THE U. OF M. DAILY HOTEL+EPWORTH O MA5 PANTALOON SALE A lreat 1)i<,0 Will be but 4oo feet from ane el - MI EW :2 IT R trance to the f trane tothe ahogany, Celluloid bound edges, WORLD'S FAIR, ONLY tbu14. Prices 52.00, f2.48, '2.7i and $3.28. Styles are good, qualities ONLYrlo r$14nsu roIexcellent. just the thing for recitation room 'ed offers low rates and superior ITT E FEL oWS IN PROPORTION. and serviceable accomodations. Inqtire about it at WILSEY, OA LKINB' - 34 8. State. isouth State Street, it STAIRS. -A R . S 1 . S tae-l OMOORE &WETMOREBOOK STORES- NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET f AND CORNER O STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. ..~7AND )SEcOOND- -=AN=D (Z:)]:~=- University Text-Books, Medical Books, Law Books, Dental Books, Students' Note Books, Blank Books, Stationery. We have a large Stock of Keuffel and Esser Drafting Instruments. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. I NEST STOCK 0 HOLIDAY -:- GOODS N THE CITY NOW ON' sALE AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Will You Look 1 { REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 3 lb, "Clipper Brand" Solid meat Tomatoes for $1.10 per doz. 3-"Dolphin "" 1.15 "< "< c:"Riverside c c cc c 5.20 upkn 3 Squash,-- - - - - 1.10 "s 21" Winslosw Corn, - - - 1.1 " " Primrose " - - - - 1.38 " 2 " Lake Shore," - - - " 1.50 "c "c And all other Canned Goods at proportionate price of 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The first moot court case was tried yesterday, Prof. Mecham presiding. s Prof. Demmon was reported to be feeling much better last evening. At his'clinic yesterday Dr. Obetz S At our Show Window? it's own story about It telb GUITARS removed two epitheliomas in suc- AND cession. PRICES. It is reported that the '96 Mando- THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., lin Club will add a flutist to their 51South Main Street. membership. Out of 134 men in the freshman X L3HIGAN EIG IM class at Amherst, it is said that only Time Table (Revised) November 20, .1892. 6 use tobacco. EST.C p. itt W551., am. Mai --- ChicagoSpecial 105 During the illness of Prof. Dem- "lay Express---- 5130 Dar Express-.- 817 N.S. Limited-- 5 608: mail. Stmon, his classes are met regularly N. Y. Limited --. 9 45 N. S. Limited - 069 Niagara Falls Sp'l11 27 P. by his assistants. a. m, Chicago Express. 2 19 AtNti IEpress.. 5 38CG Nightxresp. s 4 The junior laws who did not pass G. R. Express --10 40 Pacifc Express--10K $ Blackstone, will be examined 0: w. RlensLFS. H. W.Are. G. P. &T. Agent, Chicago. Age. Aln.Arbor. Saturday, at 9 a. m. FIRST NATIONAL BANK The one-year men will be quizzed Inthe second five lectures in Evi- OF ANN ARBOR. 'Capital, $10,000. surplus and Profts. 30,.0. deuce, Saturday, at 9 a. m. Teansast ageneral baning business, for- 'Fhe senior law baseball teals reign exchattwe sold, letters at credit pr. eoreet ,or traveFers abroad. P. BACH, Pres. posed for a photograph yesterday . S. w.CLARKONi, Cashier. It will be used for a Castalian cut. The coal supply at the University nearly gave out yesterday, threaten- ing a temporary cessation of recita- GRANGER'S ACADEMY. tons. Pupils may enter at any time. hir iquarter -ar tnrom the date of admission. OficI Spain has so universities, Italy sand Residence Center Entrance SMAYNARD S., - ANN A . , Germany , Great Britain i, and Russia 8, while the United Send $125, $2, or $3 50 for Sam- States has 36o. f..J. plc Retail Box b express oef aare the eEST CANDIESi America. Salaried managers for college ath- Put up in elegant boxes and letic teams are winning in favor, and strictlF pure. Sitable for' easar:iniginfvrad FRESENTS. Expres ehasces 'U: of P., Yale, and Harvard are in repaid. Refer to all Chicago.s 'reieAddes, line. Such managers are chosen C. F. GUNtITHER, Cnfectioner, aae CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. from among tise graduates. j ' Ralph Garwood, '92 lit, at pre- sent in Albion high school, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. V. D. Garwood, who is ill. Milchigan is said to rank fifth in the number of instructors, being credited with 145. The order of the others is as follows: Harvard, 253; U. of P., 232; Columbia, 220; Yale, 153. Chapel at the S. C. A. next Sun- day will be conducted by Dr. Mark- ley instead of Prof. Stagg, as an- nounced, the latter will be compelled to return to Chicago immediately after his lecture. Bishop John H. Vincent, D. D.' LL. D., will lecture at the M. E. church Friday evening, on "That Girl. " This is a companion lecture to "That Boy," which has won the bishop great popularly as a lecturer. The admission price is twenty-five cents. Mr. Frank Keller, traveling sec- retary of the Students' Volunteer Movement, was detained, not arriv- ing in Ann Arbor until 5:30 p. m. Consequently the missionary con- ference was not held in Newberry Hall on Saturday afternoon as an- nounced. Steps are now being taken by the Bureau of Music of the Columbian Exposition to have a series of con- certs by college glee clubs at the World's Fair, Chicago, next sum- mer. It has been deemed advisable to have the series begin immediately after the college commencements, when the clubs will be in their best form. Call on Wm. Fulde, the Tailor, opposite the Law Building, on William-st., first door west of State-st. Cleaning, repairing and pressing done neatly. Suits to order a specialty. All work first-class. IF YOU WANT TO Buy an1lari Clock or have some Repairing done go to Wf i. Arnohk, 36 Main Street HOW DOES IS SUIT Our spring stock will soon be here. As we do not wish to carry over any winter goods, we shall sell thesi at greatly reduced prices. $35 SUITS FOR $30. $30 '' " $25. All others in proportion. 42 SouTH STATE ST. WILD! WILD! WILD!I IS SELLING HIS WINTER STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES WHICH WILL BE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS Tim GOODS MUST GO. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Near Main.