-psres- idenst Miss Phlillips; secretary , .. Suthuerland; treasurer, J. J. Mc- ' tullein. A committee of three swere appointed to draft resolutions upon thse death of G. I.. Lesvis. A correspondettwrites: "XWlsyntsu Iarrange the baseball schedule for Lthe inter-class gatmes early and thus finishs up the series before the mens- hers of various teatus leave for hoised" --a' ( Depiut('ofT'rauins ait AnntsArlo.o Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF nUSNESn. Stng- NI. 1.MaI sil d'sscoss'. ... ; 20:a. l ni5'ctsbuldIigslintehrs;large attentdnuc; 3N5 II 'ass rnisltsrbst . ',tu' i goodd sirslinfsupeiuor eorketl supiedeangis No.; 'Mati lnits o i ... c . .;10 ooi room~;sdailylectus;nnSurda vnteingcetions; t''' openthebs esti,re er omm us~secinl graduasnin greons ~ ~ r deincand; shorthanud graduatesnitllrseepositios; i-ug 'xpensesn$2.to$2.75 peweekisoosriatenui.No :" Sil n asnrr. ...1 3'a.u _e. FottvCuAALOGUE ndnaList of Sudents'who tane osiolnfroum w'eekt owet,naddresn No. . t:Mil stsdtEsprss ...........S 47lp P. H. CLEART. Pros. No. !i. iToleosAnusmmoton .5. . I III 'i.. F $2,00, $3.00, $4.001,$5 :1 13" "(t")t slsts3. $5 resins :attndtt6srun btweeniss Ato rhtoc::tst, H irt Clais'indtlsst'til iii d is ie traissstydaly"socelsibudy. EverSns y~ Wusy. 55'. It. BIENNLE'TTl, It. S. GEFENi5St(GI1l E oy & F i e .,CtGen. I'stss..Agtit. touaniAgets. And reader of "The Dailytt is cordially invited to attend cuc'Lr Ani Q. "fnfnADlA nivIc HUSINE00.0 Oflt.f l5I' s OS. 5.IVIF I "J los' Sattirday msornsing onily a BUINS LOCALS. fesw lashes impslroverd the opportunity Asitigle lath,hut tsr culdj, 'ar li1) ~ .~x offlereil by Prof. fStanleyto lpractice centts, at the Ptsstlflie larbser Shoit. , HjLID Y B4.K S AL uollege songs. .A special effort is to 5'i8-2t Q'...iJUI UL " " jJ su~sl' u l'ss' s rest' sililn o P I. 4II '.jsstiitt of the Posst- lICmate t hae agreter olrcof ushier, ills tlebest hals , 't.Carriages. sospranoss ansd5allot lest Satusrday assd 'rindl horses ini thie cil'. Try Iliis. tf X Is is fiteN ictt oo d ~ ts 11f ite L st Smt v. 05vcrys co-esl wosis Interestedi iso .the Leraseso rsdsrs For ItIe B iter Ocerasiat itivelen soul e-idaar t h lse Pusist ' eacisd IOra lsso sos's esessissslcilscrssestandts. Ou u1ut The 'University Booksellers, - State street. l esent5. I-_______ _ _____ __ _ .______ lIlKisi'seemss totse usie 1 o: ic n d. s:5:ssist'' ~n!eass~ ot. issreardti te huss t II 0rt5 hs:, roo:ANN ARBOR I RENTSCHLER~, existissg is the Uisiversity.IThe t,L.PE oo p m e tsf .5. sessate is the samssit existed 4J1 5'4 STA 23SOT FUTHst y-ear,i'onssistitgstly of lasws ' 2-SUT-FURH-VE.= t AI '.b.It5nts..s Isi ytiafs t. 'hee i o Nut onty in rngbs, straits ini othter . S..E V7, ~ 'c but with a few les. There is no Jetweiry ns seell, soir vriety to ricltans .StiR IS, M- GI hsuse of represettives correspond- dantsswecsoiuns urplsstasseda is'-,GAT ELA IOU issg to this seisate. Last year the hsouse svas comp~losed of lit stuslens, wslo this veaur failed to organize. 'thie secsonds consgress is conmposerd etntirely of lasws, thse seniors tsaking up the senate, thse jusniosrs formnig thse hosuse of repsresenstatives. .c thse electionsribthse buoard of cditors of the 1) ss.s wshichs just precedes the spring vacation, eleven candidates swill be recomsmended to thse Independeist \ssociation for election, according to the provision of thte constitutions. 'Ihey are to he "~selected on the Isasis-of work done in conmpetition." 'those svho desire DIAMONDS OPALS EM ERALDS PEARLS RUBIES INxSELFOts TUNQUOISES tI5SIIIINAT5SIN ETC., ETC. 5 LI 5S1 EIsl. WSATCHIES aftss havs sur mrsost w'tchtuittsce. tisttsrainto proe. ssny teniost pefecot titnepieces the swurld prodsuces. Ia additionsto a ai the fatnmosnuakesSwe ts speial tiattetion to liureoannspeial5'. CG. ., S. S; o't's tnovettent. Thse nostIpsefctlty-bal- ancedtmoeetetant. WOODW;HI FR G AND 55 Tr STREET. SMITH, DETRsOITm lSONS &oCo. INU- I1 UFlONE NIGHT ONLN' TOhlERYSTUDOENT sit the Utnsversity of MONDAYJ 3 Michsiganu nut togao hone withtit o for ,fn hclt ioBn s ssst;garsatenesJA.toj, have the larest andnstll l stocklsand lowest-- - prices a in ts' city.IDnttut-lthe nume h o eysceso h ej n ylu Sodna.e RState Street.&CON"26omermn.Ww.o tesluhrht SRHOTJTS. HOT LUNCHES 17W1L1]fmNoN' And the very choicent Candiesn O RS ~Io/, -- S'tlitscompsanlysitsc stedisansss urt e i 'TUT'TLE 'S , j- ion S 0 1'Charles Frohonan. list 45 SU'TH STA'I'h STREET'I. PRICES, - 50c, 75ca and $1.00. sn ST'E33LEP.-- Seats ont sale at stls' Jmeey Stosre. Coal! GIBSON, 11 W. Washington St PHOTOGRAPHR H.T Ne NO. -12 W.oHURON ST