tt of LU. Wlail. VOL. III.-No. 7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1892. PRICE, THIEE CENTS. Sherman is greatly missed at quar- A BRILLIANT RECEPTION, SIII~TIP ~N I~hUA1t, teribut ais stoufrdr Is insu a t-na oet hi red condition as to forbid his playing. The Students' Christian Associa- . Captain Dygert will be found in his tion at Home to Their Friends. Prospects for Victory This regular position at full-back in this 'There were 2,000 invitations is- Afternoon. afternoon's game. sued for last evening's S. C. A. re- ----- The teaim stilt line op as fottosws: cepstions, by tse romsmittee saeiisg [ How the Men Will Line Up.-What Woodruff ................Left end that matter in charge, and from the Coach Barbour Has Done for the Decke .................Left tackle Eleven.-Capt, Dygert will play.- crowd that surged through the par- Where our Strength lies and in Tisppler.........." " "....Left psiardcrsdtasugdtrogsiea- what points we are weak. iHarding .................. Center lors and corridors of Newberry hall Thomas.............. Right guard all through the evening, one would This afternoon the 'varsity foot- Griffin............._- -Right tackle have concluded that all had been Ths fersonHayes ...... T....ihit end hall team will play the first game of H heartily accepted, ir a substitute te season withs the Michigan Aths ....Saniersoi . ..quarter back had been sent. Early in the even- tic Association. Like our own, the Jewett ............ Right half-back ing the reception committee of near- M. A. A. team is as yet untried, Grosch ..............Left half-back ly seventy-five was in its place, and When v but if reports are true, they have a Dygert ..................Full-back every arrival was well cared for, Af i A fairly strong team. However, we '- notwithstanding the large number. 1. ~ ~ ~ CHORAL UNION SERIES. Fully eight hundred were present.I I have no need to fear. Caretui oq servation of the practice on the campus, for the last week leads us to declare unhesitatingly, that never have we had so strong a team at this stage of the season. Not that the team is individually strong. In fact the material that has appeared so far, has been rather inferior to that of the last few years. But consider- ing the time of the season, the team work is strong and football is pre- eminently a game requiring tean work. For the first time in our history the training of the team has bee put on a scientific basis, with a defi- nite end in view, and under a man who knows how best to obtain that result. In Mr. Barbour we have one of the finest coaches in the country, one worthy to be ranked with such men as Stagg and Camp. Upon his arrival two weeks before college opened, he began to drill the men in the general principles of the game and individual play. Since Oct. sst the men have been steadily drilled in team work, and the practice on the campus, yester- day afternoon, certainly showed great development. We do not hesitate to say that the team work is already as good as was last year's team on Nov. 1st. It would be un- wise at this stage to pass a criticism on each individual player, but tak- ing the team as a whole, the center of the line seems to be the weakest point. Jefferis came out yesterday for the first time, and as soon as he gets into condition he will greatly strengthen the line. It is to be hoped that Pearson will come out. Dates and Engagements for the Season of '92-93. The following is the list of con- certs in the Choral Union series for this season. Owing to the uncer- tainty as to the Chicago trip, there is some doubt concerning the per- formance of "The Messiah'" and "Elijah." Other music will be sub- stituted if the Union participate in the World's Fair festival. Nov. 21 - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Theodore Thomas, con- ductor. Dec. 2r-"TIhe Messiah," by the Choral Union, with orchestra and soloists. Jan. 20-Piano recital, by Franz Rummel, the great pianist of Berlin. Feb. 24-Song recital, by Max Heinrich. The fifth concert will be "Elijah," rendered by the Choral Union, with orchestra and soloists. The date can not yet be announced. The sixth attraction is the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Date un- fixed. Today's Chicago Inter-Ocean will contain the first series of college letters from the most prominent colleges in the United States. At the Baptist church, tomorrow evening, the pastor, Rev. A. S. Car- man will preach upon the subject, "Some Dangers of Ann Arbor Life." At the second day's meeting of the Electro-Therapeutic Association at New York, Wednesday, Dr. W. J. Herdman read a paper, "The Need of Greater Simplicity and Uniformity in Electro-Therapeutic Apparatus." and a most delightful social even- ing was spent. The halls and par- lors were tastily decorated in yellow and blue, presenting a lovely ap- pearance. Each person was pre- sented with a card by the reception committee bearing the person's name, and attached to which was a ribbon designating the owner's church membership or preference. Freshmen were to be recognized by blue ribbon attachments. At 9:30 the company adjourned to the audience room, where a pleasing literary program was car- ried out. President Manny intro- duced a quartette, consisting of Messrs. Overholtz, Brown, McAllas- ter, and Goddard, who rendered a selection entitled, "The Wind is Roaring o'er the Moor," responding to an encore. After prayer by Mr. Manny, Gen. Sec. C. A. Bowen de- livered an address of welcome to all students in behalf of the S. C. A. Mr. Long performed on the violin, with piano accompaniment, to the pleasure of the audience, who made him return for a second selection. All joined in the Yellow and Blue, after which the audience adjourned to the parlors, passing the time in conversation and social enjoyment ment until a late hour. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will speak tomorrow morning at the Unitarian church, on George William Curtis. H. B. Shoemaker, law '92, and ex-managing editor of the DAILY, is secretary of Colorado College and instructor in law. Mr. Shoemaker was formerly telegraph editor on the Rocky Mountain News. n, 1D DETE H.FYFE&CO 01, 183-185 wOODWRD AvE., ROIT, - - MICHIGAN. P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF 55 W_ FORtT ST-, Detroit, Michigan, qithmond Straight Qut. No. 1 A IGARETTES uThe ALTN & nGINTER Branch Of the American Tobacco Co., Manufacturers, - - Richmond.Virinia. zd L.STAEBLEP.,- Coal ! 11 W. Washington St. maxoas ao- o- R. E. JOLLY & CO., -SELL-- ST A.TIOJT ~E~R ~ AND ALL STUDENT' SUPPLIES.